8367 means I'm 06.July.1983. Oh No! I'm 25 THIS YEAR!!!!
8297 means Fatty burfay on 09.July.1982 and he will forever old compare to me. Muahahahahah!!!!
Anyway, I have fun on my Burfday. Though is nothing Big or Special like my previous years la. But at least I am proud to have friends who still wishes me on my BIG DAY!!
grin ^o^
Last friday, June took us go to Bora Asmara. Located at Taman Tun (near the Mofaz area). It's a romantic place with baliness style. Very cool. We reached there quite early. Around 6.30pm like that. I asked, why no people come de? Then Kok Leong answered "Cause this place is only booked for us. The whole place".
7 of us together. Cause in the end, Kok Leong GF arrived. Well, 7 means: -
1. June
2. Xter
3. Devi
4. Angie
5. Kok Leong
6. Kok Leong GF
7. Ah Fung
I'm so happy... We started to order dishes. June intro some of the food she tasted before. She even introduced the drinks to us. The drinks I shared with Devi together.
Here's the food looks like and as well as the places.
View of The Bora Asmara that we sat
Zoom In...
Some of the decoration
Kok Leong and Angie - aint they look njoying?
Xter and Devi - she come join with us together - Izin't that's cool?
Here's the Inner part of Bora
That's center part of the Bora
This call as Bisik-Bisik (whisper)
That's ME!!
Fried Onion and Sotong. I like the Sotong vy much ^0^
My Steak!!! My Lamb leg!! It deco wif vegie on top, But I told devi help me to hide it. Bottom of the lamb is hidden wedges!!
Tom Yam. Very yummy.. and I didnt have the chance to eat the prawn though devi gave me. Cuz when I wanna eat, it's all coldddddd
Nice rite? But that's Devi's one!!! How come hers so nice?
Me and My Art Director - June. She's sexy huh!! I keep on touching her :P
Here, they sang me burfday song and even 2 more malay songs. One of them came close and sit near me. Very very shy ar!!!
I'm so happy. And EVEN HAPPY when they bring out the birthday cake, which bought from Fong Yuen (--BIG THANKS to her--). Surprisingly, they sang me the BIRTHDAY song! I was in a shock. I never know that they will sing for me. So shy la!! I don't know what reaction to give them. All I can say is Thank You Thank You.
It's my FIRST time to go thru this such happening situation. Though is not those grand grand type la, but this place. It's unbelievable, that is full of romance. Somemore, you can wonder - how it is look like when it rains. Sure "SHIOKkk"!!!
On my actual burfday, Fatty present me one watch from Solvil Titus. It's a watch that can wear it as bracelet. Which is same like my esprit watch. I was full of surprise that he bought me the watch. Cause just last month, he bought me one watch which I will normally wear. Of cuz la, xpensive watch I will wear it when got function, or big stuff going on, or shopping. Depends de.
I'm way too happy!!! I love it very much infact.
(will upload the photo soon ^o^)Next, we went to Pavillion as he has promised. We aim at the top floor of the food corner the 1st time we went to Pavillion and told each other that we will c'brate our burfday together in there. I saw the menu from the Japanese steak. It's damn xpensive. It's like, 200g cost RM70++. 200g only lea! I guess, if eat there - at least 2people need RM500 adi. We dont feel like eating those korean, Indian, Thai, Japanese food - as that's normal. Since there's Turkish style, WHY NOT TRY it? Somemore, it's the First opening in KL.
Anyone who wanna try, can go to the top floor, Level6 Pavillion and try BOSPHORUS, Fine Turkish Cuisine.
The guy was gentleman. He served me like a lady by pulling my chair and helped me the seat. It's so comfy. 1st time treated like that by the waiter. (Ahem.. I hardly go to highclass restorant ok. So no need compare or show off to me :P) Then, another waitress came and she intro us some of their food.
Since there's no picture for us to see, we just tikam. And I kept telling the waitress, Issit nice ar? Sorry ar.. 1st time eating Turkish. She's friendly. She will even tell us to try their soup, side orders, dessert, grilled, etc.
Here's the thing we've order. Though is not many. But we ate quite full, since the dishes got rice. Two side orders was given free by them. The salad and the Turkish bread.
This is the Restaurant we went - Bosphorus
Here's Fatty!!
and Xter... my cup got tea wan ar...
Mini Turkish Coffee
Salad. It's kinda Sour.. Not my taste
Imam Bayildi
Isn't that's great if you got this serve every morning?
with a bowl of soup - Lentil Soup
That's Fatty - Chicken Beyti Kebab
Ok, This mine - Lamb Shish Kebab
-n- he's going to eat it... taste nice
my turn to eat...In the end, we pay AA for the bill. Cause, we've already said. C'brate burfday together. No need waste money. I eat urs, u can eat mine.
Pavillion parking is very xpensive ar. 1st 3 hours is RM4. The next every 1/2hr will be charging RM1. Walao! So damn xpensive!!
Next, Fatty ask me whether I wanna go KL Tower or not. But since we spended on the items, I tot that we just head back home. When he passed by the road to turn in KL Tower, then I bising sama him that I wanna go liao. Hehe. For at last, he bring me go. Entrance fees is RM4.20 n going inside the KL Tower (show MY KAD and you will have to just pay half of the price) is RM10.00
It's not that big. But can really see the whole KL and Selangor I guess. I saw Lot 10!! Those sexy ah moi crossing the roads. Since the Binoculars is FREE for seeing. So, why not use it huh?

KL Tower!!! Finally~
Oh NO... Fatty looking at ah moi!!
he seems enjoyin...
it's free...can go zoom zoom and intai intai
And here's our pictures together:-

for malay wedding?
Pineapple DustbinHere's the chart of the world top

[1] CN Tower
- Toronto, Canada (553meter)
[2] Ostankino Tower
- Moscow, Rusia (540meter)
[3] Oriental Pearl Tower
- Shanghai, China (468meter)
[4] Menara Kuala Lumpur - My Country!!
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (421meter)
[5] Tianjin Tower
- Tianjin, China
[6] Central Tower
- Beijing, China (405meter)
[7] Tashkent Tower
- Tashkent, Uzbekistan (375meter)
[8] Fernsehturn
- Berlin, Germany (368 meter)
[9] Tokyo Tower
- Tokyo, Japan (333meter)
[10] Sky Tower
- Auckland, New Zealand (328meter)
[11] Amp Tower
- Sydney, Australia (304meter)
[12] Barcelona Tower
- Barcelona, Spain (288meter)
[13] Donauturm Tower
- Vienna, Austria (252meter)
[14] Seoul Tower
- Seoul, South Korea (237meter)
[15] Telstra Tower
- Canberra, Australia (195meter)
[16] Euromast Tower
- Rotterdam, Holland (185meter)
[17] Menara Alor Setar
- Kedah, Malaysia (165.5meter)
Yeah! My dream come true. Which is - FINALLY, I can visit KL Tower adi! Sei mou. 25years old only got the chance to visit. Haihhh... Pity me. But still I'm happy. At Last~
Finally, Big
THANK YOU for those who still remember my burfday.
1. My Sister
2. Kee Peng
Boyfren1. Fatty
Godbro1. Ken Koh
2. Ah Lou
1. Devi
2. Sue Ghee
3. Fong Yuen
4. Phaik Bee
5. Dexter
1. June
2. Angie
3. Ah Fung
4. Kok Leong
5. Kok Leong GF
6. Wykie
7. Nicole
8. Ka Kit
9. Rachel
10. Li Hane
Collage Frenz
1. Ah Liew
2. Sue Fang
3. Vivianeh
4. Zachary
Ex Boyfren1. John
2. Kah Hoe
3. Ah Dou
Friendster Member
1. Ket Tung
2. Carrick
3. Annie
4. Irene
5. CK
6. William Teo
Okok, back to Fatty Burfday. I bought Car magazine (monthly issue) for him. Just 2 copies only, but of cause in Chinese version la. Bought it when together with Devi that time. Even bought one shaver, which is using battery type wan. Luckily Devi helped me alot on this shaver. She helped me to call her guy friends to make sure, whether it is worth it to buy or not.
1st guy- Is he Indian or Chinese? If Chinese, just buy the normal one will do la.
2nd guy- The guy say he use caplang brand, since devi asked him what brand he use on shaver. Then when devi asked him that I wanna buy gillette for a guy, he go say "why buy ciplak wan?" HUH?? Then devi hand me the phone, and I told the guy - not ciplak ar... T_T haha. V laughed, and he say it's just a joke but can go ahead and buy the Gillette Turbo
- and so on... At least she helped me to call 3-5guys like that. Wow~! Super Impress.
Ok la, I make up my mind and pay up the things. Even bought some makeup and foundation. Devi helped me out also. Isn't that cool to have a friend that share makeup xperience?!
And lastly, just yesterday. On 8th July, I planned to deliver cake to Fatty from De Pastry. But DePastry NO DELIVERY ar! Ugh... Somemore I sick and blur blur that moment. Making me more even headache. Why am I doing so much thing for this guy ar! He's not yet my everything also. Ughhhh!!!
I called devi to ask for her help. She tell me to try Secret Recipe. Ok lor. I called up at the Desa Park City. But no delivery to Segambut ar. Can only deliver to certain places. I go more headache! Eventually, June helped me out by searching from online cakes that deliver within KL areas.
She gave me few websites on those cakes. And I still lor lor luin, dunno which cake to choose. At 1st I dont feel like using her credit card. I tot of personal see the cake my own and order on that spot and pay the money. But she insist me and telling me that she's fine with it. So,i look lor. I take it. But another lead to the matter - which is - I DUNNO WHICH CAKE TO CHOOSE! And the last order to send off on wednesday is by today (080708) before 3pm. OMG!
Here's the cake...
Blueberry - 18cm, 1kg and come with flower arrangement
Chocolate Fudge - 18cm, 1kg and come with flower arrangement
Since I got half hour more. I ask opinion from my MSN frenz. Buzzed quite a few people. Let's see which votes the most
Blueberry cake1. June
2. Dexter
3. Ah Fung
4. Angie
5. Terrance
6. Wykie
7. Nicole and her colleague
Chocolate Cake
1. Ruby
2. Kee Fai
3. KK
4. Rachel
So, I ordered Blueberry cake. Very da gan cheong moment ar. While asking for opinion and keep on attaching files to my buddies, June told me to call the cake house 1st. What else, they no sent to Segambut later.
True also hor. Later I ask ask ask and wanna buy, den suddenly no sent, I mai JIALAT oredi. Then waste my time lor!! Sorry ar. 1st time order cake from internet ar. Many things also dunno. When I called the Florist shop, the gurl who named as JC is quite friendly. To fasten up things, she faxed me the form, June helped me to fill in everything and I faxed back the form to them. Luckily beat it before 3pm!!
That's the
ART DIRECTOR of Maxiimpact :P
To whoever wanna see and have a look or maybe for some planning next time, can log in to
Know what's I'm planning. Sharp sharp 12am of 090708, I will present him the magazine 1st, with a card of Happy Burfday which I bought from Aussie that time. Then the card behind, I chopped one mark which says "Love you more and more" (That chop was bought few years back ago from MC - Hello Kitty promotion chops). I will kept telling him I dunno what to buy. But all I can think of is to buy this 2 car magazine only. Then while he working, the cake will be delivered to him. I wonder how his reaction is. Then at nite will onli present him the Happy Burfday gift, which is the shaver.
How come on this earth, I do so many things wan ar??? But let's see. If he's happy. Then why not to make him happy and r'ber this moment rite??
Hoping Fatty will like it very much...
Happy Burfday Fatty - Fatty old one day. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah~
omigosh i din notice ur bday lol anyway anyhow, happy belated bday to you! Seems like you really enjoyed everything you do! XD nice to see that!
Thanks Thanks alot!!! Hehe.. Ya, Quite njoyin and I've just resigned and move to another area, and Guess what? They have c'bration for my burfday too.. (which include 3 more person which bday falls on julai).
Thanks for the wish!! I will update de list ^_^
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