There's a story I would like to tell out before I said about the operation. I've been repeating like 5 times and more on this stories. So, if anyone would like to ask me again, I might tell them to read my blog for the whole story.
Here goes.
By the way, is not just a story... why not, you just let me know what's going on?
It started like this:
On 26th July (Tues), I got news from my ex colleagues that one of my colleague mother just passed away. I got a shiok and was totally blank at the very moment. Been MSN-ing each other to keep updated on the news and I even planned with my bestie that we need to go for her mum's funeral place where is located at KL.
So the planning was, 3 cars will be going and we car pool each others. And, I am one of the driver. who will be driving there. We set-up the meeting to be meet at my ex-company there. In fact, when I reached there, I ding-dong the door bell. The Manager of the Marketing opened the door and called happily my name. Then, my ex-boss came out when someone called my name. He warmly welcomes me in, greet me and asked "so, when are you coming back to work?" Hah. I don't know what to answer and end up smiling at him.
After having dinner with the gangs...we started to make a move. From PJ, we drove to KL - Kwong Tong Funeral, and for the 1st turning, we went to the wrong side. But yes, finally we did reach the destination. I didnt touch any prayers things, but infact, I prayed inside my heart.
We all went silent and darent make any noise. And my friend explained the whole story about her mother. And, we hardly question her anything too.
By then, we left at 11.20pm as I need to rush home and take care of my dog (taking him out to PU and PS). But I also need to send one of my friend home, and go back to PJ to drop my bestie as she drive over and parked at our ex-company too.
When I reach home, is about 12.30am++
On Wed and Thursday, there's nothing much to update.
But, on Friday morning...
My alarm clock wakes me up at 7.30am. Ken was supposed to fetch me to work and will be reaching my house at about 8.30 am. But...
When I switched off my alarm, I can heard my dog barking loudly outside. I put on my bra, my specs, took my house key and started to rush out to see what happen. I thought that he barked to wake me up - to tell me that he need to go PU and PS. But NOPE! He bark below at side of my car. The barking was strange indeed.
I then, bend down and wanted to see is it there's a cat or something below my car. But, there wasn't anything.
My dog barked and half of his body was almost inside and another half body was totally at outside. He barked just next to my front passenger seat area.
I rubbed my eyes, and looked down again to see what is it about. But...
Fine. I started to lease my dog to take him for a morning walk. Hopefully when I come back, everything should be alright. And..after he did all his business at the small lane, I walked back with my dog together - back home.
When I un-leased my dog, he straight away go to the same spot, and keep on barking.
It freaks me out, my GOD!
There's nothing positive I could think off, and I just think of the negative part - where, I might have bring "something" back home with me on Tuesday night.
To stop my dog from barking so freaking noisy, I tied him over the grill. But yet, he barked non-stop. My mum finally wake up due to the noise - and asked me what happened with the dog? I said "after dressing up myself, I will do some testing as the dog keep on barking over the bottom of my car".
My mum went out to have a look.
And by then, I dressed up myself. And started to do one test.
I un-leased my dog infront of my mum. And my dog ran again over to the side and started to bark differently. Mum thought that it must be a cat. I told her, there's nothing below my car.
And not to bother about her, I do this test.
I chain-ed up my dog, open the front gate, start reversing my car and parked at my neighbour's place. And, I got down from my car, closed the gate, and let loose of my dog. He ran to the center of the porch where I usually parked my car at. He sniff here and there...looked up, and start sniffing anxiously.
He didn't make a sound and his expression was like - WHERE DID IT JUST GO?
Since there's no barking. I started to chained my dog up again, open the gate, park my car in and close the gate. Un-tied my dog..and YES, he went to the VERY SAME SPOT and BARKED!
Well, not only barked. He growl also.
Mum afraid he might bite me and she spray water beneath my car so my dog would go away. Mum even thought that it might be a snake at my engine and started to ask me to open up my engine cover. I dared my mum that there's nothing over there. She didnt believe me and still insists to ask me to open it up.
Once I opened it, POP! There's nothing! And YES, my dog keep on barking without looking at the engine side.
I then, told my mum to go back inside the house as I felt something was not right. She was not in a good condition and her health is going so weak. I don't want something happen to her either. And, I quickly parked my car at the field. By then, there's a NO-Barking sound from my dog.
At night, my mum told me that the dog didn't bark for food (where he usually started to bark for food at 8pm -8.30pm). But that very night, he stays quite. And I rushed home then...
I still there really something that I bought back? Maybe a dead cat or something??
On saturday, I noticed that my dog ear got swollen. Even on Sunday, it got swollen too..I thought that it can heal by himself. (Cause few months back, one of the ear also swollen and it heals it himself. And yes, I actually did go for the doctor advise)
But on Monday morning...the ear still look the same..but bigger abit. He didn't bark for the passed few days. Hardly would want to walk. I felt sad and do not know what to do to help him out. Not only that, his ear got watery. Mum said it might have infection and it's not water but watery blood. And at night, we applied medicine cream over his ear.
On tues...Tues is the day! Tuesday morning, I saw him...I look sad when he's sad looking at me. And, while working, I behtahan..and told my HR that I need to leave at 5pm due to take my dog to the vet.
And luckily, he allowed me to go off that early. The vet was about to close at 7pm, and I knock off the office about 5.15pm. Luckily I still manage to reach there about 6.45 pm. Bless meeee...~
I told the incident to the doc and asked him what causes it. He told me that there might be a cat, and scratched his ear, and got infected. The doctor would want me to take the cheaper one 1st, where I need to feed my dog with antibiotics. But I told doc that Fat-Fat has been suffering and I don't want to see him suffer anymore. I told him that his ear bleed and need to go operation if possible and the doc promised that he do up the operation tomorrow morning.
When putting my dog at the cage, he barked pity. I felt sad for leaving him alone in those strange places. I keep on petting him, asked him to cool down, and will pick him up the next day. And told him to be a good boy to go for the operation where it might be good for him rather than suffering for few or weeks...
And today...
Luckily thanks to Ken that he knocked off about 6.15pm and rushed to take my dog out from the vet. I even rushed back when clock strike at 7.10pm.
Drived like a mad cow...just to see my dog.
And when arrived, I felt pain at his ear. He got bandaged up at his ear. Felt like crying. *sniff sniff* But yes, he's happy to see me!
I drove him home slowly. He's been uncomfortable wearing that thing over his head.

Doc shaved everything near the ear part...and it's already bold~

The close up of Fat-Fat - looking very painfully :(

And he gets tired after eating and drinking his water...

Yet, he looks very sad indeed...
But the most frightening part is - the bandage almost fell off! I got freaked out...and do not know what to do. (To look closely at the bandage...there's actually blood at the end center. Here you see is just a little bit. But in another's alot!)
I still keep praying for get well soon. Fed him with medicine and luckily he ate it together with whole-meal bread.
Tonight, I will be sleeping at the hall instead of inside my room. Have set my alarm for 4am, and 7am to wake up to see how's my dog is doing. Very afraid that the bandage might came loose and fall off. But anyhow, will bring my dog to the vet for a new dressing again.
Very hope I can reach at office by 11.30am as the Vet clinic open at 10am - 7pm.
If anyone who thinks I'm doing a silly things to an animal for caring alot about them - I advise, PLEASE DON'T! My dog is a stray dog and eat junks for the 1st 2 years. He's part of my family and YES, if his medical fees is going up high, I rather starve to death rather than seeing my dog suffering in pain.
For peeps out there who is reading this, please..just pray for my dog to get well soon. He's already old and I wish he can stay with me for another 2 more years...