Sunday, March 20, 2011

St.Patrick at Changkat

St.Patrick's day honors St.Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It's celebration on March 17. Americans march in parades, dance the Irish jig and gather to sing Irish songs. People wear green in memory of Ireland, the Emerald Isle and wear shamrocks, clover with three leaves.

The above is just a short understandable what is St.Patrick is all about. Btw, found it at google ^^

Anyway, it's true it was held on March 17. And this year, it falls on thursday (To tell the truth, I never heard anything on this celebration before until I came across to over-heard it, and the place in changkat was distributing words, buntings, ads all over the place)

After work, Me, Ken, Genki, Kelly, Shuli and Gavin head to changkat to see what's all about. So far I heard was the whole road of the changkat was closed. No cars and motorcycle was allowed to go in.

When reached the place. Well, Two words I could describe.


My god. First time I saw changkat was totally closed off. And yes, it was damn exciting inside. Music, DJ was all over the walkway. Tables and Chairs was placing at the center of the road. Damn, if anyone of you couldn't manage or didnt know about this festival - you are so wasted!

It's great to know things of some other country does. The dances, the guai lou celebration. I wish I could join the crowd and dance together. But I can't. I carried my medium sized bag and wearing slipper for god sake.

And here's the event. Just few pictures I could snap (my cam not good ady >< )

The front entrance

Inside front view. Guinness was the Bigger promo. Even the balloon, it' a clover shape

and...the inside where I told you that tables and chair is placed at the center of the changkat road

huge lighting balloons to make the enhancement

And Guinness too..

Finally, when DJ started to Rock the St.Patrick goes everyone with the song and shakes of latin moved

This were the guys and gals who did the moved and drag the customers around (even dragged me and asked me to joined too..but i was damn paiseh if I were there dancing with my bag and slipper together - blush) and dance with them together

see..even guai mui, they do their latin dance..damn nice to watch their moved and I can say, it's simple easy...Ugh!! I wish to go dance with them together.

Finally, not forgetting...twentyone, our client did join in for st.patrick day too.

ps: Guinness was offering RM10 for 1 draft. And there's pretty nice fireworks out there too and lasted for about 8minutes though (this was updated by my boss driver ^^ )

Finally, here's the video to share :) Happy St.Patrick Day everyone !!!

dancing was held infront of frangipani ^^

Monday, March 14, 2011


When to have our breakie one sunday morning. Woke up quite early, hopefully to reach there FIRST, cause I wish to shoot photos of their dinings with - without anyone seating. But too late, we reached at 8.30am, and it's like almost full house already.

Anyway, I went there with Devi, Wykie, Ryan, Pao and Ken. The place was not bad. All about breads, spags, beverage. If anyone of you havent been there, Try to make yourself a habit to wake up early just to go to Levain and enjoy your breakie with your close ones. You will sure lovin' it.

If possible, try reaching there at 8AM sharp. Believe me, you sure lovin' it lots.

the overall look

the signage - Levain

seaters - outside

all sorts of breads and pastries indeed

at the end side - is the cruncy nuts - a must to try!
But, let me sound you 1st - it's sweet yea.

and the deco's too

since, outside you can see the word "stone oven"'s represent here:-

where they baked the buns, breads, pastries..

Menu of the price - for beverage. Do try the hot chocolate. Is nice yea.

The food menu. Frankly, the price was quite reasonable. Was not too cheap nor expensive.

And below: is the overall of the shop.
(damn..i hate it when there's people walking here and there...)

(from the top view)

Oh yea, you can have one private function to held too, as there's a private function room available. And yes, You need to book it earlier.

there's art painting too..this is one of it that I manage to take.

Lastly, before leaving the place...Wykie told me that my fav cartoon was there -
mui tan c guai!!! lovin' it!!

If you would like to be a fan and get happening things from Levain, you can click "like" in facebook or go to their website too :)

Opening Hour:
Monday - Sunday: 8.00am - 8.00pm

No.7, Jalan Delima,
55100 Kuala Lumpur
(T) +603 2142 6611

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Malay Wedding

1st time attending a Malay culture wedding - 13 March 2011. Am happy that my current colleague invited us all to her wedding lunch. and this is my 1st time experience it too.

Is good to attend their wedding, as we are malaysian, we need to see each of our neighbour celebrate thier own culture :) (duh..havent been to indian wedding..wonderin when will I can attend my bestfren wedding lea??)

Their wedding was - building up few canopies, and there's tables and chairs where they placed it nicely. Saw my colleague as the bride. Damn, she was pretty. Her husband was charming too. Infact, I could say - he's HANDSOME-la!!

And the food. 5meals served. Either you have white rice or yellow rice, can have BOTH of it. Served with chicken, beef rendang curry, 2x veggies, and watermelon as the dessert. (Mum told me that this is what they usually served. They won't make it huge, but simple and delicious). I might agree with my mum. The beef rendang was damn GOOD-LA WEI!! I love it..Because.. I just eat Yellow rice with beef rendang.. ^^

Just that I saw was Gavin, Devan, Kelly, Jac, Fendy and Genki. I wonder..where is the rest of the DPLUSM member? Did they come here early and left? Or they might come in later? was about 3pm when we left the place. We arrived late too..Hmph...

And..this is what I get as a gift of attending Sha's wedding.

mini timbikar ^^

Congratulation Baby Shasha and her beloved husband. May they live happily together no matter how hard is it. Tumpang gembira ye ... ^^

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Diana F+ - 01

Finally, I got the chance to use my Diana F+ - Glow in the dark version where I bought it from Hong Kong when I followed my Company trip from DPLUSM Creative.

Every photos was not that nice and I got 9 pictures out of 12pictures. Roll of the film was negative 120film with 100ISO only.

Will eventually shoot my lomo model and shout it out here. Currently was tired..and havent shoot the camera yet ><"

Sekinchan (using splitzer)


Fishing Village

Fishing Village

Fishing Village

Fishing Village (using splitzer)

Fishing Village (using splitzer)

Really wish to practice more on this lomo!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ken's Big Day

It's Ken Birthday on 3rd March and since I was having a Half Day Annual Leave, I decided to hunt for his gift. I Know what to buy..and that's why I do it on the very last minute.

After my 1st day of gum's appointment, I straight head to 1utama and look out for the shop. Was hungry that moment...but still, YES, I wanted to buy it...

Got home at 7.00pm, ready to snap shop domokun and the pressie and sent an MMS to him to greet him saying :

Domo wanted take photo and wish you 'Happy Bigday' !!

Ain't that cute? And yes, this is the domo that Ken bought me as a gift in normal days.


Wish him stay healthy always...and don't pik chik at work... ^^