Janice Wei Lan
心亂如麻 (Confused Heart) - Download
Actually I dont quite listern to this song. Probably because it's not that famous and didnt catch my attention as well. Until...
Yesterday, me and Fatty were together. I asked him bout pass. Then he showed me that he put my in-calling picture is "a shy type picture". I said, Why put like that? I aint shy type. He told me "not you shy arr... I shy ler.. Coz wen u call me, I shy de" -_-"
Then he gave me listern to the ringtone he set for me which is this "Confused Heart". I ask him, what does this song means? (Cause, usually chinese song - even I like to hear, But I dunno what's the meaning behind it). Then he told me something like (as below - u can see the translation). He just told me the 1st and 2nd part of the chorus only.
I got question him, how come he go and set my name got ringtone. Coz I NEVER call him. Funny huh? But now, I know why he set this ringtone to me. Cuz he CONFUSED!!! And somemore I was dating with another guy. whahahahahaha...
Anyway TODAY, I saw John online. Faster MSN him and ask him whether he can help me find this chinese song but I need the english Translation. And he did manage to gip me. Thanks to him alot. Cause I know he's good at finding all this stuff. And now.. I get what's the meaning of this song...
(Anyway, now our ringtone is the same. Is the Korean one which is "Just We Together" from the OST of "Couple Or Trouble". - - - cuz, he CURI MY RINGTONE!!!!)
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Yan choh man jeuk nei seung hing hoh
Nei keuk hoi chi soh yuen ngoh
Ga si nei si gok duk heep noh
Nei wooi but wooi kui juet ngoh
Nei yau yi yuk hui jaau ngoh
Nei wooi tung deen joi wooi gwoh
Yue sut joi ying jun hei foon ngoh
Wak jei yau sum foo heen ngoh
Yue gum ji yau sam sui do ching choh
Si nei but seung ngoh la
Sum ji but jaau ngoh la
Mo fei gei teen been fa
Jau jeung gwat ngoh gei cheen ba
Nan do nei gung ngoh chun man po yung
Ji hau ging yau peen cha
But seung who ngoh ho
Cheng cau jik suet jun wa
Han seung nei si ngoi duk lan doh
Ji wooi doh teen but lei ngoh
Sum ging jing juk miu jung deet doh
Ngoh na yut yeung yau jo choh
Gwoh hui nei gik ngoi sik ngoh
Fai wai ji hau mo yuk ngoh
Chung ji man ji si hoi sum gwoh
Ji man ji bei dam sum gwoh
Yue gum dik ngoh ji yiu ji ching choh
Si nei but seung ngoh la
Sum ji but jaau ngoh la
Mo fei gei teen been fa
Jau jeung gwat ngoh gei cheen ba
Nan do nei gung ngoh chun man po yung
Ji hau ging yau peen cha
But seung who ngoh ho
Cheng cau jik suet jun wa
Moot yau dam sik cheen nei
Sum luen yue ma
Wooi hui ba wooi hui ba
Lai yeung ngoh seung hau geet ba
Si nei but seung ngoh ma
Si nei but jaau ngoh ma
Mo fei gei teen been fa
Jau jeung gwat ngoh gei cheen ba
Nan do nei gung ngoh chun man po yung
Ji hau ging yau peen cha
But seung who ngoh ho
Cheng cau jik suet jun wa
Because kiss you just to celebrate
You somehow started to distant me
If you feel weak
Will you reject me?
You want to find me
You will call me and date again
If you really serious about loving me
Or you just want to be apathetic to me
Until today, even the 3 years old understands
It's you that don't think of me
Until not come to find me
Is the changes in this few days
Just like slap me a thousands times
Is it you and me kiss and hugs
After that there is a slight difference
Don't want to be good with me
Please say out your real thoughts
I think you are too lazy to love
until you never bother me for few days
My heart is chasing the seconds and fell
What did I do wrong
In the past you love me so much
And now you hurt me
Have you ask yourself about your selfishness
Ask yourself whether your heart feel better
Today I want to know it all clearly
Don't have the courage to tangle you
My heart is confused
Go back go back
And let my wound heal.