Thursday, December 30, 2010

Domokun as Santa

Before going to New Year, I still want to up-load this picture of Domokun. It shot last 2weeks back, but was never free to upload it.

So here goes...the Domokun Santa ^@^

This headband was actually present for me from my colleague. All thanks to Henry ^^

as for this, it was my last year xmas c'bration helf at Brick House. I think, this looks cute on him. Lolx. I do love both headband indeed!!

* for the note at it's mouth saying "we love our boss, yay :) " this was actually written by my boss himself. He was actually abit free that day while waiting for another designer to do up his work. So he's been walking here and there. All of a sudden, DING! He took my pen, and my sticky note, and started to write something down...and...he gave me back my domokun. Only then, when I read it - I was like ... APA NI?? and I laughed!! Damn...he's so cute-la-wei~

Anyway, Merry Belated Christmas - everyone ^^
and looking forward to the New Year....weeeeee~

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Unforgetable Present

Juz LVE christmasieee!!

I got this wonderful christmas present from Ken. I was guessing from 7pm till 12.30am until I got fedup and opened up the present.

When I saw this icon of a dog, I SCREAMED out loud. Cox is the brand I'm longing to get.

I entered the shop once, looked at the purse. Put it down back and told myself that it's xpensive and since, I got a purse from Guess where I used for a year now. But never, never know that...I got this for my christmas present! Love you lotx!!

the overall outlook of the purse

with two buttons attached

front inside view

back view

inside back view - got lots of compartment and can put photos too


ain't this cute?

Argh, hard to sleep. Really can't believe I owe this brand!! And wait...not only this. On christmas eve, I've got another thing from Ken too...

it's Lego Digital Camera!!! Bought it from theclickshop. At 1st I thought of asking Ken to buy me the juice milk lomo, which cost RM100. But...when I see around the shop, only then I saw this lego and totally fall in love with it. This cost RM300. But I shared with Ken on it. I paid RM100 and he helped me pay RM200 (as a gift that he said, he's been not around my side every since he's busy with his job. But I did not complain about being not with me at all. He thinks alot, I think)

Anyway, this camera holds 3.1MP and can take up to 80 shots or more...depending on your battery. Built-in flash too, which is quite cool. Another amazing thing - was - I can buy lego and stack it up shapes that I like!


see, the bottom part, I can put in legos

amd the top part right too!!

the digital version - of lego

pressing for preview, on/off/auto flash and trash images that I do not want to keep.

And everything...makes me not to forget ALL THIS THINGS!!

All thanks to Ken

Monday, December 20, 2010

Weekend Outing

Supposed to go to Sunway Pyramid today, but unfortunately it was a bad traffic and yet the car park was totally closed - fully occupied. The only thing that I could capture - is the front Christmas entrance of Sunway.

Nice to have a look - really!!

Anyway, we changed our mind and went to The Curve instead. Ate our lunch at Sakae Sushi as I got one Jusco voucher where Buy 1 Free 1 red plate + FREE membership card too.

Then, walked thru those flea markets along the way e-cruve.

Theme: A Very Big Christmas

and so, we took photos together and me...

Since we had some time, we watched Narnia III. I fall asleep 3 times in the cinema. Well, a very short nap - maybe just 2-3minutes rest. After the movie, we head to The Curve and see some christmas celerbration over there.

Didn't really take anything except for some dolls and self-images. Quite alot of people wondering around.

Self images ^^


and ... that's me XD the way, having chances to listern to christmas carols too...

There you go...dolls...

This doll hand can move been standing there and watching it moved the candy

Like this doll alot! Seems like it burped and falls down with the huge buncit at the floor

Dinner time!!

Told Ken that maybe we just had our dinner at Aman Puri and let's go for cheap food instead. But because both of our legs were in pain, so we ate Thai Food at The Curve.

Thai Express - My 1st time going in there

The menu of choice. But try not to order their drinks - quite expensive!! and yet, they dont serve ice water or warm water. Only Mineral Water that cost RM3.00

Murall wall design

and on us
Thinking deeper, I think..I just love MIRRORS!!

Our dinner...ken's Tom Yam Kung - nice taste!!

my chicken congee - don't order this next time!!

And finally...

I did bought something for my bestfriend - a christmas gift (as below). Hope she will love it alot!

The preview ^______^

Monday, December 13, 2010

Twentyone Publication

Weeee... 1st publication for twentyone by dplusmcreative. Most hard-work job from Shuli - the GREAT DESIGNER who totally designed all this!! There's only 2,000 copies out for grab within both outlets of Twentyone Kitchen + Bar and Twentyone Tables + Terrace. This is only the 1st issue. Hopefully can get more feedback from others so that the 2nd issue would be succesfull

I've already booked two copies for Ken and my bestfriend - Devi. Hope they love it alot ^^

tales + tonic = the 1st issue

The inner pages style...this is for christmas - recipe ^^
( only ingredients. You just need to figure it yourself how you gonna cook em as this is the secret recipe from Chef Sham)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Crap Suicide

What the heck is this with all this CRAP of Alvisss Kong?

Damn..If he wanted to commit suicide, just commit-la. Why he go and do so MUCH nonsense via Facebook and create those awareness for public? Yet because of his suicide, the owner of the car face the worst nightmare too. ALL SPOILT!

I dont think he love his girlfriend that much. Even if his girlfriend ran away with another guy, he still can wish his girlfriend to have a better journey rather saying in his FB about


WTF is all this??

Maybe the girl just pretending to love you and love doesnt last long yet, he's SO YOUNG! And also, because of his death, I dont think the girl will have face to face her own friends, relatives and EVERYONE. Over FB, Youtube.. all also is her face and this stupid jerk face too!!

So shame on you!! Most of the publicity might pity on you. But hey dude, sorry. Not for me. I pity for those who know who you are!!

Really wish, my facebook friends will stop posting and reposting this guy in my NewsFeed!! *vomit*

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shop Online

Few years back, I like seeing online clothes and keen to know - how come it's so cheap? I always told myself that Internet cheats. They just wants your money and will pretend not to send to you once you ordered from them. And 2nd thing, I always thought that it must buy it via creditcard.

Since, I mentioned - been few years I look thru online boutiques. And, all of a sudden. I wish to try.

Don't even know how I manage to come thru this website. Though not choices to choose, but I still wanted to buy it.

So, I registered. And selected two clothes that I pretty like (shown below)

First Piece - RM38 - M

Like this because of the front that curved

The overall of the outlook.

Second Piece - RM38 - F

Bought the blue color. There's 4. But seems like I dont have much blue clothes, so I just choose this.

The overall outfit view

After I submit my cart, I got the overall amount that I need to pay. Total RM76 + RM5 (Shipping) = RM81.

The next day, I went to Bank it via Maybank. I tried to bank in RM85, but the machine still rejected my RM5. I couldn't bank in RM1 as ATM doesn't allowed it. The queue was long. I also paiseh and left.

Then, I smsed to the number and told her that I banked the amount of RM80 only instead of RM81. Been quite worried that I am being conned. But, what can I do? I already banked it up. If it's conned also, nothing can be done right?

A while later, one sms came. And it said that they received my money and RM1 discounted for me. So I emailed them my bank slip note for verified. And the soonest, I got their replied. That I will received my goods in 3 working days. So I waited...and yes! It do arrived.

Too bad. No one was at home. Mum went out. I went to work. Pa at work too. But the courier did left a note and told us to call them back., Thursday. Mum waited for the courier to arrived and yea ~ I got it!

I checked it up. See whether it's in good condition or not. Wore it and it's fits me.

^^ Brighten up my nite.

Oh yea, anyway, I bought it from Meldy. The price might not be like the others online boutique which sells RM23 or RM28. long is trustworthy, den I'm ok.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A day alone in coming Christmas

I think...

This is the 1st time I go out shopping and eat alone...

I had my own time of sunday...sleep whenever I could. Wake whenever I wish too.

And yet, I planned to go out alone to KLCC.

Took KTM to KL Sentral and ate my Lunch at Chicken Rice Shop. I choosed to eat at KL Sentral, was because... there's seldom people over there and no one will care if I eat alone too.

Then, I went to LRT to drop off at KLCC.

First thing first, I went to the center court and noticed that it's getting nicer on the christmas celebration. Past few years, it's always been the giant christmas tree. But this's different. There's purplish christmas tree and yet SKII booth designed was to look like a present.


the Purplish tree

The center court where Santa and helper was there too

Tada..SKII booth that look like present nice!!

One of the product to buy for your loved ones yea
(if only you don't have any idea to buy for her, you can always choose SKII)

the overall look and like

And next...I went to hunt for christmas pressie. It's for dplusm de.

There this game where we picked up the paper, unrolled it and see whose name was written there. It was for ..... - nah..I couldn't review it out :P

Is for a guy... *tink! Clue was given...A guy...haha!!

But it wasn't fun at all... I dont have any idea what to get for him.

Hunt Here and There.

In and Out of every shops...

Escalator Up and Down...

It's harder if the one that you wish to buy - when he actually owes everything..

But, in the end..I bought something else. Not sure if he likes it or not. Because I do not wish to buy Starbucks or Cinema Vouchers, Mug or Flash Bottle, Pillow... Ugh~

All I need to do now..Is to wrap it up ^^

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Refresh My Mind

Viewing one of my friend photo via Facebook just now. She took photos of christmas and named her own album as "Christmas Everywhere, 2010"

This remind me about..every year I was the one who also did the same thing.

I would go to every shopping mall and take pictures of christmas on that very year. Did I ever say, I love Christmas?

Yea! I DAMN lovin' it alot!!

Been each of the year (past 2-3years), I will always do my routine to go here and there. Cause each year, they will have a theme. Some, might be Alice In The Wonderland, some is Snow white, Circus, Etc.

Sometimes, I wish to celebrate Christmas at another place. Anywhere - but not in Malaysia. Wish to go to the nearest country - Maybe Singapore or Thailand. But..always no money cause is the end of year, and each time also need to save up for the next year - car loan ><

But this seems like I dont feel like catching any of the christmas thingy...don't ask me why~

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hate Hunger

For those who know me well, I dislike Gastric.

I must at least eat on time. But never know, my gastric strikes me again.

It's friday night and I thought that I just stay awhile in the office and finish up some job for monday's arrival.

And @ that moment, I was thinking whether I wanna text shuli to help me takeaway some dinner for me or not. While doing my job and still continue to wonder...only then, Ken texted me.

Asked me that he's at Kuchai Lama and if I stay OT then he dar bao duck rice for me. I texted back saying - OK. Would love to have duck drumstick rice instead.

He texted back and told me that he can only reach my office at 11pm. I said I'm okay with it. And so, I continue to do my work while chatting with shuli.

About 12.30 am...still no sound of his call nor text...

1am ady...

I can't wait no more. Dig my junks and starting to munch my titbits. But only then, I realise I was having gastric ady. So, whatever I eat - it's useless.

1.40am only he arrived at my office. Was superb sad.

How can he do this to me? Don't understand why.

I'm sure he know I can easily get gastric if I dont eat for long hours. Cause just last saturday it happens on me during dinner together with him.

I was sad seeing him. Was angry with him also as he seems like don't care that I got gastric. I mean, from his expression of look...he will look innocent in sense of - how could you say I'm wrong when Im actually really packback food for you to eat? (in another direction of thinking, if you think you might be can at least surprise me with an early dinner before going to Kuchai Lama. Well, forget it. I just had enough today)


He should know that - it's 1.30am and I havent had my dinner yet. And I just had my lunch at 1-2pm. Titbit at 4pm and THAT'S IT. I have nothing to eat over the hours between 4pm-1.30am which leads to 9 1/2 freaking hours. (And 4am...just have 1 hot nescafe only...duh)

Suddenly...I think of someone...

Someone where the person will darbao food for me to eat.
Someone where the person will remind me to eat even if the person couldn't manage to come.

Cause the person will know I will have a restless life if my gastric strikes on me...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This morning, when I opened my FB to play on Barn buddy. I saw 2messages unread at my mailbox. When I check-it-out. I saw Darren (my cousin) gave me the message.

Clicked and read it all~



I never know that he got read my blog. It was in 2007 I blogged about my aunt that came for visit since the day was my other cousin who got married. The very 1st time I saw Darren and Edmund, they are both damn charming! But I like Darren more. He's damn cute!

I even told my bestie that Darren's image stucked in my brain and kept telling her all the things when I met Darren on weekends.

Time passed 3years and...suddenly he came and message me.

I really got a shock when I read this:
oh btw i somehow i dont know how, i came accross one of your blogs and, i read it and it was about the time we had dinner or something last time i was in KL, i can still remember then u wrote something about ABC, sounds like you were in love with me hahahaha!!!!, thats fine i was in love with you too lol, no worries i thought it was cute

Damn paiseh la~

How he know that I'm in-love with him? *shit! But really. If I am not his cousin, I damn surely stick with him like magnet. Haha..

*gasp..if he read this blog - how ar? lol :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life as Domokun

Heard of this name Domo-kun? Is one of the famous 30sec shows from Japan where Domo L.O.V.E to swing both hands.

Spend your several minutes at wikipedia and you will know about him. ^^

But this Domokun...I took it from my son. And ever since, I never wanted to return back to him as it looks cute though. I remember the last day I was in Teabreak, I packed him inside the box together with all my junks. And when I worked at "dplusm", I forgotten all about him..until one day I cleaned my room..and there he is! Sitting lonesome at the shelf with my design books.

So, I intend to bring him back to my new agency where I worked at. To hell known, everyone - all my colleagues loves him alot. Well, I darent say LOVE or HATE? Can't 100% describe it.


Because early morning, one of my colleague - guy, used to greet him Good Morning. But after greeting it, then he will just pat Domokun's head like playing a basketball ball. To see Domokun doink doink up and down =.="

My colleagus love to hide him especially when I'm in the busy mode. And then, will come to me and say - Hey, where's your Domo?

Someone laughed!

I went to his place...and this is what I saw from his computer

There...surely one of the guy hang it up infront of my computer when I went to the washroom =.=

Sunday, November 28, 2010

LMF - Are BACK!!

Finally can watch this LMF video!! Love them lotx laaaa... Now..wish to buy their original CD. But anyone who wish to download this cong can go to lazymuthafuckar

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Celebration and Farewell

Celebration Genki's confirmation, Sita's Farewell and Issac's (last) Farewell too. I was intend to treat the graphic team when I got my confirmation letter. But due to clashed with my car accident, I hold on to it until this month.

Wasn't in good financial though, and hope to treat them end of the year. But never know that Sita will be leaving us (even DPLUSM sorted ways and helped her out) last wednesday and will be going back to Indo on Sunday. So, I need to reschedule everything again and move it fast forward.

Think of this - money can find back again, but once the thing gone, it will never return.

So, I think on here. I might not have any chance to c'brate for Sita, so why not I do it right now?

And think to treat everyone a good meal to Korean BBQ at Kota Damansara. Hope they enjoyed the night.

But before we meet Sita, Genki do all the hard job of preparing and wrapping sita's pressie. It was all bought by Shuli. Everything that was included was SPONGEBOB! haha

Wrapping it up nicely

See..everything is SPONGEBOB!! hahahaha

At 8pm, we leave from DPLUSM. Off go to Kota Damansara and fetch Ken + Issac.

Around 9pm only only we reached. Kelv, Shuli and Sita arrived 1st

our meats

and meats too

Even ordered Soju and lemon Soju. I prefer Lemon Soju more. Not only me, everyone too. Ken was happy as Kelvin can drink with him. Both of them yum yum yum and planned to have another session at Giza Sunway. I kept saying NO, as planned to go ipoh-ipoh instead.

And yes, we did go ipoh ipoh.

ipoh ipoh was actually one of our client that we helped them for interior, architecture and graphics too. And of cause, we need to take photos on that restaurant too. Hiak Hiak...

outside of ipohipoh

tada.. this is genki's work!! promoting her work

Even have a mini fountain too. As chinese believes fung shui that water flows bringing them good luck and good business

going up to 1st floor...and snapped the gurls pictures

and I asked kelv to snap for four of us too ^^

If you noticed every mural wall, it was done by Me, Genki, Shuli and Sita.

The 3 guys buzyin' chattin, and play games

Love this angle..

sita and me

sita and genki

sita and shuli

there's sita...aint she's sweet?

issac and me..acting kawaiineh~

And here's the chance to present gifts of remembrance for Sita

whiak...yeee haa..... haha

Of cox not this one..

there...she smile ^^'s the actual wan:-

there..she loves her gifts...everytime when she take out something from the bag, she kept saying - whoah..wahhhh...

and opening her pressie too

one of th pressie - *notice, the spoon can actually stand at the magnet!

and she's working hard on her sand handmade thingy

and I'm working hard to take pictures of others too

issac - acting cute

sita and genki


finally, me and ken

not forgotten, with kelvin too

and..the process of making it till this stage...

Continue to take pictures of Ken and Kelv - both drinkers

from the beginning

glurp glurp glurpppp

to - bottoms up!

then..take pictures with issac - guy with full of vulgars!! lolx

this two pics is the best one. The rest, I kept complaining - I look old! So didnt post it up

and..the stage - till here. Yellow part for SpongeBob is for Ken. He very dislike SpongeBob and yet he wanted to fill up the yellow part.

See...he was so carefully doing it

And finally...

Is Done!!!

This is the masterpiece where everyone got to have a touch on it - Me, Shuli, Genki, Kelv, Issac and Ken too. Hope Sita will remember all of us where ever she goes...

We LOVE you Sita!!