As I said earlier, I dreamt that I got married. I dunno whether is a nightmare for me or what. Cause I dont know who is this guy is.
Well, I talk about it since I still got some of the memory with me - hopefully it (my dream) still havent fade off.
Is like this. I was in something like a classroom. Like college room, studying dunno what the subject was. Then, this guy sat next to me. We talk alot. He knew I got boyfriend. And in my dream, I knew I got a boyfren also - dou. But.. but.. I really dont know what happen.
It's like a dare. And then, he propose to me, give me a ring and we got married. It was sweet in the dream. The marriage was - so TRUE. But I cant recall whether DID i wear my wedding gaun. (this i forgot)
The next thing I woke up was a call - my boy call me up to go to work. Well, lucky thing he rang me, else I will still sleeping (it's raining, so of cuz very comfy in my sleeping mood ner)
While I was driving, I kept thinking (and of cuz got focus on the road ba) - why did I go for the ring and those grand wedding stuff for? I barely know that guy also! What's the heck is wrong with me? I cant think also. I aint no bitchy ok!!!!
And guess what? After lunch, I received Ah Lam call. (Mei's godbro). Out of a sudden, he call me!!!!!!! Everytime I see his name appear in my phone, I will get a shock. Like "Ah Long" come ask for money - PAY BACK you little devil. Huh...
Ok, he call me...
xter: yea, what?
Lam: Wah... call you for song, ask how are you only ma.
xter: Oh ya, so good? Call me for what?
Lam:Nothing to do ma, mai call you lor.
xter: Sei yea! Call ar jun ner
Lam: I plan to call him later. Cause I got nothing to do, somemore long time no talk with you joh.
xter: huh! Ya mea? You no need to work ar?
Lam: Also nothing to do.
xter: Wah! So nice ka, You just started only woh. Dat Ampang rite?
Lam: Yea. really nothing to do. That's why only call you lor.
xter: Hmmm...I'm sure got something going on. What you want from me? Phone number? Last time ask for Taxi Number, Now? Bus Number izzit?
Lam: No la. Just chat and see how's you going only.
xter: Yea mea? So nice ka... Go call your ah mui la..
Lam: That wan later la. Cause I step-by-step only call. Since is letter E ma, so mai call you 1st. (In directly, Mei is M, Me is E - I will tell more later after this conversation)
xter: (feel amiss) oh yea?
Lam: If call ah mei, she always talk the same thing de la.
xter: what thing woh? (korek people business :P )
Lam: Talk about her problem la, family la, boyfren la
xter: People going to get married woh..still boyfren ar? Husband lor dude!
Lam: know ar?
xter: Of cause I know la. She let out the news so big, who dont know woh..
(both laugh)
Lam: But she might have new boyfren
xter: Huh? You sure.
Lam: Dunno, maybe lor.
xter: Why? the other guy offer her a new expensive ring ar? so she go with him ar?
Lam: Haha, dunno. Maybe gua.
xter: How you know oh?
Lam: Cause that time over the phone, I heard a guy voice ma. When I asked who was he, she say is my boyfren. But the sounds doesnt look like Keong's voice also. So might be new one lor .
xter: Yuh.. so nice ka. I oso hope people give me a ring joh.
Lam: I can give you, but when can you accept my love jek?
xter: Sam Pat la u
Lam: I can buy you ring de. Really wan.
xter: Dont wan la. I dont want ring liao.
- So conversation ends -
Back to the open and close bracket just now, since he say "E" Means the last time flower is SURELY from him joh! See la, deny from me. I say joh. I sure will know who send me dat flower wan.
Ugh!! Dream bad, den now got this such things. I know la, I sendiri voice out bout the ring also. But hey, I voice for fun. I also voice out to June and kept saying "I want Ring, I want Ring". No bid deal huh?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday Off Day
Yea, I took monday off. Cause since saturday I'm not working, so sun pin clear my leave on monday. But never know that Saturday I work hard for - 4 jobs - in my freelance. But I finally gau dim everything in late afternun on sunday. Geez. Crack my head out. Then hoping that - since I monday off, I can go find my baby and eat lunch together. But on Sunday night, Wykie say she will come to my house to take all the files. Then, my baby call and I tot, why not I go to her house instead, somemore I can go pasar malam at Taman Maluri also.
So, I called Wykie - telling her I might come drop by. But of cause, I went to Pasar malam 1st since she's having dinner with her family members. I then bought one DVD korean movie. It cost only RM20. Cheap huh? It's the latest show in Korea called "The Coffee House". One of the girl, who act like a man is from Goong and The Vineyard Man. I'm still catching up this series.
Reached Wykie house, I helped her to book online Air Asia to Bangkok. She wanted to go there because the price and everything there is cheap! Yea, That's right. I agree, and I like their fashion there. Then, she told me to do 3 more jobs. Well, since monday I off - ok lor.. I do. But when I got home that sunday night around 12am, I start doing till 3am. Then the next morning, I continue to finish the 2 more pages.
Here's some of my latest jobs that I did.
Food and Beverage


IT Gadget

So, I called Wykie - telling her I might come drop by. But of cause, I went to Pasar malam 1st since she's having dinner with her family members. I then bought one DVD korean movie. It cost only RM20. Cheap huh? It's the latest show in Korea called "The Coffee House". One of the girl, who act like a man is from Goong and The Vineyard Man. I'm still catching up this series.
Reached Wykie house, I helped her to book online Air Asia to Bangkok. She wanted to go there because the price and everything there is cheap! Yea, That's right. I agree, and I like their fashion there. Then, she told me to do 3 more jobs. Well, since monday I off - ok lor.. I do. But when I got home that sunday night around 12am, I start doing till 3am. Then the next morning, I continue to finish the 2 more pages.
Here's some of my latest jobs that I did.
Food and Beverage
IT Gadget
Friday, November 23, 2007
No Water, Can Survive?
Haizzzz... Hmpph.., very lazy to continue my previous blog. Cause need to find pictures and upload it. Very da lazy suddenly. But if upload songs, or korean drama.. HAHA!! I can do it. Especially finding soundtrack. That's my most fav part to do.
The day before, My house no water. Not to say no water type-la. Got water actually, but it's really really dirty wan. Dark chocolate! So, I dont have the chance to bath for 1 day. Feel so uneasy that time. But still got some water remaining for my eyes-contact lens, wipe body and brush my teeth. Then the next morning, when I went inside the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look at the toilet bowl, wanna to pee. But.. to my horror, MY GODNESS! It was so chocolate. Like those shitty shit. Those people who have stomach-ache de lea, those kind of things. I faster got out from the bathroom immediately and started to chock, and those vomit noise. Urgh... I tahan till I got in the office. But of cause, I spray perfume around me before I went to work :P Well, Usually I will also put up perfume de. I got 4 perfumes. Dont even know how to use it all up.
But luckily, yesterday got some nice water flowing. I manage to get a nice splashy bath in late nite. So comfy lea~
Then, I continue to watch my TV movies. Blow Out and American Next Top Model. Blow Out not bad. It's a show that Jonathan start up his 2nd saloon in L.A. The place that he setup was a high-class standard with full of branded shops such as Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, etc. He even style those hairstyles for Pussycats Dolls, Models and many more. Pricing will be around 150-500. Damn expensive, but not bad da style. Some looks normal type to me. hehe.
After the show, I continue do my freelance job. Later I'm going to post on blog. Post a few here. But each time, when I didnt finish it, I will "sam lor lor luen". Cant sleep. Will keep on thinking - how must I do it? Should I do it this way? Or that way? Those layout thingy.. But lucky, vector usually save my life from getting my head explode. hiak hiak hiak.
I'm goin lunch loo... Later will do Maxiimpact Chinese New Year Greetings. Haiz.. Why must do harrrr!!!! But good also something different and attractive instead of those normal and traditional type which you can see at those MPH or Memory Lane.
Eat loooo.. Yesterday ate Duck Rice for Lunch and Mum bought Duck Rice for my dinner at Midvalley. Make my stomach go more oily. Haha. But I luv it!!!!
Say, What should I eat today lea?? Hmphh...
The day before, My house no water. Not to say no water type-la. Got water actually, but it's really really dirty wan. Dark chocolate! So, I dont have the chance to bath for 1 day. Feel so uneasy that time. But still got some water remaining for my eyes-contact lens, wipe body and brush my teeth. Then the next morning, when I went inside the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look at the toilet bowl, wanna to pee. But.. to my horror, MY GODNESS! It was so chocolate. Like those shitty shit. Those people who have stomach-ache de lea, those kind of things. I faster got out from the bathroom immediately and started to chock, and those vomit noise. Urgh... I tahan till I got in the office. But of cause, I spray perfume around me before I went to work :P Well, Usually I will also put up perfume de. I got 4 perfumes. Dont even know how to use it all up.
But luckily, yesterday got some nice water flowing. I manage to get a nice splashy bath in late nite. So comfy lea~
Then, I continue to watch my TV movies. Blow Out and American Next Top Model. Blow Out not bad. It's a show that Jonathan start up his 2nd saloon in L.A. The place that he setup was a high-class standard with full of branded shops such as Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, etc. He even style those hairstyles for Pussycats Dolls, Models and many more. Pricing will be around 150-500. Damn expensive, but not bad da style. Some looks normal type to me. hehe.
After the show, I continue do my freelance job. Later I'm going to post on blog. Post a few here. But each time, when I didnt finish it, I will "sam lor lor luen". Cant sleep. Will keep on thinking - how must I do it? Should I do it this way? Or that way? Those layout thingy.. But lucky, vector usually save my life from getting my head explode. hiak hiak hiak.
I'm goin lunch loo... Later will do Maxiimpact Chinese New Year Greetings. Haiz.. Why must do harrrr!!!! But good also something different and attractive instead of those normal and traditional type which you can see at those MPH or Memory Lane.
Eat loooo.. Yesterday ate Duck Rice for Lunch and Mum bought Duck Rice for my dinner at Midvalley. Make my stomach go more oily. Haha. But I luv it!!!!
Say, What should I eat today lea?? Hmphh...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Daily Life Spent
How my daily life spent when I'm alone? Well... I just need one thing only in this world. Is ONE TELEVISION!! But of cause la, must can watch programme de lor. That's why Weekdays I wont be able to go out. I will stuck on the TV (esp on 8tv) and will never get down from the sofa - UNLESS - I'm doing freelance, then have to rush to my computer when it is commercial time for few minutes.
So, here's what I catching this few months:-

Title: 포도밭 그사나이 The Vineyard Man
To download this OST, Click download and enjoy.
Sypnosis: This girl act in Goong. That's why I'm catching this series. She's cute huh, except her teeth of cuz! Ji Hyun who work as a fashion designer, got a news from her grandpa that owns a huge land of grapes. By getting the whole land, she must need to work hard on the farm and the sales must be good and high. So, I'm still catching up this comedy.

Title: 환상의 커플 Couple of Trouble
To download this OST, Click download and enjoy.
Sypnosis: AnaJo, she's the richest girl in Seoul. She can buy this and that, cause she's RICH! Well, she married, and one day her husband say he needed a divorce. No one can stand Ana's temper. She's fussy and hot tempered lady. So, she told her husband - I wont divorce with you, unless I'm dead! Well, of cause his dream comes true; by via - she totally lost her mind. She dont even remember who she was and whether she's married or not. Until...haha.. I dont wanna say more...cause I'm catching this movie myself, though can watch online also, with english subtitle. But..I'M WORKING ar!!!!!

Title: Criminal Minds
++sorry, to be continue++
So, here's what I catching this few months:-
Title: 포도밭 그사나이 The Vineyard Man
To download this OST, Click download and enjoy.
Sypnosis: This girl act in Goong. That's why I'm catching this series. She's cute huh, except her teeth of cuz! Ji Hyun who work as a fashion designer, got a news from her grandpa that owns a huge land of grapes. By getting the whole land, she must need to work hard on the farm and the sales must be good and high. So, I'm still catching up this comedy.
Title: 환상의 커플 Couple of Trouble
To download this OST, Click download and enjoy.
Sypnosis: AnaJo, she's the richest girl in Seoul. She can buy this and that, cause she's RICH! Well, she married, and one day her husband say he needed a divorce. No one can stand Ana's temper. She's fussy and hot tempered lady. So, she told her husband - I wont divorce with you, unless I'm dead! Well, of cause his dream comes true; by via - she totally lost her mind. She dont even remember who she was and whether she's married or not. Until...haha.. I dont wanna say more...cause I'm catching this movie myself, though can watch online also, with english subtitle. But..I'M WORKING ar!!!!!
Title: Criminal Minds
++sorry, to be continue++
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Backstreet Boys - Unbreakable
Backstreet Boys Full Album
Unbreakable - download

Unbreakable Song Lists
1. Intro
2. Everything But Mine
3. Inconsolable
4. Something That I Already Know
5. Helpless When She Smiles
6. Panic
7. You Can Let Go
8. One In A Million
9. Trouble Is
10. Any Other Way
11. Treat Me Right
12. Love Will Keep You Up All Night
13. Nowhere To Go (Bonus Track)
14. Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon
15. Downpour (Bonus Track)
16. Unmistakable
17. In Pieces (Bonus Track)
Dear Justin,
Know you luv to hear Backstreet Boys. Even if you dont have money, You will go buy original of their song. Thru, I'm not a big fan of them, but every single day I will open the downloaded mp3 and listern to their latest songs. Hope you - yourself will enjoy as I do right now.
God bless,
I will always miss you.
** The songs I like in this album is:
• Something That I Already Know
• Helpless When She Smiles
• You Can Let Go
Something That I Already Know
Here we are
Seven days
And seven nights of empty tries
This ritual's, habitual,
But it's never gonna work this time
We're to the point of no return
And along the way the only thing we've learned
Is how to hurt each other
I'm looking back
And wondering why
It took so long to realize
That nothing's changed
It never will
All these years of standing still
Still we'll stay in all this pain
And nothing's gonna make it go away
I don't wanna wait another minute
Put me out of my misery
I can read your mind
Baby you're not in it
We're not what we used to be,
No you wouldn't have to lie to me
If you would only let me go
And I don't wanna wait another minute
To hear...
Something that I already know
I know I know I know
Something that I already know
I know I know I know
So save your voice
Don't waste your breath
Can't you see we're at the end
And this goodbye, feels permanent,
So wish me well, try to forget
All the fights
And all the ways
We almost made it
But we never did
And it's finally come to this
I don't wanna wait another minute
Put me out of my misery
I can read your mind
Baby you're not in it
We're not what we used to be,
No you wouldn't have to lie to me
If you would only let me go
And I don't wanna wait another minute
To hear
Something that I already know
We can not hide
What we've become
So sick and tired of being dumb,
It's done
It's done
It's done
I don't wanna wait another minute
Put me out of my misery
I can read your mind
Baby you're not in it
We're not what we used to be,
No you wouldn't have to lie to me
If you would only let me go
And I don't wanna wait another minute
To hear
Something that I already know
I know I know I know
Something that I already know
Cause I know I know I know
Something that I already know
Cause I know I know I know
I know cause I know
Helpless When She Smiles
She keeps the secrets in her eyes
She wraps the truth inside her lies
And just when I can't take what she's done to me
She comes to me
And leads me back to paradise
She's so hard to hold
But I can't let go
I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
A reckless ride in the pouring rain
She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel
She dances away just like a child
She drives me crazy, drives me wild
But I'm helpless when she smiles (oh when she smiles.. she smiles..)
Maybe I'd fight it if I could
It hurts so bad, but feels so good
She opens up just like a rose to me
When she's close to me
Anything she asked me to, I would
She's out of control
But I can't let go
I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
A reckless ride in the pouring rain
She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel
She dances away just like a child
She drives me crazy, drives me wild
But I'm helpless when she smiles (oh no.. when she smiles..)
When she looks at me (When she looks at me)
I get so weak (weak)
I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
A reckless ride in the pouring rain
She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel
She dances away just like a child
She drives me crazy, drives me wild
But I'm helpless when she smiles (oh when she smiles... when she smiles.. she smiles.....)
You Can Let Go
I can see in your eyes
Broken windows, fallen skies
Baby, baby what you hidin' from
The light that followed you around
Lately nowhere to be found
Don't you know that I'm your place to run
You been holding on so long
Tryin' to make believe that nothing's wrong
Not letting it show
And there ain't nothing you can do
To make me turn away from you
I need you to know
That you can let go
Sifting through shattered dreams
Livin' in the in between
Baby, babe it's gonna be alright
(You can let go)
When you're lost, let down, disappointed
And jerked around in this cold, cold world
I will always be by your side
You been holding on so long
Tryin' to make believe that nothing's wrong
Not letting it show
There ain't nothin' you can do
To make me turn away from you
I need you to know
That you can let go
Don't be afraid when you're falling apart
Don't hesitate I'll be right where you are
Open your eyes there's a crack in the dark
You never let me see you cry
You locked it somewhere deep inside
Baby, baby let me hold you tight
Make it alright
Baby, baby gonna be alright
Cause I'm by your side
When the whole world turns against you (I won't turn against you)
Not letting it show
Baby, babe gonna be alright
Cause I'm by your side
When the whole world turns against you
You can let go
You been holding on so long
Tryin' to make believe that nothing's wrong
Not letting it show
You can let go
There ain't nothing you can do
To make me turn away from you
I need you to know
Unbreakable - download
Unbreakable Song Lists
1. Intro
2. Everything But Mine
3. Inconsolable
4. Something That I Already Know
5. Helpless When She Smiles
6. Panic
7. You Can Let Go
8. One In A Million
9. Trouble Is
10. Any Other Way
11. Treat Me Right
12. Love Will Keep You Up All Night
13. Nowhere To Go (Bonus Track)
14. Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon
15. Downpour (Bonus Track)
16. Unmistakable
17. In Pieces (Bonus Track)
Dear Justin,
Know you luv to hear Backstreet Boys. Even if you dont have money, You will go buy original of their song. Thru, I'm not a big fan of them, but every single day I will open the downloaded mp3 and listern to their latest songs. Hope you - yourself will enjoy as I do right now.
God bless,
I will always miss you.
** The songs I like in this album is:
• Something That I Already Know
• Helpless When She Smiles
• You Can Let Go
Something That I Already Know
Here we are
Seven days
And seven nights of empty tries
This ritual's, habitual,
But it's never gonna work this time
We're to the point of no return
And along the way the only thing we've learned
Is how to hurt each other
I'm looking back
And wondering why
It took so long to realize
That nothing's changed
It never will
All these years of standing still
Still we'll stay in all this pain
And nothing's gonna make it go away
I don't wanna wait another minute
Put me out of my misery
I can read your mind
Baby you're not in it
We're not what we used to be,
No you wouldn't have to lie to me
If you would only let me go
And I don't wanna wait another minute
To hear...
Something that I already know
I know I know I know
Something that I already know
I know I know I know
So save your voice
Don't waste your breath
Can't you see we're at the end
And this goodbye, feels permanent,
So wish me well, try to forget
All the fights
And all the ways
We almost made it
But we never did
And it's finally come to this
I don't wanna wait another minute
Put me out of my misery
I can read your mind
Baby you're not in it
We're not what we used to be,
No you wouldn't have to lie to me
If you would only let me go
And I don't wanna wait another minute
To hear
Something that I already know
We can not hide
What we've become
So sick and tired of being dumb,
It's done
It's done
It's done
I don't wanna wait another minute
Put me out of my misery
I can read your mind
Baby you're not in it
We're not what we used to be,
No you wouldn't have to lie to me
If you would only let me go
And I don't wanna wait another minute
To hear
Something that I already know
I know I know I know
Something that I already know
Cause I know I know I know
Something that I already know
Cause I know I know I know
I know cause I know
Helpless When She Smiles
She keeps the secrets in her eyes
She wraps the truth inside her lies
And just when I can't take what she's done to me
She comes to me
And leads me back to paradise
She's so hard to hold
But I can't let go
I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
A reckless ride in the pouring rain
She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel
She dances away just like a child
She drives me crazy, drives me wild
But I'm helpless when she smiles (oh when she smiles.. she smiles..)
Maybe I'd fight it if I could
It hurts so bad, but feels so good
She opens up just like a rose to me
When she's close to me
Anything she asked me to, I would
She's out of control
But I can't let go
I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
A reckless ride in the pouring rain
She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel
She dances away just like a child
She drives me crazy, drives me wild
But I'm helpless when she smiles (oh no.. when she smiles..)
When she looks at me (When she looks at me)
I get so weak (weak)
I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
A reckless ride in the pouring rain
She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel
She dances away just like a child
She drives me crazy, drives me wild
But I'm helpless when she smiles (oh when she smiles... when she smiles.. she smiles.....)
You Can Let Go
I can see in your eyes
Broken windows, fallen skies
Baby, baby what you hidin' from
The light that followed you around
Lately nowhere to be found
Don't you know that I'm your place to run
You been holding on so long
Tryin' to make believe that nothing's wrong
Not letting it show
And there ain't nothing you can do
To make me turn away from you
I need you to know
That you can let go
Sifting through shattered dreams
Livin' in the in between
Baby, babe it's gonna be alright
(You can let go)
When you're lost, let down, disappointed
And jerked around in this cold, cold world
I will always be by your side
You been holding on so long
Tryin' to make believe that nothing's wrong
Not letting it show
There ain't nothin' you can do
To make me turn away from you
I need you to know
That you can let go
Don't be afraid when you're falling apart
Don't hesitate I'll be right where you are
Open your eyes there's a crack in the dark
You never let me see you cry
You locked it somewhere deep inside
Baby, baby let me hold you tight
Make it alright
Baby, baby gonna be alright
Cause I'm by your side
When the whole world turns against you (I won't turn against you)
Not letting it show
Baby, babe gonna be alright
Cause I'm by your side
When the whole world turns against you
You can let go
You been holding on so long
Tryin' to make believe that nothing's wrong
Not letting it show
You can let go
There ain't nothing you can do
To make me turn away from you
I need you to know
Monday, November 19, 2007
Cant Sleep...
Supposed wanna go pasar malam at Kepong here, but lazy to go out. Then I just stay at home whole day and watch TV. Besides, I already sleep in the afternoon joh. So when night time came, I so hard to sleep ner. Haiz.. Been turning here and there. Try to dream on something beautiful, but eventually CANT SLEEP ALSO.
Seeing the time pass from 12am to 1am then 2am then 3am. Kek sei ngor la. Then I kept thinking about celebrating Christmas at Singapore. I finally flash back that my passport expired in next year 2008, which I actually plan to have my Christmas day Next year at SINGAPORE! Urghs. To renew passport cost RM300. Very expensive ner. Then I try to count, see how much I can spend and left for me. But count and count also not enough, cause of my insurance car fees.
How? go or dont go? Lor lor luen whole night. My friend told me go Hong Kong instead. Buy things is cheap..But I told her 5K ar.. Cuz Loon spend 5k there, but include the air ticket and hotel price lor. How am I going to save 5k lea? Salary so low. No! I think people who is under the line of Graphic Design, the salary is LOW lor! How people can survive? No wonder they rather change to be A.E, cuz can get xtra of money. If I got chance, I also wanna change to A.E. But I CANNOT! Cuz I know myself de. Very easy to loose my temper, especially if I face those "mang zat" client or those stupid and old fashion china-man. I sure die wan! Die to argue my rights with them.
Money money, where can I have enough of you? Married rich guy huh? Wanna to. But rich guy aint faithful de. So, harapan FAIL!
Then this morning, when the traffic lights turn to red, of cause BREAK rite? So I stopped, and sometimes I will look behind me. Those cars coming and stop behind my back. Somemore, I've been keeping an eye for that stupid idioto kancil who BANG on my Baby Neo. Shit that fellow!!!
While looking, I saw this silver kancil from behind me. Is a SHE! I noticed that her down bumper got dented and black colour. You know what? Since I was in the Left lane. She was coming towards me via LEFT LANE also, but she shift to the right instead. The Right lane was quite long. Celaka her! Maybe is HER! Maybe not. But... I think is her lor. Else, what for suddenly change to the right lane lea.
Nevermind la. Knock back my dented area, I dont think is very expensive. Since Mei told me that it cost RM80 something. How I know? Hehe. Ah Jun car was bang on Wed morning also. From behind till the front. Mine was Bang before him. But the car who Bang at him, got stop lor. And Jun got claim her inso. But mine.. DONT HAVE LEA!!!!! Kesian me. My fren told me dont make 1st. Wait - touchwood, if I met another accident, then satu kali buat all. True also la.
Yea yea. Christmas coming. But before Christmas coming, my boy burfday come 1st. Dont know what to buy for him. Must ask fren for suggestion joh. Guys burfday Is the HARDEST THINGS for me to think of.
Seeing the time pass from 12am to 1am then 2am then 3am. Kek sei ngor la. Then I kept thinking about celebrating Christmas at Singapore. I finally flash back that my passport expired in next year 2008, which I actually plan to have my Christmas day Next year at SINGAPORE! Urghs. To renew passport cost RM300. Very expensive ner. Then I try to count, see how much I can spend and left for me. But count and count also not enough, cause of my insurance car fees.
How? go or dont go? Lor lor luen whole night. My friend told me go Hong Kong instead. Buy things is cheap..But I told her 5K ar.. Cuz Loon spend 5k there, but include the air ticket and hotel price lor. How am I going to save 5k lea? Salary so low. No! I think people who is under the line of Graphic Design, the salary is LOW lor! How people can survive? No wonder they rather change to be A.E, cuz can get xtra of money. If I got chance, I also wanna change to A.E. But I CANNOT! Cuz I know myself de. Very easy to loose my temper, especially if I face those "mang zat" client or those stupid and old fashion china-man. I sure die wan! Die to argue my rights with them.
Money money, where can I have enough of you? Married rich guy huh? Wanna to. But rich guy aint faithful de. So, harapan FAIL!
Then this morning, when the traffic lights turn to red, of cause BREAK rite? So I stopped, and sometimes I will look behind me. Those cars coming and stop behind my back. Somemore, I've been keeping an eye for that stupid idioto kancil who BANG on my Baby Neo. Shit that fellow!!!
While looking, I saw this silver kancil from behind me. Is a SHE! I noticed that her down bumper got dented and black colour. You know what? Since I was in the Left lane. She was coming towards me via LEFT LANE also, but she shift to the right instead. The Right lane was quite long. Celaka her! Maybe is HER! Maybe not. But... I think is her lor. Else, what for suddenly change to the right lane lea.
Nevermind la. Knock back my dented area, I dont think is very expensive. Since Mei told me that it cost RM80 something. How I know? Hehe. Ah Jun car was bang on Wed morning also. From behind till the front. Mine was Bang before him. But the car who Bang at him, got stop lor. And Jun got claim her inso. But mine.. DONT HAVE LEA!!!!! Kesian me. My fren told me dont make 1st. Wait - touchwood, if I met another accident, then satu kali buat all. True also la.
Yea yea. Christmas coming. But before Christmas coming, my boy burfday come 1st. Dont know what to buy for him. Must ask fren for suggestion joh. Guys burfday Is the HARDEST THINGS for me to think of.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
My Car Kena Accident
I was on the way to work at Menjalara de. Then infront of me got the bus. So I make signal to cross over the other lane. I noticed that the kancil behind me was like giving me space. But, when I shift to the other lane, the kancil is like speed up and BANG! It hit my Baby Neo!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!
I was in unstable, and that's why my head hit slightly at my right window. So, I make signal to the left - to inform the driver that I'm turning inside, cuz the lane is one straight lane and I cant stop nearby the road.
So, when i turned inside liao, I make signal. But to find out that the kancil didnt turn in. It speed off straight!!! I got down from my car and see the condition. WTF!!!! My car dented and so many scratches of white linesssss. FUCKER HELL!
Celaka, I sue that fellow to hit down by a huge truck and publish infront of THE STAR cover that HE/SHE is dead! I know I shouldn't curse someone like that, but HEY! It was so wrong lea. Somemore my car was like kemek in the center, cuz my left side was a Pa-je-ro and right was Kancil. And the kancil - FUCK! What the driver been thinking? Think that the car is small enough to squeeze ar? Come on la!!!
Reli reli angry was wen I u-turn and chase the car back, I didnt see any kancil in the road liao!!! Now, I have to dig my money to repair my car.
I called my mum, and she came. And she say save money 1st and repair it later. It might need few hundreds or thousand. When I hear the word THOUSAND, I wanna pengsan. Where I can dig THOUSAND woh! I dont have THOUSAND also.
I already very very try to save every month joh. Stop myself from buying things liao. Though is reli hard for a girl to do like that (as u know, gurls like to spend on shopping), but for my Baby Neo, I can do everything de. NOW?? WHO THE FUCK GOING TO HELP ME?
So please, ok. Please dont let me hear anything that I'm stingy or whatever fucking words that talk with me about MONEY! If do, will you be there to repair everything?
I reli reli reli FUCKING NO MOOD!
I was on the way to work at Menjalara de. Then infront of me got the bus. So I make signal to cross over the other lane. I noticed that the kancil behind me was like giving me space. But, when I shift to the other lane, the kancil is like speed up and BANG! It hit my Baby Neo!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!
I was in unstable, and that's why my head hit slightly at my right window. So, I make signal to the left - to inform the driver that I'm turning inside, cuz the lane is one straight lane and I cant stop nearby the road.
So, when i turned inside liao, I make signal. But to find out that the kancil didnt turn in. It speed off straight!!! I got down from my car and see the condition. WTF!!!! My car dented and so many scratches of white linesssss. FUCKER HELL!
Celaka, I sue that fellow to hit down by a huge truck and publish infront of THE STAR cover that HE/SHE is dead! I know I shouldn't curse someone like that, but HEY! It was so wrong lea. Somemore my car was like kemek in the center, cuz my left side was a Pa-je-ro and right was Kancil. And the kancil - FUCK! What the driver been thinking? Think that the car is small enough to squeeze ar? Come on la!!!
Reli reli angry was wen I u-turn and chase the car back, I didnt see any kancil in the road liao!!! Now, I have to dig my money to repair my car.
I called my mum, and she came. And she say save money 1st and repair it later. It might need few hundreds or thousand. When I hear the word THOUSAND, I wanna pengsan. Where I can dig THOUSAND woh! I dont have THOUSAND also.
I already very very try to save every month joh. Stop myself from buying things liao. Though is reli hard for a girl to do like that (as u know, gurls like to spend on shopping), but for my Baby Neo, I can do everything de. NOW?? WHO THE FUCK GOING TO HELP ME?
So please, ok. Please dont let me hear anything that I'm stingy or whatever fucking words that talk with me about MONEY! If do, will you be there to repair everything?
I reli reli reli FUCKING NO MOOD!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Mummy Burfday
Ignore the quality of the photo ok. I use my phone to shoot it. I supposed to use my zooming camera, but totally forgot bout it. Haizzz...
Yup, November is my mummy burfday. That day I wished her many many times until she got fedup hearing it. I even told my dad to wish her! And he go out and wish my my Happy Burfday. My mum scold him cause she don't want neighbour to hear her birthday and how old she is. Aint she funny???
That's the words I've been saying whole day. Else, Happy Birthday Aunty. Happy Birthday girl. Girl, Happy Birthday. Can you help me wash my plate??? Yea, I'm very very naughty.
I told her whether wanna go out for dinner or not? I plan to treat her and dad eat sushi, since my mum luv eating sushi alot. Esp at Sushi King cause she got the Sushi King Card. But she say she got some food, dont waste it.
But that very night, I plan to get a cake for her. Though is late one day la. I dont want to buy it ON THAT DAY. Cause it will be no surprise. So the next day - lunch time, I went to DePastry and bought one 8" choc creme (as above picture) cost only RM40. I told the guy that I'm going to pick it up at 6pm - after work.
When I picked up the cake, I redraw my money and rush home. Mum havent come back yet. And I put the cake in the fridge, then go to my bedroom and have a little rest. Around 8pm, I woke up and mum + dad was home. Then mum say "why you waste money and buy cake har?" (urm, actually been more than 2 years our family didnt eat any burfday cake liao) But luckily she didnt say "you know ar, fridge no space liao!" Else I hantam my kepala joh. Haha.
Then I kept making noise and say "come come, blow burfday candle!!!!" and she will say "dont make alot of noise, I dont want neighbour to hear it!"
Oopss.. hehe. After my dinner, I light up candles for my mum to blow and make a wish. Mean-time I took some pictures as well. Though is very very small burfday party for my mum, but at least she's happy ma. Somemore I add in extra RM100 for my mum - cause is her big day. Means that day I redraw my money of 1K, totally no more liao in 1day also.
Gengz lea!
But at least both of them are happy, den ok joh la. Money can earn back in future. But if money spend on family, I will "sai dak" de. If spend on myself, I will abit "mm sai dak". But if you double think, they (your folks) are getting old and dont have alot of time, why not use money or your time and spend on them and let them be happy right? Rather you spend on yourself, since you still got a long way to go. This is what I think la. That's why no matter what, I need to slowly slowly save up and belanja them big big.
This is life, must let them enjoy like we are enjoying now.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
My Saturday Outing
Saturday I work. Haha. But after work, I went out with Sue Fang. Yup, my collage friend. She came all the way from Sri Petaling to see cute cute xter :P Haha.
She waited me at Menjalara 7-11, and she supposed to follow my back - to put her car at my house area. But she got up the over head bridge and went to Bandar Sri Damansara. OMG!! She took another lane. But she's smart. She know how to u-turn and back to my house. So SMART!!!!
I told her whether wanna sit my car or not. Cause she havent sit my car before. So, I drove mine to the curve. Sun pin see Angie also. Cause she just newly open the stall near Cathay. Mok tik is see what she sell and just a visit and support for her also.
Reached liao, we both aim at angie. And Yup, there she is. She sell handmade DIY such as keychain, hairclip, greetings cards, and lots more. Whatever DIY handmade stuff you can think of, she can make it for you. Price is reasonable - I guess. I bought one keychain - look abit like Ratatouille. But is female Ratatouille. It came with a pair de. But I dump the male Ratatouille there. Wahahha. I'm so evil.
Sue Fang told me to careful bout the handmade keychain. I asked why? Then she said is people-blood to make it de lea. Hmmm. Good answers. Ok. I take good care of it. Cuz is from angie's blood.
The funny part was, when Angie finish attached the keychain for me, I wanna walk off. Then she said "xter". I say "yeah?" She said "My money??" OMG!!!!! I totally forgot about it. Sorry gal. But still I dont have loose note. So I cam back later, and try to shop. But I dont know what to buy!!!!!!!!
At 1st, I went to Watson and bought mentos. 2 mentos. And it cost RM2.20. So I gave loose note. Chun Chun RM2.20. After I eat few montos, I remember it was a mistake! I supposed to change my note!!!!!!! Ugh.. Later, I saw Elianto. Well, Elianto is my fav shop to buy nail polish. Cuz it cost only RM5. Aint that cheap? Somemore the colour is very nice also. Well, of cause skin food (from korea products) not bad also. I bought something like green-blue colour nail polish. (I supposed to buy orange!!!!) And this time I gave her RM50. She asked me whether I got loose note not. I say dont have. And she go and see my fren and my fren gave her. ahhhh!!! Meaning, I need to shop AGAIN!!!
Then I go back Watson. And I buy Takolyn. (maybe I spell wrong liao). It's for stress mask. Is also introduced by Sue Fang de. This product not bad also. Thanks for her. So, the counter asked me I got loose note not. This time, I definately DONT HAVE! And yea, she gave me loose note then. Wahahhahahahahahaha...
I went back to Angie's stall and gave her the money. Really really "mou yi si". Later, went back and drove to my area - MC and bought our lunch and went to Taman Kepong. I didnt know that Sue Fang got relatives near my place de lea. So we stop by there and have a long chit chat sambil eat our burger. Yum yum.
Before 5.30, I got out from the house. Cause I sked her aunty will come back liao. Then, instead of driving home, I drove to Dou house. Then sun pin watch 1408 directed by Stephen King. Urm, not bad also. You will "sat mong" in a few minutes scene. But what you was thinking, is totally WRONG. Wahahahha. He ain't dreaming la.
Then, bro called me. Told me that he's going to Singapore this coming CHRISTMAS! WTF!!!!! He asked me wanna join not. But how can I join ne? Singapore currency double ner. I dont have enough savings. Though I plan to go Singapore for Christmas long time liao *sobsob*. Most probably will go next year. C how ner. But whatever, if I got xtra I need pay my mum 2k!!!!
And yea, yesterday was my mum burfday. Tot wan to bring her eat sushi, but.. see la. Will treat her this coming Thursday - since is deepavali. And today, I will go de-pastry and buy her a small cake. Hopefully I wont forgot.
Another thing. My most condolence to Juffee daddy. Dou called me and told me he's going to see Juffee. I asked why. He told me his dad passed away 1-2days ago. Sorry~
She waited me at Menjalara 7-11, and she supposed to follow my back - to put her car at my house area. But she got up the over head bridge and went to Bandar Sri Damansara. OMG!! She took another lane. But she's smart. She know how to u-turn and back to my house. So SMART!!!!
I told her whether wanna sit my car or not. Cause she havent sit my car before. So, I drove mine to the curve. Sun pin see Angie also. Cause she just newly open the stall near Cathay. Mok tik is see what she sell and just a visit and support for her also.
Reached liao, we both aim at angie. And Yup, there she is. She sell handmade DIY such as keychain, hairclip, greetings cards, and lots more. Whatever DIY handmade stuff you can think of, she can make it for you. Price is reasonable - I guess. I bought one keychain - look abit like Ratatouille. But is female Ratatouille. It came with a pair de. But I dump the male Ratatouille there. Wahahha. I'm so evil.
Sue Fang told me to careful bout the handmade keychain. I asked why? Then she said is people-blood to make it de lea. Hmmm. Good answers. Ok. I take good care of it. Cuz is from angie's blood.
The funny part was, when Angie finish attached the keychain for me, I wanna walk off. Then she said "xter". I say "yeah?" She said "My money??" OMG!!!!! I totally forgot about it. Sorry gal. But still I dont have loose note. So I cam back later, and try to shop. But I dont know what to buy!!!!!!!!
At 1st, I went to Watson and bought mentos. 2 mentos. And it cost RM2.20. So I gave loose note. Chun Chun RM2.20. After I eat few montos, I remember it was a mistake! I supposed to change my note!!!!!!! Ugh.. Later, I saw Elianto. Well, Elianto is my fav shop to buy nail polish. Cuz it cost only RM5. Aint that cheap? Somemore the colour is very nice also. Well, of cause skin food (from korea products) not bad also. I bought something like green-blue colour nail polish. (I supposed to buy orange!!!!) And this time I gave her RM50. She asked me whether I got loose note not. I say dont have. And she go and see my fren and my fren gave her. ahhhh!!! Meaning, I need to shop AGAIN!!!
Then I go back Watson. And I buy Takolyn. (maybe I spell wrong liao). It's for stress mask. Is also introduced by Sue Fang de. This product not bad also. Thanks for her. So, the counter asked me I got loose note not. This time, I definately DONT HAVE! And yea, she gave me loose note then. Wahahhahahahahahaha...
I went back to Angie's stall and gave her the money. Really really "mou yi si". Later, went back and drove to my area - MC and bought our lunch and went to Taman Kepong. I didnt know that Sue Fang got relatives near my place de lea. So we stop by there and have a long chit chat sambil eat our burger. Yum yum.
Before 5.30, I got out from the house. Cause I sked her aunty will come back liao. Then, instead of driving home, I drove to Dou house. Then sun pin watch 1408 directed by Stephen King. Urm, not bad also. You will "sat mong" in a few minutes scene. But what you was thinking, is totally WRONG. Wahahahha. He ain't dreaming la.
Then, bro called me. Told me that he's going to Singapore this coming CHRISTMAS! WTF!!!!! He asked me wanna join not. But how can I join ne? Singapore currency double ner. I dont have enough savings. Though I plan to go Singapore for Christmas long time liao *sobsob*. Most probably will go next year. C how ner. But whatever, if I got xtra I need pay my mum 2k!!!!
And yea, yesterday was my mum burfday. Tot wan to bring her eat sushi, but.. see la. Will treat her this coming Thursday - since is deepavali. And today, I will go de-pastry and buy her a small cake. Hopefully I wont forgot.
Another thing. My most condolence to Juffee daddy. Dou called me and told me he's going to see Juffee. I asked why. He told me his dad passed away 1-2days ago. Sorry~
Friday, November 2, 2007
Didnt Expect To Hear It
This hairstyle nice not?? I tot wan to trim like that ner. Yea..look nice, but it need to style up de. When after wash the hair, no style, very ugly wan. Cause flat-flat.
I dunno la. I tot want to change hairstyle. But I very lazy to style. Somemore my style is not working at all. My hand not that good in styling medium long hair type. If short short like the picture above, I can la. Cuz it looks neat and fresh.
For more to see, can see at this web Matrix
I wanna trim short short hair again!!!! But very hard to leave it grow long back ner.. Haiz... See how la.
Anyway later I'm going to fetch Ah Mei. Well, she moved to her bf house liao together with her 2 gals, cuz da guy proposed to her. I told her not to rush for the ring and think about her two gals, but since she reply that the guy planned everything - even planned for the kids future, then go ahead ner. I mean since she said like that la. What more can I say right? Life is hers, so see how she going to take care of it only.
The problem is, I dunno where the hell is Taman Kepong, Happy Court. I just know the Carrefour food court. But she said is not there!!! Then? How come she go ask me fetch her somewhere I dont even know where the place is? Yea, she did direct me say her boyfren leave right left right than left. And that time I was on the main road driving. How am I going to figure out the road inside??
So, I called Arjun. At 1st I sms him. Than I tulan and called him straight away. He direct me, and I was like - where got?? got mea?? not after the roundabout or what?? Feel so sick. Later, Mei smsed me. Told me this and that road. I even try to help ask from Dexter, but he dunno oso. He know foodcourt at Carrefour as well. But before that. I asked Fong Yuen, but later on she went offline. Then she on back and direct me. From her MSN, I know what she said, cuz she said very clearly. Really Taman Kepong community. Haha. For Arjun, instead of turning left, he msg me say turn right! Turn right is either masuk the kepong pasar malam else heading to KTM.
Very the mafan! Why she ask me to come har!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont like lor. If go to fetch her at her place, den ok la. Not to some where I DONT KNOW!
Then this morning, my bro chat with me, cause my MSN i put "x°†€r ™ ++ ◕ I Want New Hair Style!!! ◕ ++ Then he told me like go-ahead. And I replied, No Money. Then he say that I rich but kedekut only. Hmmm.. I rich mea? I kedekut mea? Maybe he dont know how I survive gua. Or izzit because I buy a car liao and that means I'm rich?? And didnt use money cause I stingy? Hurt me actually. But didnt say out.
I guess no people will like to hear those words that simplified the person is stingy or whatever matters. Unless, the PEOPLE is reli reli STINGY, then of cause have to voice it liao. Maybe just now he just kidding with me gua, but I was reli taken aback.
Or should I break up all my bills and salary and left how much a month for me to spend on eating and petrol as well - let everyone know bout it? I tried so hard last month that I only used RM50 for petrol only. I really dont like when people say about me + money. Doesnt mean that I have over 2k and this is call rich! 2k aint enough for me to survive. Somemore I give alot to my parents also. Mostly, I asked my fren how much will they give to their family. Mostly they say is RM300 - Just for mother, dat's all.
And also, our house started to have security. And it need 2 1/2 months payment 1st. So I redraw RM150 and let my mum pay it. Those extra money, my mum will keep it. So, should I say that I need to spend less and save hard for extra cases??? (btw, I oso havent save up for - incase of car emergency or I have accident and even I dont have my life insurance also!!) Is saving also stingy? Just ask who ever, did I go out with them like eating or whatever, did I ever ask back money from them? I usually will say, never mind la - I treat you la. Cause is not way too expensive. Or else they will "sing mok" and ask for the receipt and pay me back.
Even when I do freelance, though the payment for one page is very low, but I take and do also. At least from there I can gain extra experience on doing design. Dont think that when I do freelance you guys will say "Wah, so good, got high salary". I dont think is high lor. All my time and energy all waste on the freelance job. Hmmm, devi and my boy will know mostly. But, I will still take and do it. Got abit income, who dont want? Yea. Actually many people dont want, cause I got asked my friend, but they say is very low. But at least I'm happy and can play in design ma!!
But good for my other bro. Me and him also same same de. Cause both of us dont like when people say about our life and money stuff. He even know that I wanna go singapore to celebrate Christmas, but due to not enough money, he plan to lend me. But I dont want. I wanna save for my own and enjoy my own money better. Hope Nicole wont come back to Malaysia so fast. Haha.
Okla, dont want to think all those sad and hurting stuff. I wanna be happy today! Cause I met bobo while June took us to Aman Puri to eat. Haha. I long time no see her, though we didnt meet face to face, but I'm happy to see her walk past. Called her straight away after i reload my phone. Planned to see Ju Jen and May May's baby.
Then, yeah! Tomolo Sue Fang find me. Will go gai gai with her and sun pin meet Angie. Yahhooo!!!! Tomolo saturday!!! So nice. Somemore can balik rumah liao..cuz it's 5pm joh.. Wahahaha.. but no HAHA cuz I'm going to fetch Ah Mei arr... "hung chung mo mo ki ar??" (only maxiimpact staff know what it means - even Justin also)
Friday, November 2, 2007
Nickelback - Rockstar
I've been hearing this "Rockstar" for over and over again... and "Photograph" as well. It's so meaningful lea~

Rockstar - Nickelback
Song Available : Rockstar
Whole Album : All The Right Reasons
I'm through with standin in line
To clubs I'll never get in
It's like the bottom of the nineth
And I'm never gonna win
This life just hasn't turned out
Quite the way I want it to be
(tell me what you want)
I want a brand new house
On an episode of cribs
And a bathroom I can play baseball in
And a king size tub
Big enough for ten plus me
(so what ya need)
I need a a credit card thats got no limit
And a big black jet with a bedroom in it
Gonna join the mile high club
At thirty-seven thousand feet
(been there done that)
I want a new tour bus full of old guitars
My own star on Hollywood Boulevard
Somewhere between Cher and
James Dean is fine for me
(so how ya gonna do it)
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and change my name
Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
Livin in hill top houses
Drivin fifteen cars
The girls come easy
And the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny
Cuz we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy Bunny
With their bleach blond hair
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels
Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes
Sign a couple autographs
so I can eat my meals for free
(I'll have a quesadilla haha)
I'm gonna dress my ass
with the latest fashions
Get a front door key to the Playboy Mansion
Gonna date a centerfold that loves to
blow my money for me
(so how ya gonna do it)
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and change my name
Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
Livin in hill top houses
Drivin fifteen cars
The girls come easy
And the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny
Cuz we just won't eat
And we'll hangout at the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold diggers
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy Bunny
With their bleach blond hair
And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the ladies dictionary and
Todays who's who
We'll get you anything
With that evil smile
Everybody's got a
Drug dealer on speed dial
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
I'm gonna sing those songs
That offend the censors
Gonna pop my pills
From a pez dispenser
Get washed-up singers writing all my songs
Lip sync 'em every night so I don't get 'em wrong
Well we all just a wanna be big rockstars
Live in hill top houses
Driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy
And the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny
Cuz we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy bunny
With the bleach blond hair
And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the ladies dictionary and
Todays who's who
We'll get you anything
With that evil smile
Everybody's got a
Drug dealer on speed dial well..
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Rockstar - Nickelback
Song Available : Rockstar
Whole Album : All The Right Reasons
I'm through with standin in line
To clubs I'll never get in
It's like the bottom of the nineth
And I'm never gonna win
This life just hasn't turned out
Quite the way I want it to be
(tell me what you want)
I want a brand new house
On an episode of cribs
And a bathroom I can play baseball in
And a king size tub
Big enough for ten plus me
(so what ya need)
I need a a credit card thats got no limit
And a big black jet with a bedroom in it
Gonna join the mile high club
At thirty-seven thousand feet
(been there done that)
I want a new tour bus full of old guitars
My own star on Hollywood Boulevard
Somewhere between Cher and
James Dean is fine for me
(so how ya gonna do it)
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and change my name
Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
Livin in hill top houses
Drivin fifteen cars
The girls come easy
And the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny
Cuz we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy Bunny
With their bleach blond hair
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels
Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes
Sign a couple autographs
so I can eat my meals for free
(I'll have a quesadilla haha)
I'm gonna dress my ass
with the latest fashions
Get a front door key to the Playboy Mansion
Gonna date a centerfold that loves to
blow my money for me
(so how ya gonna do it)
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and change my name
Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
Livin in hill top houses
Drivin fifteen cars
The girls come easy
And the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny
Cuz we just won't eat
And we'll hangout at the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold diggers
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy Bunny
With their bleach blond hair
And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the ladies dictionary and
Todays who's who
We'll get you anything
With that evil smile
Everybody's got a
Drug dealer on speed dial
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
I'm gonna sing those songs
That offend the censors
Gonna pop my pills
From a pez dispenser
Get washed-up singers writing all my songs
Lip sync 'em every night so I don't get 'em wrong
Well we all just a wanna be big rockstars
Live in hill top houses
Driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy
And the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny
Cuz we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy bunny
With the bleach blond hair
And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the ladies dictionary and
Todays who's who
We'll get you anything
With that evil smile
Everybody's got a
Drug dealer on speed dial well..
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
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