Previously, As I said. My Uncles and Aunties from Aussie came down for Visit, and another one isAttending my Cousin’s Wedding. Both of my Aunts flew back chun-chun 1st January. Not bad huh??
Well., On 30th December 07. We meet again. Dad drove to Peng Peng’s place. When I reached, Aunty Ling Ku saw me and say “there’s your prince charming sleeping”. OMG! My dearest lovable Prince Charming. I laugh. Yea. Both Edmund and Darren looks pretty tired. But I was way to excited to see my Dear Darren. He’s cute.
This time they are playing kites. Aint that good? I didn’t play. Just took some photos. Seeing Edmund, Darren, Aunty Ling Ku, Daddy, Kee Seong to play the kites. Even snaps some photos using 2 cameras. Yea! I’m Si Tamak type. I need to collect photos. Cause it’s like a very very long time only can be together with them.
This is the field we plan to play kites at. Seong suggest de.
Daddy busy making kites. Hoping it wont fall off when flying it.
Mum helping daddy to fly the kite :)
Still playing the kite. Aunty Ling Ku come join...
So relaxing huh??
Seeing and Flying Kites
Tyring to untangle the strings...maybe??
Wow! Aunty Ling Ku is flying the kite!
This is the flying kite - above the sky.
And here.. Edmund's kite stuck in the tree while flying it
They trying so hard to get the kite down from the tree
Now everyone been thinking the IQ how to get the kite down
Almost going to be 8pm, the kite was still stuck at the tree. Well, Let’s forget it. Every one was yelling hungry. They planned the nest morning will take the kite down. “Dun worry daddy, You will get back your kite”
We went to veggie restorant. Everyone ask me am I ok with it? Yea. I’m fine of cause. Cause this aunty already “zao” me very much ner. She knows I like to eat meats a lot, so she will prepare her own vegetarian food. Sometimes I feel bad for myself. So this, OF CAUSE I’M ALRIGHT with it. 1st dishes is Sharkfin. I ate the whole bowl. Then came int hose vegetarian food such as roasted pork, veggie, tofu, sotong,… But once I ate few dishes, I already stop. Mum kept on asking me to eat. I say dunwan. Then she gave me another bowl os Shark Fin. I really really full joh. I say I don’t wan to eat. She kept asking me to eat saying that “ in Nikko Hotel you also eat 2 bowls ma. Then I gave a pissed off face. I already tell myself to calm down. Don’t make matter worst. But mum kept forcing me. I was really angry. Then Dad told mum that “this shark fin is different. All is this is vegetarian. You know she’s meat eater. Why you wan to force her?” See.. My dad also quite understanding. Somemore. I really full after I ate the 1st bowl of the Shark fin.
++ I luv this family pictures we took. Look the way DARREN & XTER ++
Cool down… after everything was cleared off. Served fruits for us. Yum yum. In the end, we took pictures – of family together. When family pictures time, I faster rush to Peng Peng there and stand besides him. Afraid that later Darren will hit me or something. Though I like him a lot, but he say he HATE me. So I pretty scared to get near him. But, neva knew. All of a sudden, Darren was behind me. He put his arms on my chest, like somekind of hugging me. MY GOD! I was totally “so lam” you know. How I wish this remain forever. Even after the taking pictures was over, Darren still hug me. I pat my mum’s shoulder and say “Meeee.. seee.. Darren dunwan let me go”. I kept on laughing. So “song” ner.. After the dinner, we went back home. Miss the feeling that Darren Hug me. Really de.
Late at Nite, Ah Lam find me and we have late supper. I told him I ate vegetarian today. Then I order Chow Kuew Tiew from “Wan Dak Sek”. Just eat abit also. But got ate half a plate ya. Then, I told Lam to call Ar Jun to come and eat together. Lepak lepak lor. Before Ar Jun came, Lam gave me one pinky box.
Xter: Gip me da? (reaching my hand to take the box – looks like I’m Si Tamak)
Lam: (shit! I forgot what he said liao)…
But eventually he gip me the box. I opened it. Ar Jun was here liao. Don Care. I still open it. Due to my surprise. Is the necklace I saw at Kepong Pasar Malam. Coz last week, while chaning my Korean DVD with Lam and Fong Yuen, I saw this necklace. It’s unique for me. Then the guy told me is a new arrival. I put the necklace down and walk off. Neva knew Lam go buy for me. N also it’s a couple necklace. That’s why I lagi damn happy. Lam told me that it’s couple de. Though the inner is different from mine. But it’s very very BEAUTIFUL! I fly high liao.
Besides, on Xmas. Lam gave me one DIY xmas pressie. This xmas pressie, Inside is the glass container and he put the hacks inside. Where else the wrapper is the Hacks wrapper. It’s neat you know. Imagine that he stick all the wrapper of hacks together to form a wrapping paper. So lam lea. Though the ribbon is not that nice, but at least he got the heart to do it.
Was really really happy that he treat me good. Because he always besides me and treating me good, I neva know that I reli luv him a lot.
One New Year eve, Lam bring us to One Utama to countdown. Talking about us, including Devi and Ar Jun. Meaning 4 of us going for countdown. The Curve was super jam. But the most happy thing was – we saw the fireworks up above us. Yeap! It hurts our neck. But it’s fun. It’s big. So nice. Lam kept recording the fireworks and snapping few pictures of it. Wow!!!
I cant snap or anything, cuz my phone in workshop liao. Very sad ar. That time my phone rosak, no speaker. But if use handsfree, is still ok. Can listern wan. But normal ringing or in gallery – totally no sounds. Very very heart pain. Luckily still got vibration. Else I dunno whether got calls or sms for me or not. But now, my phone ok liao. So so happy. Lam told me to make it. He bring me to his fren workshop. They tried to put in new speaker, but it didn’t work. So they told Lam, better don’t do it. Coz not worth doing it. I was so sad ner. Lam say, we go buy new phone. Buy couple phone ok. I say I dunwan. Coz I dun feel like wasting money to buy another phone which is round 1k. It’s very very fucking xpensive lea. I even told him that, this phone is my last time couple phone oso lea. Got abit mm sai dak. Coz this phn follow me very long time liao. N I like the way the phone is. But neva knew.. my phone goes back to normal. I jump into happiness.
Ok..back to the New Year Eve celebration, Lam and Me started to hold hands abit. But in New Year day. We totally hold hands liao. So sweet lea!!!! Well, that night, Lam told me that New Year breakfast will eat with his mum together. I was abit “kan cheong”. Dun even know what to do. His mum told Lam let me sleep and let me sendiri awake. Tell him dun disturb me coz that nite we bek home late. His mum so nice to me lea. Then morning, we ate Yong Tau Fu. Later on, his lil bro came with his gf. It’s like a family breakfast, except his dad didn’t turn up. Might be busy doing his works. (Last time on Xmas, his mum oso got told Lam that eat breakfast on Xmas morning, But we woke up late and hismum still sleeping. So postponed next time ya).
Happy Happy Happy whole day. Coz besides John’s mum who treat me nice, cook food and take care of me, lam mum’s do the same to me. I was way to happy. Well, Dou’s mum also got cook for me – in occasion, but not that so rapat. I know Dou’s mum treat me good also. Well.. It’s past. Don’t need to mention liao. Just hope he become and realize his wrong doings.
Later in the afternoon, supposed to go Sunway with Lam, play ice skating. He say He can teach me. But.. ltr Ar Jun msg me, I mai promise him I eat breakfast with him after I finished breakfast with Lam’s family. In the end, we head to The Curve and Jun met his fren also. So we eat our lunch instead of breakfast liao. We even catch different movies. Jun and Jerry catch AVP, where else me and Lam catch I Am Legend! At least. I can watch this show!!!!!!!! My Goodness.
We went in separate ways. Reached the Ikano – Pets Safari. My heart beats fast when I see those cutie Iguanas. Oh My. I wanna buy oneeeeeeeee… I need oneeeeee. Yea.. Maybe later – probably after CNY. Then while walking, I bought Lam a collar shirt. He likes a lot. Somemore is not that expensive also. Well, gau dim one go. My New Year pressie for him.
Times Up. Catch our movie. Then Darren msg me.
Hey Ester its Darren just arrived at the airport. What are you doing?
Oh sorry to disterbe you. I don’t know my mother wanted to get there early + I bought some Ralph Lauren so boring in the air port I saw some of ping ping wedding photos of you very funny ill show you later daz
Nope, I don’t have you email do you have mine. You cant miss me that much ill (is a short form of ‘will’) come to MAS same time this year prob for seongs wedding I miss you too can still chat though
I had a great time hear For sure but cant sms back thinking about you on the plane. Haha
Oh and Edmund and mum say Goodbye
Hey im getting on the plane now laters J I don’t even know how to say goodbye in Chinese lol cya.
The 6th msg, I blame myself cause I didn’t aware that he send me SMS. If I know, I will straight call him liao. So sad lea. Lam saw me type msg such as “I luv You” to Darren. Haha. But he aint jealous. Coz he trust me. He will say “ you don’t dream la. People younger you 7 years old la. Somemore so far also. Got Fatty (is a nickname I usually call him – but hey! He’s not that fat. I hope he go fat one day. So no people can rampas him from me. Whahahahahahahhahahahaha) here mai good lor. But everytime I told Lam that I wan half half. Meaning Half Half of the price for me – 1 person fly to Aussie to meet Darren. Like eg, if the air flight cost RM3K. One of us need to put up to 1.5k. Haha. Then I will leave Fatty alone in the house, where else I go meet Darren.
Got once, Lam say – like a story.. that I meet Darren, den this la, that la. While he’s talking over the phone. I imagine the scene. Suddenly One words of him totally awakes me. He said “then this DARREN name is me”. Meaning, his name from Tonny change to Darren. OH MY GOD! WHY? WHY MY DREAM TURNS INTO NIGHTMARE? Imagine you dream of your love ones.. and suddenly one guy appear and replace your dream guy. Eeekkk…
That was past. Now present, I am Fatty girl girl liao. Every night, he will come find me. That’s make me no dinner with family liao. Bad boy. Nway, starting next week, I told mum that I will dinner with her. Cox this week, I was super way to busy. OT for sucha long hours, and just last Sunday, Phaik Bee’s dad commit suicide by jumping from his own room – 5th floor. When I heard Phaik Bee called me and cried over the phone, I go tukar baju and wanna rush there adi. Mum told me to drive carefully cause – all of a sudden. Somemore in the morning, Phaik Bee say lunch together. She sounds fine. But because after work, I was tired, I went home straight. Well, getting ready in everything, Lam called me. Told me he will come fetch me instead.
Reached the Hospital Selayang, I cant find Phaik Bee. I saw his mum and we went over there. Talk with her. Then head to the Rumah Mayat. Even saw his dad cover with a white cloth and when opened, I really saw his dad lying – unmoved. Was reli reli sad. Coz his father is a strong believer. You will never knew that he will do such things to his life. Just hope he is now have a better path to go and from above, looking and taking care of my fren.
No mood liao after I talk about the death. Better get some rest 1st, coz Later my boy going to come and pick me up, go to his hse, wait him finish bath..den out fetch Jun and Devi to watch Game Plan – Yea! The Rock movie.
Hmph.. another thing I wanna say. I mean 2 things. 1st. Yup, me and Lam pak toh liao..but I see that – we like knew each other for quite some times. Also hope this will be my last boy. Hoping he will care for me as well. I also dunno why I like him all of sudden. Maybe he reli “fan zin?” haha. Just Kd. I see everyone gets along with him. Even my collage frenz, my secondary frenz, my godbro also. Funny huh?
And 2nd thing, for John. Well.. I also dunno what to say bout him. He recently chatted with me thru MSN. He told me he was very sad coz his GF wanna break up with him. Well, that time V broke up, I already advise him not to find GF which is around 18/19 below. Don’t think that because they sweet and sexy and have nice body figure, you falls in the trap. But he told me that they pak toh for a yr – until end of this January (since I ask him the question, how long have they’ve been together). He even told me that there’s a 3rd party guy, and that’s make his GF dunno what to choose. HALO! If the gurl reli reli likes and luv u bits to bits, they will no “sam lor lor luien “ de lor. Like me, even dat time I date with Dou, and Lam send me msgs and flowers, I oso dun give a damn to him. Instead, I feel like I treat him very bad. But now.. we both are together, I feel kinda weird myself. Somemore he’s my fren Godbro and I’m my fren’s chee mui. Don’t you think is weird? But .. hopefully we reli reli luv each other till the end lor.
For John, just hoping he can continue his life. Though he got told me that his Gurl will be the last. But hey! I shoot him off saying “DIU, Last time I break up with you, you also say the same words to me la”. All this is rubbish de la. Say and do is totally different wan. He even told me that If me and hims till together, we will get married soon. I say “ I know, coz last time I told you that we date for 5 years 1st den only get married.”. He’s like totally forgotten. But I Remember, cuz this words is I say wan. Meaning, 25 or 26, I will get married with John. But now… past is past. Let by gone be by gone. Just left only memory. But for fatty. Haha. I no need wait for 5 yrs loo. See how our relationship goes 1st. Cuz just ngam ngam pak toh, I know is very very sweet sweet days. In few mths later.. haha.. things will heat up and things will change. So, just let see…
Ps: Just now fatty call me. He ask me “wake up joh la (it’s 3-4pm liao). I say yea. He ask me got eat not. Coz he plan to dar bao for me if I’m hungry. I say No need ner. I ate muffin and drank peppermint liao. Slurp. He ask, what am I doing, I say writing blog and posting me and Darren’s pictures. Then I continue back my words… Coz long time no talk bout Darren liao..den will sunpin write blog that I pak toh with fatty liao. (when I say that, he sounds very happy over the phone. My fatty very easy to pleased one) Then he tell me go do my blog and he go do his work.
- pictures will be updated soon-
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