Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Aurora Boutique

After our lunch today, me, Devi and Terence went to this boutique @ Damansara Perdana, where we already booked our items and gonna paid it today.

Here's what I bought!! (went there last Friday with Sze Mun and Devi. At 1st I didnt notice anything that I like. So I just walk around and sat at their comfy place. Then I walked again while waiting Sze Mun to try on her clothing. Finally...I spotted this dress and try it on. Well..Material wise was quite comfortable. It looks cute too. Well, overall..is cute. Since me and Sze Mun forgot to bring along our membership card, so we put our thgs and tell them to keep it for us.)

Price: RM42 with 10% (RM37.80)

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Come with three colours!! But I choose the top colour. Coz blue and pink is not what I like ><

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And I bought a pair of shoe for Devi for her this coming 26th Burfday pressie!!! I don't know what to buy for her - as usual. So, since she's quite fond of this shoe..I just pay and let her be happie. I dont want to buy her jewerly!!! Cause she got ALOT ady!!!! :P

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Happy Burfday Sweetheart!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Baby Neo with Spoiler

Finally...my Baby Neo's spoiler has been sprayed on ON-ed!! Earlier, I wish to have the CamPro spoiler instead. But..well, R3 spoiler also look nice to me I guess. All thanks to Fatty who bought that spoiler and sprayed (actually he paid people to spray for me) for me - and EVEN ON it on last Saturday afternoon.

Below is the picture of Before and After.

* with the very very very 100x mini spoiler >< bare looking
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* Ahhh...Looking so great! *awesome* \(^.^)/
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* so pale...like something is MISSING!!!
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* with the NEW SPOILER of R3 Version
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All THANKS to Fatty!!! Now I got woofer (But I think, I need more audio's accessories to enhance my sound system. Bare in mind. I'm not one of those so-called lala-mui!!. I just like to hear Boom Boom Boom only. No Music, I DIE!!!!) Next, I aim to have car-door visor. Since my car is just two doors, so I think it wont be so expensive. After Visor thingy, my next upgrading would be.... (well, let's see slowly)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Big Bang - Stay

Simply luv this song alot. Been repeating it while I was working. What to do? Big Bang is my fav band ^^ Somemore, this time they sang in japanese. Sweet de neh~

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Big Bang - Stay
Song Available - Stay

ROMANIZATION (Japanese Lyrics)

Can you feel me now
Take a deep breath and let me explain
All the pain that’s been wreckin my brain
Gettin so close to goin’ insane
And see you standing there
And the feelin’ never gonna be the same
seems like we missed the whole damn train
Blame is all we have for us

And I can let in get in the way
Even if the love is the costly price to pay
Lookin’ back life love was the game or cliche
Gotta move away sacrifice my heart and let you breath again baby girl

Ososugita nani-mo kamo
Kanojo ga tokidoki damatta no mo
Samishii SIGN
Now that I’m alone

Soba ni ite kureru koto
Atarimae ni omoisugite… hontou
Okutta Mail
User unknow

Karappo no CLOSET sumi ni
Ochita Promise Ring
Futari shite kanojo no Birthday
Eranda noni

Tobira ga shiamaru mae ni Baby please don’t go away
Ienakatta koto semeteru What you to stay
Ima sara kuyande mo I know it’s late
Kanojo no kawari nante dare nimo dekinai
I want you to stay want you to stay

Saigo no kotoba wa sou
SAYONARA nanka janaku 「arigatou」
Owari no imi
Getting over me

Kanojo ga hoshii mono o
Boku ga agerarenakatta shouko
POST no Key
End of the story

Futari no heya nimo mou sugu
Yoru ga kuru
Shashin de hohoemu kanojo mo
Mienaku naru

Wasurareru wakenai Baby please don’t fade away
Shirokujichuu kienai kara Want you to stay
Konna-ni kanashikute I know it’s late
Mamoru beki datta no wa kanojo no sonzai
I want you to stay want you to stay


Can you feel me now
Take a deep breath and let me explain
All the pain that's been wreckin my brain
Gettin so close to goin' insane
And see you standing there
And the feelin' never gonna be the same
seems like we missed the whole damn train
Blame is all we have for us

And I can let in get in the way
Even if the love is the costly price to pay
Lookin' back life love was the game of cliche
Gotta move away sacrifice my heart and let you breath again baby girl

Everything is too late now,
The way she never spoke at times,
That our relationship was becoming solitary,
Now that I'm alone

Her being by my side was something I thought was natural,
The mail I sent; User unknown

In the empty closet,
The promise ring we chose together for her birthday,
Lays in the corner

Before the door closes, baby please don't go away,
I regret not expressing my feelings, what you to say,
Although I come to regret now, I know it's late,
There is nobody who can take her place,
I want you to stay, want you to stay

The last words, yes,
They were 'Thanks' rather than 'Take care'
It shows it's the end, getting over me

It's the proof that I could not give what she wanted,
The key of the mail box, End of the story

The night will come in the room I'm alone in,
I can't see the lady who would be smiling in pictures

There will be no chance that I can forget you,
Baby please don't fade away,
You won't erase all day,
Want you to stay,
Because it makes me this sad, I know it's late
Her existence which I had to keep,
I want you to stay, want you to stay

Sunday, October 11, 2009

R.I.P Stephen Gately

I was out with my mum whole afternoon...until when I came back, I received Devi's MSN saying Stephen Gately from Boyzone has just passed away today.


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Boyzone... one of my favourite band when I was still a teenager. Stephen Gately is the guy I admire the most, though he's gay. I love him lotx. Infact, I love their song..especially the part where Stephan Gately sang. Bcox was over crazy bout him, I even bought his album of New Beginning. His track I love the most was "New Beginning, Judgement Day, You Lied, Sta, If Only You Were Here, Where Do We Go"...almost every song that he sang I will vote for it!

But now... all of a sudden, no news of Boyzone, no album from Stephen Gately...but the stunning news was he passed away!

Ahhhh....how come ??!!!

He's just so young. So talented. So charming.. and he left the world without saying a bye.

This is the news, where Devi let me read...

"Stephen Gately of Irish band Boyzone has been found dead while on holiday in Majorca. Tributes have been paid by people who knew him.

The sudden death of the 33-year-old has shocked fans and music industry figures.

Gately was on holiday with his partner Andrew Cowles. It is thought that they had gone out for drinks, then Gately had fallen asleep when he returned home and failed to wake up.

The rest of the band are travelling to Majorca on Sunday."


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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Stay or Go?

I just posted up my feelings few days back. The post was actuallt last Thursday where Kenny asked me to scamp out for on of our client's press ad. I was super upset and frust *combo plus* full of hatred while holding the pencil...

But infact, on friday... Kenny came to my place and said "how was things going?" I just replied "ok-gua" and turned my body to another side. He took out a ciggrate and went for a smoke. Few minutes later, he came back and said "We should talk". I turned to him, hold my feelings and tell him what I'm trying to scamp out. Overall, he's okay with everything and added some of the usefull point. But eventually, he scamped on my behalf. That friday was my night. I was free!

I felt bad for losing my temper at him on Thursday night. I dont mean to. But on another hand, I couldn't control my temper as well. I really fucking hate sketching! I hate to scamp out something which I'm not intrested AT ALL! I dont fucking care about the position of getting a level up. I totally dont care! Infact, I've been thinking properly...if they really do WANT ME TO SKETCH/SCAMP, I will give them a letter. This is not about threatening. Is about - why force me where I actually not into it?

I still r'ber when I'm in collage time. One of my lecturer said to my senior (actually, my senior is my batch..but something happened to me, So I was at aussie for 3mths then) that I'm a lazy gurl. Well.. when my lecturer finish talking, I will always say "so? dismiss la, rite?" Since this senior know me well. Infact, she know what I like, what i dont like..what is my character and so-on. She told my lecturer : Poh, she is not what you think she is. She can do when she wants to do. She will do if she thinks she is right. Even my lecturer asked us to scamp out logos of our assignment project before further detaling in the computer works. But, I just hand up with computer works...printed out with colour as well. Im the only one who didnt give him any sketches. But, he accepted what I gave him.

Jump to the last part - in my finals, I got the TOP score! Too bad, he was not our lecturer that moment I was being assigned. I wish he was there. I wish I could show him my marks. When on my graduation day, one of my collage mate called up my lecturer and we met him at KLCC. I told him I passed with flying colours! I hugged him full of JOY!

So, that was me.

Just in dilemma today. Kok Leong MSNed me. He asked me that his boss wanted me to go to their company for an interview...asking whether I wanna work with them or not. I was SURPRISE!! I met his boss few times only...esp on dinner time. Just a slight hello to them. But his boss was into me and Sugar, as an AE.

I do not know whether I wanted to go for an interview or not. I did mention to Kok Leong that, I couldn't sketch nor scamp. At least I told him - what I could not do - or WONT do. And 2ndly, I even told him - will his boss get offend if I accidentally split out some vulgar words?

We (me, sugar and kok leong) was actually in the MSN chatting room. Sugar laughed when I mention the vulgar words. But instead, Kok Leong said that he did mention this topic to his boss. His boss works fine with vulgar as well. Since he said, his boss oso got say fuck fuck fuck and no need diu client who give late briefing or amendments.!


This is the boss I like about! Just excatly like Vincent. Though, I didnt say vulgar infront of vincent la...just when we have normal chatting, den my vulgar will automatically come out. Vincent is Good too! That's what I like about him also!!

Conclusion... I told Kok Leong that I will think about the offer and will replied him tomolo. He told me dont think 1st but come for the interview and after the interview only I can have a bigger space to think about... What should I do? Tomolo is the day. Should Or Shouldn't I go?

Infact, I love working in Teabreak. Though always OT...which I already get used to it. But I just dont like the scamping part. Definately hate that the MOST!

But now....what AM I going to do?

Damn..I just hate myself~

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lantern Celebration

Last saturday, Terence was supposed to organize one party on BBQ. But, since everything was confirmed in last minute, so we have a hard time finding place. On friday evening. We only manage to settle everything by having a steamboat at Joey's place.

From having 9 person until decreased till 5 peeps onli who is confirmed. Terence was not in a good mood cox some of the people couldn't make it. He kept saying canceling it and he will think about another things to get us occupied on saturday. But I tot, well...steamboat is ok what. 5 people mai 5 people ner. There's no big deal having 5 people to have steamboat right. Even, my last BBQ at PD - we are 5 people also. Still we are so happy and burped*.

Anyway, steamboat was OFFICIALY ON!

Devi fetched me on saturday morning and we (me, devi, terence) went to the nearest morning market and bought our food. But before that...I told devi to drop me at Justin's house so I could pass the mooncake to Justin's dad. Quite happy to meet his dad actually. His mum was away - to his sister's house, that's why I manage to get to his dad. Never knew, his dad invited me to his daughter's wedding. I totally got a shock! I dont even know what to say, cause I'm just a very best friend with Justin and I don't quite know his sister either. I just accepted the offer and kept thinking - who should I bring? Cox if I go alone...I dont have anybody that I know. Justin already left me, so...he wont be there attending - unless for his spirit T_T. (I do wish, on that day he can still seat next to me...damn...I MISS YOU LA JUSTIN!!!)

Only after that we went to buy our food. And end up eating Dim Sum at Maluri here. Before we went home, we stopped at one of the shop and bought 8 lanterns. Mine one will be the cutiest SIMBA! When got home, I terus go and sleep. Damn...so sleepy~

Roun' 3pm...Ken called me and said he couldnt make it. Ugh! He was supposed to attend one of his fren's wedding. Well since wedding is much more important, I told him to go ahead. Around 6pm onli devi reached my house, since she gotta fetch Terence - and yea! Baby Terence make the steamboat soup! He's so sweet...esp he said he offer to make the soup.

Poor him, while devi was driving...by overpassing the hump, those soup spilt at his lap. *Ouch... I immediately asked devi to go back to my house and rushed inside and called for my mum's help to take another pot out. So we can have two pots instead of one.

When reached Joey's place..me and Devi went to Cold Storage...Hoping to buy ice, veggies, soft drinks...and Joey called me - asked me to top up two more people - where Jason and Sugar will be joining us too. Even Kelvin can finally make it ^^ Hooray!!! So, now..there will be total of 8 person. Aint that GREAT?

Alas, Cold Storage is newly open and nothing much to sell. Even the price machine got problem! WTH!

The greetings:-
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After scanning the barcode:-
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WHAT IS THIS? Damn! Take note. We scanned few more items, and most of the items appear to be *as the top picture*

After an hour shopping for groceries, we went back to Joey's condo and ...JOEY HOME WAS REALLY A HOME! I love her place lea. Really looks comfy. THUMBS UP FOR HER HOME!! How I wish I could stay like that lifestyle *dreaming*

Started to have our steamboat..and awhile later came with Kelvin, Jason and Sugar. Jason bought Chivas and he mixed up with greentea. Hell...It taste SO NICE! Heaven~

Then, we started to take pictures - HAPPY FAMILY OF TEABREAKERS!!

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A pictures with full of joy.
From Left Top: Devi, Terence, Sugar, Joey
From Left Bottom: Xter, Kelvin, Wayne, Jason

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-n- a SERIOUS look ... infact, after this shot was taken, we laughed and say "we all look like sohai"

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This shot was damn fucking ugly! But still I wanna post it up. I know they are fun having my legs split apart. GDS. Was overall - so high~

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And...I was so ... so... LOST ENERGY!!! I know what I'm talking. But my mind couldnt work properly as I was so dizzy. My whole body was totally dropped down at the couch. Been sleeping hours. I know some of them has been snapping pictures of me. Grrrr...

That above was one of the sample. But I bet, Kelvin was just pretending to lay down next to me lolz.

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And there goes Terence. Busy helping Joey up on cleaning as he has promised. See his FACE! DAMN RED SIALZ~

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And... see this.. he gotta go faint soon~

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And...came Sugar.. trying to take opportunity.. wahahaha~ Infact, they do match together - don't they??

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And...he dropped!! He drop, nevamind. But why he want to drop next to me! Sei chai bao!!! The couch was super big..yet..he thinks that he still can fit inside. Sei mou...I was so - lost energy and I kept saying I dont wanna be 69!!

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Finally... was being snapped while sleeping alone...

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*they look like after... (u know i know-la :P )

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Sugar looks so HIGH jiang...Terence was totally - totally...totally...wahahahaha!!!

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I like Terence pose!! The MOST OUTSTANDING one!!

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Tada..our BIG BRO! The one who bring Chivas. The one who knocked my glass and I wished him Happy-Birday and the one who kept telling everyone to drink it till bottom!

**Did I mention I vomit?? Damn. It was so awful. I was sleeping, while later - I felt that I'm gonna throw-out. I covered my mouth with both of my hand, rushing to the kitchen and...BRUGHhHHHHhh... Joey was actually standing at the sink washing something, and she moved away when she saw me coming thru. OMG! I guess she freaked out as well.

My lala...my prawn.. my chicken..was floating at the sink! Yucks! However, I knew I have to clean up the mess. Ughhhh! The scene was so FUCKING ugly!!!!

But...not only that. We dismissed the party about 2.30am. I was awake after the vomitting session. And while Devi fetched me and Terence back.. then Terence turn to vomit out. Whoah~ Luckily he got a plastic bag with him. Poor devi. Her car was full of those FUNNY SMELL~


But, I do have lots of fun that night!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mooncake Festival

It's 12.33am and I'm blogging this right now.

Awhile after 12am today, my mum took this mooncake out, where I told her to help me buy 2 boxes and gave her RM200 yesterday night. While facebooking, she took out this paper bag...and to my surprise...the packaging do look nice!

Quickly, I grabbed my camera and start taking pictures. I wanted to upload photo at facebook and telling everyone that - THIS MOONCAKE IS FOR JUSTIN'S FAMILY!!! Is not that I wanted to show off ok. Totally not my type. Is that, I wanted to shout out to everyone that who-ever know Justin Tham - pls do remember him and wish him too.

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I've been busy working and lack thinking about him recently. But today... I was full of joy that Im gonna give the mooncake box to his family. I hope to go to his house and give them and have a slight talk with his mum.

So, whatever happens...I need to go to his house this time!! (Not long ago, I went to PD and bought 3 boxes of siew pao. Two boxes is actually for Justin's family. I've tried to called them..but no one picked-up my phone. So my mum asked me - since mooncake is around the season, why not buy mooncake instead of giving them siew pao? While thinking..what's my mum told me was totally right. She even told me that Shangri-la's mooncake is the best but it cost quite xpensive. I asked her..expensive in what price? Then she told me is around RM70-RM80 per box with 4 mooncakes. =.="" But even Kenny, said Shangri-la is the best. Then ok-la. Money is not a problem for me right now...but at least buy a better mooncake and treat my best fren's family in this season ^^)

I tot of giving 2 boxes to them, and that's why I gave RM200 for my mum. Alas, my mum just bought two boxes and now I just have to give them one box. But is better than nothing right?

The reason I kept thinking about his family is because once a while, his mum will call me and ask how am I doing so far, where am I working now...etc. The most usual important words that she will said to me is "Ah Cheng ar...remember do not forget auntie ok. If you change your handphone number, must let auntie know ok." She will always remind me about this.

Twice I lost my phone, and I will have to keep on waiting for his mother to call me so I can re-save their number. Very pai-seh lea...cox everytime oso need his mother to call me and chat with me. ><

Note for Justin,
Ah B ar...I dont think that I can forget you. Where ever I go, to a trip or a holiday, I will always remember you and even your family...especially your mother. When ever I'm stress at work and started to smoke, I will think about you too. The way we worked together and smoke together and you trying to teach me to smoke with a circle out. Ugh...I miss those days together with you.. *totally heart-pain*

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sketch Mat Zhat

Hate Sketching ar!!!!

That's all I can repeat for the rest of my life - especially when someone asked me to scamp or sketch!

Better take my life away-la. Telling me to sketch is exactly asking me to DIE. Just like today. I was being told to do one press ad / teaser ad for this coming christmas. In the end, it's all about scamp-ing it out. DIU!

I was like -WHAT THE FUCK!

Damn it. Will definately take hours to just come out an option. Ughhhh... I waited for my dinner - ate happily. Got my Coca-Cola Pink colour. So I tot it would make my day happier abit. But...

-in the end-

NO LOR! Infact, I hate part of the night in Teabreak today. I've been holding the pencil and artline pen and eraser as well. Erasing here there, here there again. Duh!

In no time. I got angry. I either hate myself for not knowing the best way to scamp or hate my AD for asking me to scamp. He knows I hate it He knows it all well. But still... he asked me.

I even know - dat he hoped me to scamp more and been telling me that scamp and sketches is IMPORTANT. But ... NOT FOR ME! It's WASTING ALL MY TIME!

While fucking scamping @ sketching, I told myself to cool down. Cox I know that my temper is coming out. Infact, when Kenny asked me how am I doing... I screamed, bang the table..and wanted to ask him to shut-up! But of cox I didnt ask him to shut-up la. I just screamed and banged the table and seat down again...Tears started to fall and I couldn't control it. I was so mad...so mad that I dropped few tears. Rushed to the bathroom, take a deep breath and come out again.

Continue to scamp..until Joey told me that they are leaving now. So, I packed my things and didn't bother to wait for them. (As usual, I will wait for them de.. but today... I'm totally frust out).

While driving, I've been thinking that - maybe I should just resign and find another job. (*Infact, I even tot of writting the resign letter now!) wtf~