So, I've went to Pavillion, KLCC and 1Utama and do some shootin on their Decos. To cut this blog shot, I will be posting pictures ^o^ of Sunway Pyramid, Midvalley and The Curve!!
CHOR SAM, went to Fatty's cousin hse to pai lin and get ANGPAO! Tell you what. All the angpao I got is from Fatty's side. Haha. Coz I didnt balik kampung or visit anyone at neither my mum or daddy's side. (Just for today only. Ate CNY Dinner with my cousins ^^)
After pai lin, we head to Sunway Lagoon. Bought Sun Block 1st at the nearest pharmacy since the sun is shinning HOT! Have half the day at Sunway - even it's raining though!! And bout 5.30pm, they will close the area, and let some of them play skateboard. That's cool!!
Anyway, here's the picture of Sunway Pyramid only. Nothing much to see.
This is the side view of the stage...
Recognize this dress ?? ahem~
Dat's me and fatty...
and his lil bro + gf (can cum wife adi) oso got go sunway lagoon
Lastly, Gong Hei Fatt Choi ba!!!
Next day, is going to Broga Hill. Damn.. Will upload next time on blog.
And on Friday, we went to MidValley. Here's the posting...
First of all.. This dress nice not? I bought from Mooie.. at the bangsar boutique. Cost quite reasonable. Below RM100 but definately over than RM60!!! Darn. Boutique dress price like this I say reasonable somemore!!
and... Gong Hei Fatt Choi ner!!! Aint this dress looks cute??
And Pao!!! Got it from Fatty's aunty on the lunch via dinner we juz had.
It's MESSY when u have another point of view.
And there's few Tanglong's shape..
This tanglung looks alike a bulb or the Hot Air Balloon
and...Fatty look like Ghost!! Wahahha.. I kept telling him to get close to the light!!
The Top view of Midvalley Decos.
Next, will be THE CURVE! I never knew that The Curve CNY deco is so much different from others. That's admire me alot!! Most of the Shopping Mall is on RED, since it's New Year ma. But... The Curve is DIFFERENT!!
That day was 31st Jan. End of the Month and I'm going to grab 31st Baskin Robbin in half Gallon!!! Fatty told me, why not got The Curve, since havent see their Deco yet. Sounds Good idea also. When reached there... my eyes blink. Though is not big...but the colours...!!! I luv it alot!!
Let's see...
Okok.. I supposed to post the overall picture.. But I'm too excited on taking myself a photo!!
And there's even some small water garden...
Nah.. Here's the view..Different as I meant to say rite??
Hmph... taller than me pulak ><
Fatty and me and he likes to take shots of me and him in every of the deco!!
Nice rite??
and the flower smell nice...
Haha.. Juz kd... coz the flower is fake wan!!
Ok.. stop picturing for a moment.. i need go bek to Baskin there.. Hopefully my number havent called up. But alas, it's already 232 oredi, where else my number is 224. So fast!! So I have to take another number. Duh!!! And next number is 242. So this time I have to wait, and no more half gallon oredi!! So I take two packs of quarter size.! Nvm, next mth march, Im going there early to get bek my half gallon!!
The night scene - when lights is turning off...
Aint that looks romantic??
And ghost coming out as well.. so becareful when taking photos at nite!!
Phew... I finish everything up on my CNY pictures...
Adding next will be few pictures on the fatty's cats...Here goes...
This is my cat at Fatty house. Actually is Fatty's daddy cat.. But i love this cat alot. He likes being pampered and very busybody type. The most unlucky can that dont even know how to fight! So oways got bullied by other cats. Even when he got sick, almost dying, I took him to the vet and pay for the fees. So after work, I will go to fatty house and feed him with medicine, and feeding him eat some cat food. Now he's totally healthy and been running around...
And he's gaining on weight on New Year also...
what he's peeping at?? he likes me alot. he know where is the comfort place to put his front legs at..and that's why he keep on peeping at "there"! So called "Ham-Sup cat"! But I named him as "Melaka". Actual name for him is "Wai Lai De". Meaning "Outsider. He got a best friend also. Called "fat-fat". But passed away last year by eating poison food outside.
This is "Ker Lian". Meaning "Pity". She's the mother of so many babies. But mostly now - her babies will never survive for long. After 3mths, her babies will passed away. Poor thing also. She's even the 1st cat that joined Fatty's family and she is a daughter to them adi.
And she's pregnant again!!
She's pretty clean type. After eating, she will lick herself clean ^^. Even taking care of others cat as well. Her fav food is "PRAWN"!
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