I took half day leave on 130907 (Thursday) to attend one of my relative's wedding dinner. So, after lunch with my colleague, I went to the Saloon that Kok Leong intro to me. It's called "Hair Groom Workshop" near the Prima Jusco, Gasolin area. The signage is Black with colour text of purple and cyan logo.
Cant find parking, and somemore those parking is park - straight! Which is a hell for me. So I block people car instead - AND I did put down my number on the dashboard ya. So, I went inside and asked the Girl about the pricing if I wanted to trim my hair. She told me to ask the guy near to the cashier. I asked the guy, and he said RM33 including washing. Not bad huh? But main point is, I have no idea of what hairstyle I wanted! That's the main problem.
So another guy came. Known as Leong. Well, this guy is pretty handsome. Quite tall and bigsize as well. Real Handsome! The hairstyle is soooo -
just a word WOW! Oh ya, forgot to indicate that this Saloon is from.... Anyone heard of Snips? You can log in to www.snips.com.my It's super xpensive to trim hair there. You will be charged RM100 above to trim your hair. Anyway, this hairstylist is from Snips de. They came out and open one nearby. Somemore is not that xpensive. For guy's to trim their hair, It's just around either RM22 / RM25 / RM28. (actually I forgot what the price liao. But sure you dont see the figure "3" in front of the RM).
Ok, back to my trimming session. I told Leong not to trim my hair short (cuz I trimmed before) and KENOT TRIM MY TAIL! Trim tail is the BIGgest problem for me. I will lose my mind de. So, Leong intro me to one hairstyle which is only trim half of my hair. Totally straight - like those china gurl. Urm... but my back hair style remain layer. I told him kenot, I cant accept the hairstyle. Cause I'm a little wild, I kenot look those innocent kind of gurl who's a bookworm. No No No for xter.
So, while still choosing the hairstyle, He told me is better to wash my hair first, cuz it makes the style go smooth. OK, I said. He called back the gurl who I met earlier (asking for the price de lea) and told her wash my hair. So, Leong sat beside me and we chat and laugh. While the girl shampooing my hair, those foam dropped down my pants. OMG! I wiped it off. Leong looked at her, and we continue to chat. From the mirror, I can see her looked at me. Probably She likes Leong????
Oh ya, before I got my hair in the shampoo, somemore honnnnnnnn.... Then one of the saloon guy came to me and asked me whether he can help me to remove my car or not. They got provide this kind of service - he said. I said "you reli help me to remove? Thanks".
Btw, this saloon is newly open. Barely two months. Ngam ngam 1 month onli. Still talking with Leong, and suddenly this gurl who shampoo my hair, snapped : can go wash hair joh. So I went to the "washing hair area" and Leong left the place. While washing my hair, Suddenly my face kena the water! WTF!!!! Is this gurl jealous of me or is she a NEW stuff eh???
Anyway, before shampoo and wash my hair, Leong got told me whether I wanna dye my hair or not. I said dunwan, cuz 1st thing 1st is my mum dont like. And 2nd thing is, dye hair is xpensive ner. So I dunwan. So after the washing session gone, I got back my seat. The gurl took the towel from my head. Before, she saw my tattoo behind my neck. Leong on the other side, saw it as well. But both of them kept quite. How I know? I saw their xpression via mirror. Wahhahaha... You cant barely run away from the mirror you are facing with.
When Leong wanna trim my hair, he said "you got a tattoo behind, your mum dont know?" (cuz since I told him that my mum dont like me when i dye my hair, so how about tattoo?) I told him, my mum dont know at 1st, but now she knows. And somemore my hair blocked my tattoo, so she dont see it everytime. Then he trimmed my tail abit, as it has been open-roots. He said again "last time you got highlight your hair?" I said "yea, is super long liao". He asked me alot of questions. Like where I got myself Tattooed and intro me to Desa, which the guy is from sg wang also. Asked what I worked and even said "You're the most IN-gurl since this shop open" I got surprised. I was like biasa gurl with biasa hair. Then he told me I got the longest tail, which makes me really different. ~ahem!
Coming to my front hair he trimmed slant, a kind of slope down. Totally straight slant. I got freaked out. I'm a china doll!! I dont want, I told him that. Even told him that makes few cut of layer, but fade to a total slant. He must be thinking "HELP ME, TODAY IS MY BADLUCK DAY!".. haha, sorry bro. Hair for me is reli reli reli SUPER sensitive.
It took almost 1hr and 30 minutes to trim my hair. Even style my hair also. But styling is very quick de. Cuz juz put some clay and spray, dat's all.
Back to home, Iron clothes to wear and zoom... we took KTM to go to Bank Negara, Sogo area. Cuz my mum said it will be very Jam, some more is the 1st day of Hari Puasa. Is safer if take KTM lor.
Arrived there at 7pm. Early hor? Is from 8 pak's 3rd daughter who got married. I have no idea who is them. Very Pai Seh. Then baru my 2nd auntie came, followed my my third auntie. (yee sum and sam sum,ah lan) I waited for the bride and the groom to come out. Very xcited. Esp I like to see the bride. They looks pretty beautiful on the big occasion.
Here's my picture - alone. My new hair.

Then, the bride came before the food arrive. There got 8 to 10 dishes, if not mistaken. The place is held in here : Restorant Rainbow Palace. It's one of the relatives husband bought this restorant! So rich!

And here is our family photo, I look very "yong sui" haha~ and follow by some family photos together with the Bride and the Groom

Here is the Bride and Groom's Parents.
(top L to R: Groom, Bride, Bride's Parents father and mother.
bottom: L to R: urm, this two couples, I have no idea. follow by the two couples is the groom's parents.)
By the way, Here's the 1st dish. Is called "4 season"

...and got Rabbit as deco lea. So cute...

and shark fin too

Hav any idea what she's doing?

Yea, the bride and groom doing those traditional way. So nice, Is juz do for those close relatives as a respect.

- even to granny, ahh... full of respect.. I like dat!!! They never left granny out.
Later, they gave some speech

everyone: Yummmmm Singgggggg......

Here's their wedding cake. Got picture on top de lea.

Here, they gonna cut the cake

So romantic, I'm waiting for my parents to do that too ...

Around 10-10.30pm, we left the place. They even give each of us one red box. Wah.. So happy.

Walking to Kee Seong's car cuz he gonna drop us at the nearest KTM. Thx bro!!!