Friday, January 31, 2014

Gong Xi Fa Cai

If you were to type the letterings of "Gong Xi Fa Cai" at "wechat" you will gonna have a special effect of all money ONG to your way :)

And partly, would like to take opportunity that the company I'm working at ; sQuid creative advertising would wish everyone healthy, wealthy, ONG mali here and there and foremost, stay YOUNG yo!

And so today, this is the 3rd year that I came to Ken's family and I have received an Ang Pow from Ken's Brother. 1st time wei~ Yihehehehe~ Yah!

 Not only that, Labu (the labbit) and wombat loves the ang pow too ^^ (Well, look at Wombat, he sniffing as he 1st time see the new things)

And so... Ken played the firecrackers early morning. Kubi (the dog) was let loose and running around that moment. And when he was tied up, Labu and Kubi met each other for the 1st time and greeted "Gong Xi Fatt Tai Cai"

Monday, January 6, 2014

Playing in the Pool :)

This is consider the 1st time I was in the pool (don't mention when I was still a small kid-lah).

Activity of every Friday I was the one planned.

Our activities starts from 6.30pm - 7.30pm (or if you want to stay longer, you may go ahead) every Friday.

Whoever wanted to join me, JOM-LA :)

This was happened last 2weeks on Thursday (Due to some-other reason so we shifted a day earlier)

Before I start, the "Pelampung" (I forgot what is the english name for it. >.< GOSH~) was actually belongs to Penny as it was a christmas gift we have exchanged last year. But since she knows how to swim and I can't, I just use it for FUN - In the sick of WANTED TO PLAY INSIDE THE POOL SO BADLY >.<

At the beginning, in my mind I was thinking NOT TO GET WET (even though I have bought extra clothes). But never know, the moment I just started to seat and lay down, all the water rushing down my pelampung.

So FUCK IT, I just play and start many stupid and silly positions!

Penny also did taught me how to move my pelampung forward and backwards or sideways. I'm still learning. Oh BTW, I don't know how to swim :P

So here, I starting to move my pelampung...

Damned. I look like a mayat floating~

And Wayne played his pelampung.

FYI, He knows how to swim. So don't look down on that guy!

This is the funny position!

and I dont know what the hell I was doing over there.

Wait...actually I was trying to get down from my pelampung. So I need to get hold on something to balance myself to get down.

And so, I walk towards to Wayne for the exchange pelampung color.

Telling him that he looks sexy if he's using the pink instead of the green one.


He swam away...

So, I flush him with water yelling 



Sunday, January 5, 2014

Postcard from Genki

I finally received Genki's postcard last Friday 10/01/2014 before taking Fat-Fat to the vet for his usual dressing. I read on spot. Smiled alone.

Thanks for remembered :) And YES, Not only I misses you. But all of us misses you too...

Hope you have your healthy meals. Wear more clothes and be able to take care yourself as well.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thirty8, Grand Hyatt Happy New Year 2014!

In my 30, this is my F.I.R.S.T time that I went to a 4.4 star hotel to have a Hi-Tea and it was falls on the 01 January 2014.
YES! That's New Year.

I am happy that I known 3 of them and we sat together and chit-chat plus playing with our mobile device (well, we are malaysian-wut~)

Devi was my primary school mate and she have become my bestfriend ever since. Wymond was our monitor when I was in Secondary school. I didn't quite mix with him that time and don't really talks to him. But somehow, Facebook have given us a change to comment each other status as well as Whatsapp-ing. Daniel I knew him from Wymond and he came part of GDragon life when Big Bang came to Malaysia last 2 years in 2012. He indeed a friendly guy but sometimes DDLY (that was taught by Wymond anyway) *blegh~*

So! Here we are. Reaching Grand Hyatt of Thirty8 Restaurant. The view is really nice. On top of that, you can face KLCC (whoever fancy of KLCC, please seat or reserve near to the window)

The placement of the hind back part

You may choose the seat to be near to KLCC View

Table Setting

Corner View

Kitchen Area

While walking, I even snap some shot from the kitchen place too ^^

The Pastas and Spaghs

Ingredients to support the tastes (Part 1)

Ingredients to support the tastes (Part 2)


This is not a VIP area. It's just another place for you to enjoy the scene.

And we ordered the Hi-Tea that cost RM68++ per person.
(Below is just part of it as they even served sandwiches and scones plus either hot coffee or tea)

This was shared with 4 person. Total of two sets.

Below is the images I snapped per plate each

I really do love Macaroons

 And here, We ordered their Signature Cake. This was introduced by Daniel that he heard is the "MUST DESSERT" to ordered. Costed RM25 (if not mistaken)

Inside would be the dry ice and the waiter will poured the caramel ontop of the choc cake. Well, definitely to ordered as it really taste nice!

++ And ++

Of cause, we will have photos together for the New Year too ^^

Me And Devi

Devi and Daniel

Me and my monitor; Wymond

And that's me; acting cute XD
Finally, the four of us together :D

As I mentioned earlier, the Hi-Tea came with one beverage and I've ordered the hot coffee.

Once again, I would like to wish you all a very GOOD LUCK IN WHATEVER YOU DO, ALL BAD LUCKS GO AWAY AND DONT COME BACK in this year of 2014 :)

아자아자 화이팅!
(Aja Aja Hwaiting!)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Free Tiger Radler

When I came to work, Mave told me about this Tiger Radler that taste like Shandy and Cocoon are giving away for the first 50 people who flashed the FB view to them in order to get the bottle. So I clicked into the Tiger Beer FB and decided to participate it.


Yes. It was only available from 02 Jan 2014 (just one day). The starting is from 6pm onwards.

But me, Wayne and Penny try to ask them for further enquiries and we manage to get 5 bottles at plus minus 4pm. We even asked for a bucket of Ice and promised to return back to them (which we really did returned back)

 In the end, we were the 1st 5 customers who flashed our FB from our phones :)

And... I waited till 5PM and start for the drink!

I tasted it and I started liking it. It's just min 2% alcohol, which just a little higher compare to Shandy.

So, since I have found the Tiger, we have to camwhore ourself ^^

Thanks Tiger and Thanks Cocoon for the FREE Tiger Radler!
(Btw, if you manage to get this Tiger Radler in Malaysia, there's a meaningful story behind the label. Read it!)

BTW, FYI, I drank all up. For those out there who can't drink (just like me), try this! I am sure you will be FINE ^^

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Work With Passion

I know is 2014 and I supposed to talk about good things. But I was actually clearing up my iphones pictures and I came across this :-

This was the theme from my Ex company - Teabreak; that called "Work With Passion"

Ken snapped it and send me and I tot it might be a good memory to keep inside my blog :)

 Ken - Work With Passion (Month of June 2009)

And below is me :)

Xter - Work With Passion (Month of February 2009)

and below is the gift we had ; a cup (YES! I love it alot!)

The Front

 The Side

Work With Passion - is to encourage everyone, designer or executive marketing or even production to have passion with their work. And each of the month, one of them would be selected, presenting them a certificate of appreciation and this cup as souvenirs.

AND ...

It was nice working in Teabreak actually :)