Here I will post alot of have lots of fun in viewing lor..
Back part of this car, it's ekzos will put out fire...Damn cool!
Below of the blue car, the 3D texture was came from Thailand's idea.
I like this sentence more! This got ATTITUDE!
and lots of cars infront of Bukit Jalil...
* I dont quite like this wan... Not so good at all
This is the few cars of Initial D type
From the walk in main entrance, here's the first car will capture your attention. It's from Thailand (Asean).
Even inside...
and top of the roof... it's all skeleton in 3D!
I like this sport rim (and if u scroll till the bottom.. I like dat sport rim as well)
Nice AirBrush!
Helo Kitty car!
Side of the Helo Kitty car - done by Airbursh.
Cute turtle huh? It's just for DECO only.
Tiger Car
Cute mini Tiger
Okok..this is more important. Car is Gen2 la!
Just see the normal shot that Fatty took for me... (shown as below)
Nice texture rite??
Well, lets see this wan..with the flash! (dat was told by one of the photographer. he told us to shoot one with flash and one without flash to see the result. All BIG THANKS to him! Or else, i wouldnt EVEN KNOW!)
TADA! Good effect huh!!
To proof that it was CAPTURE BY MY CAMERA! I know it's lame.. but I do like this effect alot.
Here's Before...without the flash
and Here's After...with the Flash!
So, Imagine when it's at nite and ur car light shine at this GEN2!
Don't ever look down on this cute Doramon car! This driver got ALOT of awards!
Even inside of the car..deco with Doramon also! Big fan of Doramon huh!
Yup..Dragon ball car.. But it's all sticker! So not that nice anyway!
When can I have the chance to owe this luxurious car!
with the blink blink!!!
Totally twins!
I dont even know how come they put alot of mini TV inside a car! Damn lots of money!!
even..this video that fatty capture as well! Geng ar!
See.. totally airbrush on spot.
about 50CENT!
Another Helo Kitty again... cute and matching!
From Myvi...
Ok.. here is the inner part of bukit jalil...
Damn hot cars~
this is the spot rim I said earlier...from Neo version as well~
Soorry.. I ran out of battery. Couldnt take more of the photos. Evn dont have time to capture those showgirls!