Saturday, February 27, 2010


Our AGM (Annual General Meeting) falls on 25 Feb 2010 (Thursday). Is the day where we will have fun and no need to work. I repeat - No NEED To WORK!

Yea baby!!

*will be uploaded more photos sooner - if only I am willing to blog :)'s some of the pictures - where we have a shot with Joey's Imac cam-whore.

Showing off our - mou dan hua

Thanks to Cindy for the Cupcakes ^^

And lastly...I shiock Sendiri :P

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy CNY

Gong Hei Fatt Choi ahhh....Huat ahhhhh....

Been posting this title, every since after Friday... Been Huat here and there, ever since last Thursday. Am getting excited for the long holiday on CNY day. Can't wait to see how I spend it wisely...

First of All,

Happy CNY to my dear beloved Justin. Nah. How can I forget to wish him in every occasion of CNY day lea? Who tell him to leave us on the very BIG DAY itself? Will be always remembered!! And damn, I will never ever forget him (unless I'm in coma - then, please forgive me) Besides, the 2nd one is...Happy Valentines Day Justin! Hope you got your other half on the other side of your pretty world. Infact, I'm curious...if YES, you have the other half..I do hope to see her too!! (so if got, please...please come to my dream once more) my mum, dad and not forgetting - sister. Hoping Mum and Dad will have a longer life throughout - for many many years as they can.... (siao..I think they spending my 1k for them...haha..Just a joke. I dont think they spend it lor...) beautiful sister + her hubby - Happy CNY and Valentines to you both!! May, you both has the sweetest and romance ever!! (btw, where's my angpow?? :P)

I love my sister's angpow...cause...she will be giving me in AUS dollars! slurp... (eyes goes shinning). Last year, since she came back..she gave me AUS300! For me, it's alot ady. I even took of $100 to buy my canon camera...last till now...and is still functionable siao... And the rest, I still keeping it.

To all my chinese friends, hoping they gamble and WINS LOTS! Huat arrrrr!!!!

For couples, Happy Valentines...

This is the year - where CNY and Valentines fall at the same date. And I still think, CNY stays the priority as it related to family reunion - once a year.

Anyway, for those who still single and haven't date or might have a crush on someone - please, please do your JOBS to make them love you back ^^ Who knows? That the one you likes, may likes you back... So, this is the day to show your love~

For me.. On 1st day of CNY, I will be staying at home...accompany my family and might have dinner together. Surely will be my treat ^^

As for my Valentines... hmph..I got no plan. Nothing to plan off. So, I think it would be just another day for me.

Anyway, 2nd day of CNY - I will be going to Kuantan. It's fatty's family hometown - and I met them before. I wanna see how's Kuantan is - and will be using both of my lomos ^^

ps: will be bringing 3 cameras - Black Bird, Harikin, and Canon soh kua seong kei.

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Hairstyle

Since last year was so not my year - at the finishing end, So I decided to have a nice cut of my hair. Fung Shui. Hahaha..Jus kidding ler~

Actually intended to trim short hair few weeks back. I mean...REAL SHORT! So I can just gel my hair and not gonna wax it.

Went to the saloon, where I went few years back @ Menjalara. I hope for the boss to trim my hair, but ended up is Fatty's fren who trimmed my hair. (only lately I knew that is relatives business together)

This is the steps... of my day - to trim my hair short, again - and dye half of my head! I wonder how it looks like...

First, trimmed...balanced my hair (previously, my style was Left side Long, Right side Short)

Secondly, choosed my color - orangie

Third, colored my hair...

-seriously done at the left top side-

Fourth...Make a funny face... (Optional)

Fifth...steam my hair color

Sixth...Huh? He's sleeping...

Seventh...washed off

Eighth...Continue to trim my hair again...

Ninth...Finished! I wanted to have it REAL SHORT...Maybe..temporary, I keep this 1st...After CNY, I trim again...

I dont think is short enough...My hair is quite light..and hard for me to style...that's why I prefer to have real short ones.

That's it! Ninth steps so far...and It's just RM100!! Weeee....I love my hair..and I am DAMN LENG CHAI!!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Saturday Fully Outing

Woke up at 9.30am and devi came to my house, off we go to bangsar...and have our breakie over there. What do you love about bangsar beside eating?

I luv :- (*as below)

Yea! Boutiques... Damn...those boutiques are all over yelling for your name. You can't resists it! But, for that day - I didnt went shopping. Was having a pack schedule.

Off then, devi drove us to The Gardens.

I love this picture of her. The way she wore her colorful blouse. Damn sweet.

Since I was quite bored at The Gardens, I suggest to Devi that we go to Midvalley instead. :)

As soon as we arrived there, we gotta have the chance to see this performance at Mid Valley. Damn..It was awesome! I kept saying "wah lau ehhhhh"

This was shocking!! The way they tied up together. OMG!

CNY deco @ Midvalley

After the performance was all over, Devi said Khoo has arrived at Delicious. From there, we was intro by another new friend called Jeffrey.

At 1st sight, we tot he's quite elderly. And that's why I didnt say much. Was actually quite impress of Devi, as she can really get along with them. And...they even talked in English. english sucks... >< >EXACTLY SAME FOOD as what Khoo ordered earlier. Ain't it was coincident? Maybe that's call FATED TO BE TOGETHER :)

*before continue..actually...this saturday was planned like this. Devi wanted to have her eyebrown done at bangsar and wanted to try the Korean food at Hartamas. And Joey wanted to do some shopping, so we went to MidValley instead. As for me... tada..I wanted to see Khoo's husky badly. Yup..I love Husky alot!

Meeting Khoo and his friend at around 1.30pm (if not mistaken)...and chatted until 4pm. OMG~

My ass got numb..sitting for so long. we go for a window shopping. I bought Nail Colors @ The Face Shop and even a so-called dress @ Jusco. I love that dress alot. It's funky!

While we wanna make a move, Devi saw Kelvin and Wayne. Yea! Is them.!! I ran towards them, hugged wayne. Lolx. Wayne got a shock. He told me that - he was in shock. He thought that some-dunno who mui mui chai go and hug him. Haha!

Off we went to Khoo's house. Damn Xcited!

Lagi super Xcited when I saw his husky! Wah lau! Big enough to sleep with him eh! I got down from Devi's car immediately..and...pat the husky. Ouch...I damn loving him alot! He can be my husband sialz!

Was actually feeding him with titbits. Yah yah..I didnt throw it at the floor ok. I gave him directly to his mouth. He was chewing and eating somehow.

The owner - Khoo. If u love him, please LOVE his dogs too!!!

Jay goes tired...

Khoo has two adult dogs. One is Rudy, the Golden Retriever, and another one is Jay, the cool husky. Whoah. Jay was totally cool! How I wish I could own him myself.

Spended some time over there. Can say, Khoo really love both of his dogs. The love he gave was quite equal. Like giving his love to his own sons.

Rudy will come immediately and wanted you to pat at him. He love to drag attention. Where else, Jay...urm..darn..he was so cool, so ying... that he dont need any attention. All you need is, GO TO HIM, and give him ur love. He's different from Rudy.

Even..Joey likes his dogs too...Well, she wanted to own herself one golden when she shift to her new house. Maybe this is her chance?

As for dinner, we went for Korean. It was actually intro by Ryan (the one I dislike) to Khoo. And Khoo intro to us. Well, I like the inside interior. The style...and the korean people :) say the truth, I am not into the food. It was not what I expected. Maybe different people, different taste. *Thanks Khoo for paying the bills. I still think, I need to pay him back. Maybe I ask him tomorrow.

From around 8pm, we chatted till...before 1am I guess. Whoah. We have alot to talk about. Kept dragging the story between Joey and Khoo together. Khoo was not bad wut. If I am still SINGLE, I think..I will go for him nia. He love his dogs and I love his dogs well as my dog ^^. He's soft spoken too. Damn nice guy. But even if I likes him, I dont think he likes me back..cox I will never stop my vulgar. Lolx.

Then, we share about our past stories. Past Relationship...and bla bla bla...

*btw, nice meeting you Jeffrey...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Love My Day Today

Today was the day where we need to Gotong-Royang together. But I didnt do it :P Cause due to rushing job, I skipped that moment ><

In the afternoon, after our lunch was over...our boss called each one of us to enter his room. But most of my colleague who went inside and came out with some-sort of expression. Was not likeable type. I asked one of them, what happen inside?. She told me that there's no bonus this year - again. But in-return, in the envelope contains money of RM50. It's not just 10 pcs of RM50, but...quite alot of it. Well, better than nothing - *this is what I think of.

Damn~ I also seinz joh. But anyway, I didnt put high hope on getting bonus this year. It was my turn by then.

Boss told me this:

This year, there will be no bonus for you, fact, I will be giving you this Big Angpow. Hoping you will....etc.....


Awhile later, another colleague went to count his money. And came out by telling us that - though there is no bonus this year...but the money inside the envelope contains the amount of ur current monthly salary. Infact, also added some xtra money to it.

For example, if someone worked for RM5K per month, so this BIG ANGPOW contains RM5,000 plus ... RM100 or RM500. So total inside the envelope should be RM5,500 like that.

I told myself that I will count mine at home later ^_______^

As for dinner, our ADs and SM invited us for dinner, treated by them. Thanks to Kenny, Forest, Nigel and Jan for this awesome dinner!!! Well, infact - it's just for the Creative department only. Don't envy at us ok. It's good to feel that our heads treat us all...after such hardwork for everyone one of us.

Location for the dinner is at Jaya One, PJ. And the restaurant name is "Duck King". Of cause, this resto is famous of the DUCK! Yummy*

Side View

Front View

And this is what they ordered for us - one roll, with CNY ahead !! Yes!

Speciality - lou sang!

But we still need to wait...cause Kenny went home and be coming soon. We cant just leave him alone..Is definitely a NO!

While waiting, I have some photograph taken.

Cat helped us with the "yee shi"

Both buddies, eating happily :)

And coming on, ..serve with those dishes....

Steam fish. Very fresh indeed.


Fried Rice

My favourite! Xiong tong lala. (Was told by kenny that it was supposed to be prawns, but since the prawns is not fresh only order xiong tong lala)

Juice duck! Luvin' it sialz!

And...since I love lala alot, Jan gave me hers and Sam gave me one lala too. Damn.. Am happie that night! Got lala, everything works fine for me!!'s my bowl ...pai seh...(if u wan to see our amount for each person, scroll the above lala...then U will know how many I ate and given by others. lolx)

Love this alot! *burps*...opps chinese tea hot

Finally..we have a rest for our stomach...chit chat here and there..with a great laughter after all.

Urm...not yet with the laughter part...i guess~

See kelvin, he's acting the CNY cat. Hahaha...

And Kenny be the big boss, stand up, and asked the waiter to clean up the table.

And I started to take some scene around...


There's gurls walking towards...

Let's look at our guys...see what they do!!

Turning their heads over, and looked at those chics.

And...with a great laugh! Hahaha... so funny....

As we waited to be served, finally~

Gonna get started the shout-out

Stand by with chopsticks....


Lou ar...Lou arr...

No more OT arrrr

No more briefing after 6PM arrrr....


The mok tik if the day. Hard Laugh!

The mess...but this is still ok lor. Last year, more terrible...

And..came with dessert...

Lin of my fav food in CNY day. This r'ber about my aunt, where she will fried lin kou for me wan..hmph...miss that food alot cooked by her ><

yum yum!!!

And dessert...drinks....

And..continue to chat chat chat


Have a good laugh after alll...we talked about alot of things that night..

On how last time our family beat us with a cane, daddy's belt, lidi...and so on...

And..Wayne told everyone that "Xter's mum dunno how to *fit her, cause when she turn to xter, she really dunno where to *fit at. (cause I'm thin....) so, her mum will say - haiyaaa...u look at the wall!!!! (cause chen yee's parents use cane to cane her when she was very small. Infact, she need to face her body at the wall..and not to move around...and got canned) ><

Later, Kelvin fetched us back to TB...and I drove home myself.

Reached home, I opened my envelope...

And saw this!!

one lump sum of money...*eyes blink blink*

And I started to count...

*with love*

Is true, that it's the exactly amount of my monthly salary..and yet.. there's an extra given too.

But before, I told myself... If Teabreak gave me bonus this year, I'm going to double up my parent's allowance. Usually, I give them RM300 each. So I told myself that I might be giving them RM600 or maybe RM700 each.

As for tonight, when I noticed that I have extra 1,000...I changed my mind.

I gave them RM1,000 each. Though is RM2K gone, but am happy that I gave them the money. I never gave them any that exceed RM500 before. So this is my very FIRST time!

I know..I lack of money, due to problems happened to me past few weeks back. But..I will recover every expenses. Sharing my happiness is what I'm willing to give. Somemore, they are my parents. At least, for this day - I can make them happy ^^