Last Christmas, my company held the most
(this is my 2nd celebration of christmas at Teabreak) memorable of Christmas joy at
Seapark Brickhouse. The theme for 2009 was Starry Starry Christmas.
Lots of photos to update, and

Schedule of the day:-
*but was ruined since some of us need to rush FA, every hour has been delayed.
Since I was having lots of fun, I think I should thanks them - the
Organizer of 2009! Where they really put alot of effort doing all this
GREAT things. They do those teaser Posters to excite us, emailing us some of the reviews...meetings, choosing our groups...and bla bla bla...
We have this Catwalk - where we all need to dressed up either
Look Like A Star or Dress With A Star. For me, I dressed Look Like A Star. Muahahaha!!
This is the walkway of the
Red Carpet. Though is not big enough, not that long as what I've expected. But I'm happie after all.
Starting with the walkway -
Production Team
Sze Mun, Production Manager
Ken, Project Manager
Juvena, Production Assistance
Juvena and Ken
Terence, Production Assistance
Sri Devi, Admin cum Production Assistance
Marketing Team
Aryl, Operation Manager
Chi Wah, Admin Executive
Sook Sim, Sen. Accounts Executive - She play the important role!!
Alice, Sen. Account Manager based in Singapore
Angie, Account Manager
Cindy, Design Manager - based in Singapore
Yvonne, Design Manager
Ethan, Sen. Account Executive cum Copywritter
Jasmine, Account Executive
Caitlyn, Account Executive
Creative Team
Jan, Studio Manager
Kenny, Art Director In Creative - even for me and Joey
Forest, Art Director for Chen Yee and Kelvin
Nigel, Art Director for Cat and Wayne
Sam, 3D multimedia - our saviour!!
Cat Goh, Sen. Graphic Designer
Wayne, Graphic Designer
Kelvin Chew, Sen. Graphic Designer
Chen Yee, Graphic Designer
Joey, Sen. Graphic Designer
Finally...Me, Sen. Graphic Designer
From left, is the boss of Teabreak - Hew, and Steven (Hew's best partner), Creative Service Director
Hui Shan, Consultant
Wai Moi, General Manager
Kathryn, Personal Assistance
And some random pictures together
Ethan and Cat
Me and Ethan
Me, Cat and Juvena acting cute
Kelvin, Me, Cat and Juvena
Devi and Me
There you go. That was the
Red Carpet much fun..until...where-ever I go, I ask people to snap me...
Next to me, was the candle light as a doorgift for everyone. Attached was a candy and papers where you need to vote for those Best Actress, Best Movie, Worst Movie, Best Dressed, Best Actor and Sharing Moments.
You can even choose your doorgift - christmas headband!!! Oh well, Gurls should choose headband
(where got 3 colors - Red, Blue and Green. When I reached, it was only Green and Blue. Jan later saw me that I need Red so badly - since I wore maroon that day, and she exchanged her headband with me. Thanks Jan!!)*I love this picture of me - The Most!! Thanks to the photographer - Kelvin Chew!!
and my close-up fake lashes was taken by Chen Yee
Brickhouse Kitchen, where there's people to serve us food. It was nicely done. Infact, we have Turkey that night!!
Soon, we are all busy - of dunno what
Even Wayne and Kelvin was so busy snapping here and there...
And me + Kelvin did something so cute!!
I like this moment!!
And, I also even like this effect - behind the mirror with some christmas deco texture with it.
Sze Mun and Terence
Kelvin and Chi wah
Another Shot for the earlier stage
This is the Christmas Tree from Teabreak. They took it to put at Brickhouse - warmest feel after all.
With the presents from everyone. Minimum purchase is RM15. And there is no Max purchase, as it is from your heart. Every gift that was bought must have related to STAR and must be functionable and non decoration. Plus, MUST BE useful to both sex! This is where everyone got their headache. As for me, I bought it at RM30 - God Damn Balia! If I knew, and have alot of time, I would go IKEA to buy the STAR instead of buying it at Bonita!!
There, the silver one with the silver ribbon was mine!!
Me and Cat with the Christmas tree and pressieeeee...wooohoooo~
The Pretty Ones!!
Before continue somemore, here's the ORGANIZER TEAM!
Wayne, Chi Wah, Terence, Chen Yee, Aryl and Ethan.
To them, I sincerely
ThankS them! Though I
*F them at the beginning. Thinking that they do alot of nonsense, Making everyone hunt for the stupid present, dragging our time and even NEED to prepare for our movie session - where my group hunt for the costume. But afterall, I admit everything I curse and said - was so wrong! I apologize.
I knew that they even do more things than me. Do their best to
SURPRISE everyone of us at Teabreak. Making us enjoy and - for some reason, we can stay overnite at Brick-House. That's why I sincerely need to
THANKS them for doing such a
Following, another random pictures Kelvin help us to took. This was inside the bedr0om, where attached together with the Bathroom.
*Oh...the bathroom was left open aired. I like the feel and I bath it there at night and day time. Though at night it seems spooky down there, but I tot of enjoying it alone. None of them used the bathroom. They used those bathroom where - is really a bathroom.And since everyone has left, then Cat decided to use her camera, and we cam whore again!!
And..I even like the below pictures too!!!
*yup, I changed my headband to the Christmas hat. Cox I love that hat more than the headband actually. haha~
Later, three of us went up to the room - of my TEAM room. And again, snapping some photos.
Here's the 5ive group given!
And here - where every gals been taken - with a guy named KEN!
Then, there's a short Pre-AGM Meeting - Where the theme is - Family (2009 theme was Passion - that's where the Passionate Cert is only given just for 2009 only) and that is the time, where Hew intro one new member - Steven to join our family member.
After the meeting was over, it was time to announce the
MOST PASSIONATE TEABREAKER OF 2009. This was voted by Teabreakers and not decision by the HOD members.
I was sitting where I sat (the picture above). Part of me - hope that it was me. But ... the other part.. I do wish is ETHAN who got the votes more than me. So, I prayed hard it would be Ethan and not others. Cox,
I AM THE ONE WHO VOTE FOR HIM! He did great at his works. Briefed down very clear and always re-cap everything he said. He's even my copywritter - the walking dictionary. He's even my GOD DAMN RC FRENZ EVA! name was called out so clearly. Oh sh*t. That was what 1st came from my head. Eveyone clapped -and suddenly I felt so happy. I was voted to be The Most Passionate 2009! Damn. I did work hard for that? I hope so.
Aryl present me the cert and told me that my gift will be given by Boss. Okay, I said.
And, she told me to talk something - where I TALKED RUBBISH! I dont even know what I talked as I dont have any preparation of what I should talk. Did I ever mention that I am very lousy to talk at something? Pai-seh! Totally Pai-seh~
At the end, I said THANK YOU and went back to my place. Then Devi sounded me that I should thanks those who Voted for me. And yea, I raised up my hand, and said
"I would Like to THANKS EVERYONE for voting me!!!"And.. I should thank Devi and Terence for voting me as well. Cause Devi let me see what she ticked and even Terence vote too. Err.. I didn't ask them to vote for me ya. Cause is their rights to Vote for people. But since my Bestfren voted for me, I'm happie sialz.
I'm not sure who else voted for me though, and not sure whether is Kenny voted me as well. But 90% told me that Kenny voted me!! I couldn't be 100% sure, cause since there's passionate people such as Cindy, Ethan, Wayne, Cat, Chen Yee...etc..and he got the right to choose too..But if he really voted for me - HELL THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Geez....cant help smiling to hear my name called out. Oh ya... and the gift being presented by Hew was RM300! I used RM100 to donate to sing K this coming Friday night, and I will help Kenny to top up if there's extra charges. Cause he do guide me alot.
Later, we have 30 minutes to get dress for the Movie session. My team (Glittering) was Fairytale - the leader was Cat, cause she really do alot of things. So I think is fair that she become the leader.
Our story was Snow White - and I choose myself to be the Devil Queen!
Cat be the snowhite, and I'm her mother - the evil wan, that's why I dont give any smile infront of the camera.
Go Movie Go Movie...
1st to act was Sparkling as in Action Movie
And, Glittering as Fairytale
My team.Caitly was the pocahontas - where she will act slut to tackle the prince from getting Snow White awake.
Ken the Prince charming
Cat the sweet Snow White, where I killed her with the banana
Xter Queen Devil
Cindy the angel - where she reads everything and play the sound effect.
We rent our costume at
CostumeWorld and mine only cost RM50.
Bling Bling group was doing mixed Romance
Glitzing was doing SciFi - Star Wars
and Twinkling was acting - Horror
We grabbed our plates and ate our food hungryyyYyyYYYYyy..It was roughly around 9pm ady. Then Hew, our boss...went to try out the costume - where he was supposed to be dressed up as Snow White, since he was placed in our group.
And.. yea.. he tried it on!
And pretending he was the PRETTIER and CUTE Snow White - dropped down, and waiting for her ... nono..his prince charming to give him a kiss...
Here comes the prince...saying - my darling...why???~~!!!!
And the prince, pretending to lie low and kiss Snow White...
-Happily Ever After-
And...characters all mixed up...Photos everyone!!!
Since, Teabreakers - all was crazy...they took Alice fake hair + specs and tried it on...
The 1st would be Kelvin
And Wayne..
*can u spot him? just next to Devi!!!!
And Forest....
Follow by Sam...
Having picture with my best fren...sweet, she hugged me ^_______^. It was a nice feel to have when ur very best fren hugged you on Christmas season!!
Catching up - guessing time!! Each group picked up one envelope. Each envelope contains movie films and the other have to guess the wild guess. Each person need to participate and skip, if they don't know how to act it.
My group got the lowest rate. It's ok. But we have fun in the wild guessing.
The group winner is - Bling Bling! Congrats ya ^^ They intend to answer all of the QUESTIONS and ANSWERS inside the envelope. Damn MIRACLE!
Then, got the LUCKY DRAW!
And I was among the luckiest one
Yea baby! I tend to bring back RM100. the RM300 equals to RM400 sialz!! So happie..
(* maybe is my worst and lucky day. Since I got home that Christmas eve, (GBM that I took AL that day) I only knew that on the day I was party-ing, my mum falled down at the monsoon drain near where we lived. Blood was all over her house-clothes and it's pretty scary to look at. I wrapped everything and threw it at the tong sampah. Quickly, I took my mum to the nearest clinic and asked the nurse to clean the wound. That night - 23rd Dec, she got 3 stitches at her forehead and 2 ribs was broken. Doc said it can heal by itself. Thanks to the kind shop who brought my mum to the hospital that night and staying up till 3am!!)Results for every votes was reviewed.
Best Actor: Wayne (I vote)
Best Actress: Aryl (Voted Chi Wah)
Best Dress: Alice (Sri Devi, cause she dressed in her culture, as everyone mention, Hollywood STAR)
Best Movie: Sparkling (I vote)
Worst Movie: Star Wars, Glitzing (Romance, cause I think they are pretty mixed up and quite confusing at the beginning when actually they intend to be one movie chap by one movie chap) whore again...
This time with Juvena and Devi...I like this pose!!!
And myself...
I wish to buy this hat. Belongs to Kelvin where he bought from 1Utama. Cost RM30++
Hmph..see how 1st...Maybe sooner or later, I changed my mind - as usual~
Follow up, is..
CHRISTMAS PRESSIE!!!Love this one!
You will go and pick ur lucky number. Each number was placed at the present. I got mine - from Juvena. Is from Tiffany and Co. Though some say it's a fake brand, but I dont care anyway. As long is belongs to me and I love it very much - is my business. Thanks Juvena!!
Before the party ends, Kenny, Alice and Sze Mun ...
Opened the CHAMPAIGN to celebrate. We toasted! Yum Sing....
I kept saying - Yuuuuuummmmm...Yummmmmmmm and Yuuuuummmmmm...
Damn! Yumm until dunno when only can say Sing!
Finally, Sing..we drank it..sparkling juice ^^ lolx.
Some left, and me, Devi, Ken, Juvena, Joey went to Murni to have supper...den back to Brickhouse. Take a bath, Ken and Juvena later left.
Left me and Devi, Wayne and Joey alone in the house. At the middle of the night, Me and Wayne decided to watch horror movies. Oh ya.. They provided DVDs too. Romance, Action, ..bla bla..
Wayne watched until felt asleep. It was like 3am in the morning. I was still abit wide awake. I can hear him snore also. He might be very tired...
After the movie ended, I said Good Nite to Wayne and left him alone..went to my room where slept together with Devi.
Ahh...I love this Christmas!!!, yea..I said it again~