My dreams come true at last...
I finally can step IN SINGAPORE
HOORAYYY!!!Happy for me? Proud for me? But dont envy me okay
(cause one day, you got your chance too. just be patient and wait for the time to come...)Ok, let's see. I spend a night at Johor and a night at Singapore.
At Johor, we spend a night at Fatty's aunty house. Is not aunty. Is... errr.. I dunno chinese what it called as ar. I'm sux at family tree.
So, the next day we went in Singapore. Lou driving all the way. After the kastam, we find our way to the hotel Keong Saik from the starting point at Woodlands. Thanks to Nicole for the map Location.
Even 1st day arrived at the hotel, 1st day kena saman oredi. SEI MOU!!! Cause the hotel dont have parking lots and have to pay for the parking space which is:
Mon - Fri = $S1.00 per 1/2hr (starting from 8am - or izzit 10am??) Mon - Fri = $S0.50 per 1/2hr (after 5pm) Sat, Sun and Public Holiday = $S0.50
1 Sing Dollar for HALF AN HOUR LEA! That time I convert in Malaysia is 2.33. So freaking expensive. But luckily the next day is public holiday. At least half of the price every half hour.
So, we went to the 7-11 to buy the car ticket coupon. Stupid. Cause 3 of us go inside. None of us got the idea to wait at the car. That's why I say WE STUPID. And, when we heading the my bro's car, Saman ticket is at the wiper oredi. And the Traffic saman another car. SUPER FAST! I soh joh lea!! And the saman cost $S30. Very expensive ar. So the traffic lady told us no need to peel off the ticket. Just put the saman paper and told us to pay up on friday since Thursday is Labour day. And Dead Meat is that, we going to leave Singapore On Labour Day itself. Duh!!!!
Told Nicole about our matters and she will coming to see us asap. Since the check in is 2pm (In internet, it says check out is 12pm and check in 1pm lea!!!), so we walk ourself to ChinaTown and to MRT. Even the MRT, we walked go and back for 3-4times lea! Starting around 11am till 1.40pm. Very scary lea and tired also. Sun heating us up. Melt man.
Let's see, we walked 3-4times at MRT cause... Cause of the TICKET! First, we dunno how to buy the ticket since we didnt see any counter. 2nd, when asked one of the passer-by uncle he lead us to the counter area. And when reached the counter, we bought the Singapore Tourist Travel Card which cost $S26 (or izzit $S28?) Save alot you know. Since the ride is free for 2 days. We can stop any station we like the whole 2 days. Even can use at Bus also. Just that we cant take two type of bus only which is Jurong East and ChinaTown bus. Other than that we can take. And even, if return the card to any of the selected MRT's counter, they will give us back $S10. Since the $S10 is like a deposit. (but in the end, we keep that card instead. To prove that we got the SINGAPORE TOURIST TRAVEL CARD! Ahem~ and 3rd, that counter cant buy any of the travel card, so we need to walk all the way out back to ChinaTown.
One thing that Singapore have and Malaysia dont have is - BLUE CINEMA! We wanna catch the movie. Some of them say that the cinema is very sticky, since some of the couple or one nite stand or something, they will make love or masturbate at that spot. My Goodness, but still I WANNA SEE SEE!!!! I miss that chance!!!
Anyway, after bought the ticket we got back to the hotel since it's going to be 2pm.
and...Nicole came in. Wow! Surprise!!! She came at last. And we have lunch in the hotel. It's not provided from the hotel ok. We darbao de ar. I ate Duck rice. Errr...Kind of weird. Not salty at all!!! And bro's soya ... tasteless. Luckily I didnt drink his soya :P
Then only we go to our room. Not too small. Ngam ngam hou lor. Haiya. Who cares? We not in hotel right? We just need a place to sleep and bath only. And we are definately are OUT!
One by one take turns to bath. After unpack everything, Nicole gave me one singapore simcard. Since my 012 no more credit liao. Cause, dat time I call Nicole, both kena charge. Talk until no more credit. Thanks nicole. Muacksss!!!!
Then she starting to bring us out. We got in the DOUBLE DECKAR BUS! I was dump. I tot I went into the normal bus. So I go to the back seat. Then Fatty asked me why I dont wanna sit up since it's deckar. I'm so excited and say, I want!!!! and ask where can go up??? So xcited! When got up adi, then I choose the place to sit. Then Fatty and Nicole say, want to sit at front? Oh ya!! I want!! I want front seat also!!!! Can look outside!!!
But...NO!! KENOT look de. Cause th glass was tinted with ... with something small small holes sticker. Grrrrr.....
Anyway, got down and started to walk and started to take pictures :)

Even Recycle Bin...

Then Nicole guide and told us which is which and what shopping complex. All the way is only SHOPPING COMPLEX! Going crazy. But mostly, is branded! My goodness. Didnt dare to shop. One of the shopping complex is Takashimaya which located at Ngee Ann City. That shopping mall sell mainly japanese stuff. I dunno ar.. I juz agak agak, didnt shop or walk around. Then, we walked and I even passed by one icecream man. Then another and another one. I wanna eat!!!!! And bought one at last. Hmmm... Not bad. Nice and yummy.

Never know Singapore got Gelatissimo! It's famous in Aussie too, but it's xpensive!!

Oh Noooo!!! Fatty fall-in-love for singapore adi. Love Shape for SG, why dont have for me de??
After awhile, Nicole bring us to Esplanade and to Merlion. The Esplanade is the eyes of the flies. And Merlion is where is Lion is. (This is the NEW position!! Goodness me, cause this status can be transfered)
On the way to Esplanade, I saw this small art gallery...
Title for this art is:
Rythem, Mechanism, Habits
By: Bette Susiarjo

Title of this art is:
Forgotten Cond 2007

What is he doing?? What sort of picture he's taking??

It's ... you know, i know-la~

That's all for the pictures...Head outside and we start taking pictures again..

Here's the building of the Esplanade I'm taking about. One of the eye of the FLIES. Nice huh?

But... Look carefully, and more into details...

Find it different? You tot Malaysia got such sharp-sharp edges building ar? Sure DONT HAVE DE LOR!!!
Ok, continue to the Merlion Park and starting to take pictures again and again...

Cute Cute and Funny Pictures from Fatty^_^

Then, Nicole bring us here and there and showing us some intresting places around Clarke Quay. She even bought me to a shop where they sell push-up bras. Very PUSH-UP lea! The pricing start from $S70 and above also got.
Around that area, I finally saw this building which every one said the Pavillion is LOOK-ALIKE Singapore style.

Then the surroundings is those pubs, which -
SUPER NICE. (sorry no pictures are available) One of the pub called as
"Clinic", and they design is - Hospital Beds, which they use it as seats. Those equipment that hospital use such as injection, bloodbag, etc..they use it for their drinking style Cool huh? Even another pub is under "wheelchair" theme.
One of the dancer performing in their pub outside. Anyone can dance with her together!!
Me and Nicole ^_^ at Clarke QuayWhile waiting for Gab to bring us to Geylang, we head back to hotel and rest awhile. Round midnight, Gab bring us to Geyland loo. Geylang is like Chow-Kit type. But their prostitute is damn pretty!!! Of cuz this kind of people, they sure dress lowcut, makeup very thick, sweet talk and so-on.
One of the prostitute, closed up his lowcut dress when she saw me looking at her. Or is her inner part is fake wan?? If not, she can let everyone see ma. Why shy?? :P
When after our supper, Thanks to GAB 1st. Cause he treat us!! (see la, I say oredi, he's damn rich..always keep on treating us). He drove us back to our hotel. Almost reach, we saw the fighting occur in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! The ang mo bash the asian guy up, till the guy fall down lying on the road. No body can help them, since the ang mo is quite big size. Few seconds later, police car came. The ang mo still keep on bashing the guy up. My goodness!!
Next day, after having breakfast with Fatty, we take MRT to ChinaTown. I bought one dress from "Fashion" which is quite cheap. I fancy that dress from the 1st time I passed the shop. So Fatty bring me go there, since I'm so desperate to it. Thanks Lots! And he even bought himself shorts as well. Then, head to ChinaTown and buy some souvenirs back home. Not much interesting to see. Just look around, see ahmoi and ah chai lor. And of cuz, Take PICTURES!!!!
Xter at ChinaTown!!
Tiny Lion Dance @ puppet - cute huh??

Fatty bought KeyChains, mostly for his colleague, cuz it's quite normal keychains. No special ones...sorry, if I didnt bought any for u guys ya !!
Next, we meet Nicole and Gab at the MRT chinatown. Then we head to Bugis by seating Double Deckar bus again! So Cool!!

This is the PROOF that I'm sitting DOUBLE DECKAR :Pwahahhahahaha....~Well, Lou told us to meet him since he's free after 2pm and the Singapore girl will be working that time. I'm not sure is either 2pm or 12pm start work. Anyway, none of my business :P Since I'm in Singapore, than it's time for me to look around those interesting places.
Then, I told Nicole where is this Girl works at. I'm pat poh, so I wanna look where she's work. I saw her one time before when she came down to Malaysia. Fucking Asshole! Lan Si like piece of SHIT! I dislike her anyway. She's aint pretty or sexy, but she think she IS! Better tell her work at Geylang la. Highpay more than Lancome pay her now. Okok, none of my business...
And there's a small fountain. Everyone is watching those kids...When you watch this fountain carefully, this fountain gives alot of xpression where the water pops up from the hole with lots of different directions!

Look at this kids, he seems njoying his moment

How I wish I'm still a I can play with them.
And suddenly one guy approached me. He ask questions and I shut him down by saying "sorry, I'm not singaporean". Then he appologize and walked back to his place. Then I go back to fatty's side and that same guy came to me again. Asking, it doesnt matter. Hopefully I can help him by answering two simple questions only.
(i) if one of the MBA member is here, where will you take him?
(ii) where will you take him go to eat?
HEY! I said I'm not Singaporean. How should I answer your questions?? No Idea at all. Then, I push them to Gab. I told them - You can ask this guys, they're singaporean :)
I'm bad. Push to him. Wahahahahhahaah.... and you know what Gab answer for the 1st question? He said, he will bring them go to G.E.Y.L.A.N.G! GREAT!!!

Next, we went to Sentosa. While waiting for MRT, Fatty saw the couple kissing around. The couple is just teenage. Very very small. He told me that they lick each other. From the left ear, lick lick lick till the right ear! Ugh!!!! I missed that CHANCE!!! Well, I continue to look at the couple...until... the boy left the girl! OMG! One sec, they are so loving. After a sec later, they argue and black face to each other. Shit la!
Dont bother.
At Vivo City, we took the cable car. Gab treat us for that Cable car. I wanted to pay him, but he dont want the money!!! He's so RICH!!!!! Next time, if anyone wanna visit Singapore, can find this guy - GAB! Wahahahah...
Heading to the cable car, we take pictures as well...
Me and my Godbro
Fatty and Me. The table and chair was tied up
Xter and Godbro again...cuz I hardly go around with him when we're in Singapore
so loving together...
err...whooa... wait a minute.. what are they doing???sooo romance, even when sun shining in...
Then, reached to buy the cable car ticket - head to SENTOSA loo!!!

View taken from above:-

View of Cable Car

Singapore View

Constructing Places
Reached the destination, here...can pick any of it. Each of the "shell" has the pearl with different colours.

I have white pearl. Same with Fatty ^_^
Okays...Here's SENTOSA - AT LAST!!!
Sentosa Landmark
Nice not this picture?? One snap go!! But where is my bro??
Fatty so "PAT", he look at people's wish!!
and my wish is - I WANT TO GO TO UNIVERSITY!! Nah, Just Joking.
Swinging Bench
Lunch time for SINGA(pore) ... veggie, veggiee..yucksss!!!
Propose me here! Any ANSWER came out from my mouth will be a YES!
Washing my feet ... hmmm ... so lam~Funny Xpression - Check out the

My goodness... what is Fatty doing?? Issit Fun to play?? Who wanna try??
Here's the example... Fatty's bum got wet!!!
And here... the coolest place.

Walked around sentosa, see leng lui and leng chai wearing bikini. Yum yum... Sexy Gurls!! Handsome and Charming Guys. Slurrrppp...
Then we have rest at one of the cafe. Playing "Old Maid". Quite xciting you know. Since, if Any of us got the OLD MAID, Wahhahahahaha...He or She must treat us eat, drinks, supper, fair for the train to head back to Vivo City!!!
At night, we head to China Town for our last dinner. I ate Chow Kuew Tiew. Not bad lor. So-so. At least got kerang, then OK liao!!
View of China Town...
View of the Loving Couple...Then only head back to our hotel to meet my godbro, and head back Malaysia loo. My whole body totally numb. Infact, we tot of stopping by at Desaru... but everyone too tired. I fall asleep when bro's driving.
(when reached home, my mum tiao me cause I sleep and not keep an eye on the road. Cuz if accident happen, my soul will definitely left my body). But when reached Malaysia, it's around 7am liao. We depart to woodlands @ kastam also around 10-11pm adi.
Fatty tot of going Singapore again in Christmas but this time will rent at Sentosa. Well, Let's see...