I planned so long to go to The Cave since one of my colleague went there. Though I heard that the food is not nice and the price is quite high. But, the environment is UNIQUE so I giving them a THUMBS UP. SO? Of cuz I head for the unique environment lor!.
In the end, when I told devi bout my planning to c'brate together in The Cave, she found out that it is "“24 hours couple dining and drinking”. Haih!!!! Kek sei ngor ar!!!! I dont hope she kept thinking that it's only for couple. No lor! It's just their name onli ma. Anyway, later on she called me saying that she will be having dinner with her family, so we (me and fatty) head together to The Cave ourselves.
Reached there... You will be surprised! You might love it as well. But I say 1st hor.. it's quite narrow and the overall things looks quite small. The main thing is, the price is quite xpensive oso. It's better u all go eat dinner outside, but can come to The Cave to have some drinks afterwards.
Mine stories goes....
One of the waitress guide us to our Cave number. To my - NOT SATISFIED, she gave me my cave which is next to the WASHROOM! It's quite irritating when someone slammed the door in and out. So i pressed the button of "Call" for so many times. Even Fatty pressed for me as well. But there's still no one to come to us. Seinz lor!!! And we decided to have few shots of ourselves together.
So, we walked out and I complained to one of the waitress. I told her, I have no MENU and I've been calling for waitress thru the button but no one comes to us. And somemore, I need to change my seating place as my place is next to the washroom and it's quite horrible!
Ok. the waitress was quite nice. She took us another place and told us, if we need anything can simply press the "call" button and even gave us 2 menus. We look thru and when we wanna place an order, of cuz we have to press the "call" button again.
But, no one came! Two of the management been walking and Fatty called them to come over. So I told one of the manager and said I need to place and order. You know what he told me?
"I'm sorry, but we are having some internal difficulties. We cant take any orders right now as there is some problems in the kitchen so we have to stop everything 1st. I can place your drinks order if you want, but for the others orders, you have to wait for 3hours"
MY GOODNESS! 3 HOURS!!! YOU WANT TO STARVE ME ON CHRISTMAS EVE??? I straight away told him, "How can this be? No one told us about it when we walked in. They should told us earlier at the front and not making us to wait for so long".
Duh... I skipped my meals there. NO MORE NEXT TIME! So, Fatty face xpression is:-
But I might go there again to have some light drinks. Who wanna join me??
So, we headed to Sunway. Fatty suggest to go to The Fridays as he never went there before but he heard that The Fridays is delicious. Yea...true also.
Ok... luckily there's place for us. We just order one set only as I'm pretty full due to my heavy lunch time of eating my own western food ^^
That's our drinks~
This is the set we've order... The sauce taste damn good!
and the set came with one cheese cake as well...
Guess what? Fatty fed himself...hahaha~
We have limitation in placing orders as it's the christmas menu set. There's nothing much we can order that moment.
Anyway, after the dinner we went out as I wanted to take the Christmas Tree - by Heineken. Well, I'm doing the Heineken job right now.. so I need to do alot of research and ... Pop HERE!
Nice rite?
On the way beack home, Fatty opened up his christmas pressie from JUST me!!!
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