UGH!!! The tittle told everything adi... Sad ar.. Moody liao!!!
I went there with Fatty onThursday, 09/01/2009. I wish to go there when I first saw one of the bloggers went there and have nice photos around. I planned my time, counting down my days, ticking items that I need to bring and one straight go and tell Devi whether she wanna join us sama go hiking or not. Since I very long time never meet her adi. Never know she called me before I planned everything, and she told me she start work adi on Tuesday >.<
On wed nite, I overnite at Fatty's place. Since we were planning to wake each other up at 4.30 am and I wont be disturbing my parents on dat early hours. We got dress up and head to out morning breakfast at Chandran Mamak Stall located at Aman Puri. Never know..we meet one of Nam's fren there as 5AM!!! Wow.. They no need sleep wan ar?? Drink till so MORNING!
Depart from the place at 5.30am, we head to semenyih. And since I and Fatty dunno da road to Broga Hill, we adi stopped at one of the Police Station and asked the Police for the road direction to the hill. Damn. Da police man dunno what is the word "HILL"! I translate as in "BUKIT" he still dont get what I mean. But he know the word "Broga Town". Ok.. Better than nothing. At least show us the Broga Town, and maybe we can ask the direction from there.
Reached Broga town, we found one Police Station AGAIN. Between Semenyih and Broga not that FAR! Still got TWO Police Station oredi. But this time, da police quite friendly and even point to the Broga Hill! And even told us the road...
That when we met "the rabbit farm", park opposite of the rabbit farm, and we could see some cars parked there adi. Fatty told the Policeman, "Maybe masih raya kut, tak jumpa kereta berhenti kat jalan masa lalu". Coz da guy told us that there will be cars parked along side of the Oil Palm Tree to watch the sunrise and the sunset woh.
After Thank-you-ing the guy, Fatty parked OPP from Rabbit Farm. Both of us got down from the car and Fatty get one wood together with him. Coz we never know what's up the hill and only TWO of us will be going up. It's better to be safe huh. First, we have to pass thru the Oil Palm Tree.
Walk pass this Oil Palm Tree...
then thru the rubber estate...
This is the rubber estate area!!
(I dont even know got rubber estate I dont do much research before going. That was stupid of me!)
Here's some of the photos I took. I wish to arrive there at the top of the hill and awaits for the sunrise. But no lucks for me!!
The below picture was capture around 7.30am. (Passing thru the palm oil and rubber estate need to take about 10-15minutes of walks)
And here's the photo that I stopped climbing...
See the Blue and White roof top?? If u went there, then you will know where's my standing location at :)
Stopped taking photos, as it doesnt look NICE AT ALL!! DENG~ Then we continue our journey by tracking one of the mortorist marks. While walking and walking, Fatty told me that it's seems like going down the hill. So we have to patah-balik >.<
This is the path I was talking about.
Fatty walk ahead of me, so I can follow his steps.
Stopped awhile and take some photos again...Coz I know I dont have the chance to be at the top *sob sob*
Snap again the sunrise 1st...
and again...
Coming from one direction, is abit dangerous slope. Even there is a sign of danger was torn by someone else. Fatty asked me to stop but I insists on going up. "MM FOOK HEI AR!!" Then he told me to wait here, and he go climb alone and see what's inside.
Here he prepared smoking!! Deng~
And when he's gone.. I started to take pictures of the narrow path.'s the sign I was talking about (but this is the 2nd sign. There's a 1st sign, but we passed thru)
Few minutes later, Fatty came down..and he insists me not to climb up. >.< Sad SAD SAD ar!!! Come for so long... got nothing ar~! Life so unfair wan!!! How come others can climb..but why cant I de?? Hmphh..
Since got up adi, den Fatty beginning to take s0me pictures...and I took mine instead.
Tada! He dont even know I snap-shot him.
The other hill
R'ber the blue and white roof I talked just now?? See the different "Before" and "After"??
Slowly make our way to walk down... and it's quite difficult lea! It's muc more difficulties then climbing up actually. Seriously lor! While balancing my body, I saw something moving. I told fatty to stop...
And there's one UGLY puppy. He's making his way climbing up the hill. My Goodness! I was panic! I know it's just a puppy.. but it looks HORRIBLE!! Somesort that was mixed with the zombie's blood. Damn scary! I know I have no rights to say such thing to a poor puppy.. But the way I describe realy is the truth!
Fatty picked up some small rocks and throw at it. To let him know NOT TO CLIMB or GET ANY CLOSER with us! When the pup stopped, we faster ourself by walking down carefully... Till the path is abit smooth, I capture the pup...
Here's the pup. The skin looks like the earth!!
When we say "SHOOOO", then he automatically sit down and make no movement at all.
Notice anything from this picture?? See properly 1st before viewing the next picture ya.
Notice the nails? Gosh! So ugly and looks like zombie! I never came across seeing those nails before!!
Poor thing.. He have no foods, and I avoid him. But what can I do? We are alone, and I dont even know is this a dangerous type or not! So dont blame me for not being an "Animal Lover" ok!!
Since we failed to climb to Broga Hill, we head to the chinese temple instead.
This is the temple!!
The entrance view
something that is "pure"??
the big GREEN Pineapple! It might taste abit sour huh?
I told him to touch the "grandpa" head. Like sayang him.. But he said kenot touch the head wan. So he just stand there like a stick -_-""
Coming from one of the view... I capture this shot!
Know where is the Broga Hill??
Yeah.. the angle that I've just circled! I reli rlei WISH to climb up AR!!!
Do climb this stairs...
...and fatty will help u lead the way up ^^
How I wish the Gold is at my room right now ^o^
And...another view of the hill... for those people who wanna have their morning walk or even jogs!
Fatty been amazed by this rock craved with the chinese word.
Since I was born in the Pig of Year... So here I AM!!
And fatty was bron at the Dog Year!!
This is my sista's year... Haha.. I never forget about hers.
Aint this mother and two piggie looks cute??
I sat at the rock, waiting for Fatty to shoot myself ^^ but since I waited too long, I might as well shoot - "MYSELF"
infact, I like this angle alot ^^ coz it makes my leg aint lookin' skinny...
Another rock of view...
Perfect view of the hill I just described. The Hill dat can be walked or Jogs!
While fatty been taking my Canon snapping some photos (it's quite old and it's still using film! I wish to trade in and buy one digital wan), I snap myself :P
This - Fatty helped me to snap. If the grass is much more greener, I will enlarge this photo and hang at my room.
After snapping this photo, Fatty said he himself looks weird if he aint wearin his reshoot again -_-""
Ah.... he's damn satisfied at himself.
I tot only girls will be like that. Dont even know
GUYS also wan to look pretty at photos.
Then, I told fatty to snap few picture of me while I holding my cam... Here goes...
Pretending to be a professional...
Like seriously admiring taking pictures like-dat...
And smile to the photographer... whahahah!!
But, this time.. I'm taking real pictures of the hill... and Fatty snappin my pictures from others angle...
well, LUV this post!!
See this hill?? Looks closer...
Still got mist da!!!
and here.. I create myself a malaysia symbol. Ain't I'm C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E??
Duh... it's just clicked that I wear red and white strip.
The Dragon's Door. Darn to enter it??
Looks what I'm enjoying.
Take out ur shoes or slipper to taste this stone urself!!
Next photos...
Will be....
Got excited when I first saw this giant durian!!
Hope to have a lick of it..
and that's me... with the durians ^^
Since the durian was the last picture taken, we headed back to KL. But on the way, it was very generous of fatty dat he asked me whether wan to pay Justin a visit or not. I told him I didnt buy any things for him... but it's good to drop by and wish him HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR huh!
Here's it...
I cant find any workers around that moment to open Justin's door for me. So I just talked with him from the outside.. Telling him I changed my job and couldnt get up the Broga Hill. Asking him, how do he felt now..cuz it's been years adi... Damn..I do miss him so much!
Spend around 15mintues with him, and drove home. On the way home, I couldnt help myself focusing the road. I tot of baring the same energy with Fatty as we clock in to bed together, wake up early together..and worst still, he's driving and need alot more of energy than I do by sitting next to him. But... I reli reli couldnt help myself adi. My eyelashes was so THICK that it totally drop down! (sorry,I didnt wear any fake eyelashes that day)..Then i whisper to Fatty that I needed a sleep. Awhile later, I woke up abit freshly. I saw - pooor fatty, he reli do suffer and he force himself to stay alert until reached home.
Once got home, I dropped himself at his bed... BOOM!!!