My flight starts at 8.45am. So, they said that I should be arriving at LCCT 2hrs early. But, well...I dont THINK SO.. Coz it's only LCCT and it's not MAS Airlines. Anyway, 5 of us will be going for the holiday. Me (of cux ^^), Devi, Wykie, Crystal and Ah Bee. Previously Wykie told us to wait together at Kl Sentral at 5am to take the RM8 ringgit bus to LCCT. Devi did suggest why not we take a cab and straight to LCCT instead. But since they got people to fetch them to KL Sentral, den that's fine for me. I asked fatty to fetch us instead.
But the day before the departure date, wykie smsed me around 11.30pm and told me to meet them at KL Sentral at 4.30am. It means that I need to wake up around 3am as I need to fetch devi as well. I just got around 3hours of sleep! Infact, I was terrible dont feel like going adi. I dont like people giving me last minute timming. If she couldnt sleep, so please dont force others to stay awake like she did. Anyway, I smsed her by saying, it's better we meet at airport instead of KL Sentral as Me and Devi will be arriving late and we need to have some rest.
We do make it on time. Infact, the security have a minor chatting with us too - asking us to buy them souveniers. Well, they're quite friendly somehow.
Here we are... at the Airport of LCCT
That's our AirAsia plane
And even.. the skies is so navy blue~
Arrived at Bangkok Airport, we bought a half day package tour to Chao Phraya River for only 100baht. Aint that cheap? Though I've been to the river before, but Devi never been there. So if they wanna go, I can still go one more time. And even, we booked one van cab from them too. That cost us 700 baht for five person to arrive at our hotel - Take A Nap.
Luckily our room was avilable that time and we checked in around 11am. Due to save more time, TADA.. we go to Chatuchak (coz chatuchak is only open on weekends from morning till 6pm) - pls.. one more thing.. the time I writting down is under Thailand's time and even Thailand's baht kayz.
We need to walk about 10minutes to reach the MRT Subway. At 1st, we was taking a cab. But the driver told us that he needed to use the highway to chatuchak. My goodness! Highway!! Using highway means it's pretty expensive. So, we told him to stop at the bus station. He think I'm stupid ar?? I went into one shop that sell specs and ask him for direction. Dee.. he's quite charming and helpful. He shown us the way to subway...and from there, we know that it's just near to out hotel only.
Reaching the MRT Subway, there's advertising too...If you are in an advertising line, do go for thailand and open ur eyes big big ^^ Dont miss out anything if possible...
Reached Chatuchak - FINALLY... and Devi wanna buy drumstick. Look delicious. While eyeing on devi, Wykie on another hand crossed the road as she yelled "wah... clothes ahhh..." Pooo.. GONE! Gone together with her two other frenz as well. I couldnt go with them, as I need to wait for devi to have her drumstick.. When devi finished buy her food, she asked me where are they. I told her that we need to walk our own and find our things and if possible, keep our eyes to see where are they as well.
Is so misserable when you find out that your friend aint waiting for you and be selfish to go for their own stuff. Can say, I totally "Pik Chik" joh. I dont even know how to tell devi that Im sorry. Anyway, we need to go on ourselves.
Chatuchak is a very very very big market at bangkok. One of the most cheapest price you can get. It's just like Paddy's Market at Australia. Can buy alot of things in cheap price - but of cuz, u need to be clever in bargain lor. LOL. They have certains of areas such as women's clothing, men's clothing, accesorries, foods, pets souveniers, home & lighting and etc. So have fun in chatuchak and better DONT GET LOST ya!
We hardly eat at there as we are busy seeing and buying stuff. Even looking at souveniers whether our colleague would prefer this or that or not. Since they are closing at 6pm, we went back at 5.30pm. Inside the train, I received wykie's sms saying that they are going hotel later after the rainingand will wait at our room at 6.30pm den onli go to suanlum bazaar at nite. I looked at my time and thinks... well, we still can make it. But... never know... they are talking 6.30pm on malaysian time! My goodness!!!
I grew super mad at them. Really. What the heck that they talk about the time on malaysia?? How about if they are travelling at london. Izzit they still using malaysia time to count? Goodness me!!
That's it. I know that my day will be going sucks. But Im still happy to enjoy my trip together with devi. We bought alot of stuff and making our legs and hands go cramp. After getting ready, off we head to MRT Subway to go to Suan Lum Bazaar. Its not far from the train station actually just like 5-10minutes of walking. Really very near.
Devi is super excited...
So do introducing you to this area ^^
1st thing 1st. We need to have our dinner. My stomach has been yelling for food. So we decided to eat at one of the restorant called "Thailand ..." It's brown in colour and located next to those pubs/clubbing. Go try. You luv it alot..
I can say, Dont order their chicken. Better order seafood...their seafood is very fresh...
Below is the sweet and sour chicken, and Tom Yum Kung - in normal taste.. (do taste delicious... damn.. I still r'ber the taste and smell)
This is the Crab+Yellow curry. Is not spicy or anything. The crab meat taste GOOD!
See both of our faces ^^ Really enjoying ourself for the 1ST NITE DINNER TOGETHER. It's like soooo romantic. Oh ya.. there got musician too ^^
Total for the 1st dinner cost us 1,067baht. Though is expensive, but worth eating it...
Next, we go for our dessert at Suan Lum - Coconut Icecream
There is free coconut juice for you too... IF you buy ice cream from them ner. Haha. Me and Devi keep on drinking the coconut juice. Like a beggar only :P But of cuz, we did control ourself and walkaway with full stomach. Haha...
I heard telephone rings. Ignore it. Coz it's just too comfy staying at the bed, covering with the black blanket. Damn - Nice feel. Later on, heard knocking at my room. Lazyly I got up and open the door. Wykie was there and asked us what happen and she has been worrying about us...then I told her the truth.. about how she ran away crossing the road to see clothes and dumping me and devi alone and how she said that 6.30pm should be waiting at the hotel, but she didnt came up. Well, she said she did - and even knocking at our room door. I asked her, izzit in m'sian time or in thailand time that she was talking about. Then she onli say m'sian time and keep on appologize. Well, I dont wanna hear any appologize. Is not that appologize that can buy the time back. I just do hope that she need to independant and not letting others to worry about her. Know she's young but it's time for her to know the world and others around her. Maybe she kinda too excited over this trip and she couldnt care for others feelings. But, well.. she did went to thailnad before. How come her attitude is totally different from me?? Overall she's fine to me.. but might be not in holiday trip - maybe?
Back to my trip...
We started to prepare ourselves as we need to check out before 12pm. Let's view my room theme for the 1st nite ^^
PAUSE AND PLAY - 1300baht
Shoot.. I'm just wearing a white shorts ok...
Iznt that cool having a black blanket??
Another pose form me and devi...
Wykie even jump at our bed and snap a photo too
As well as Ah Bee...
And there's a makeup table with mirror for u too...
TADA... my room theme ya...
Next, we went to put our luaggage at Bee's room. And sun pin snap a photo there...
His theme for the next 3 nights is Siam Deluxe. 1400baht. Quite big as it is in (L).
Finally..we went to Wykie's room - which is Happy Forest - 1300baht per nite. So forest feel...
Since is our 2nd day, we decided to go to shopping AGAIN. Damn..looks like we are crazy in shopacholic. Our target is to go to Platinum, Wholesale shopping complex, CentralWorld (with 50 restaurants and 500 fashion shops) and as well as Big C (it's like Carrefour / Tesco) coz I need to do research and reference also.
Damn..I should snap the inside stalls for u all to see. U will surely mad on going there as - IT GOT ALOT OF DIFFERENT FASHION!! Wholesale is the BEST. When u buy more, they charge u in wholesale price. I adi bought two belts. Show u later.
Next, we went to CentralWorld. We walked to there and it's raining somemore. It's 10-12minutes of distance only. So, DO NOT EVER TAKE CAB OR TUK-TUK ya!! Keep on walking and save your money to buy ur things even better. haha.
Arrived at CentralWorld, There have this launching of 25 designers representing 8 countries. Their theme was "Fun with Fan at Bangkok".
There's so many designs of the fan...
Do you know what it means? With the "X" inside the outline box??
Here's me and crystal picture of - FUN with the FANS!!!!
This below fan, is almost alook like japanese flag, if only the colour change to white and red :P
There's even a session that teach u how to make a FunFan ya.
Inside CentralWorld, there is a supermarkets. We went there as I wanna snap some shots of displays...and ... there's food testing!!! Yummy... we go grab it...
But we didnt grab this wan T_T - WHAT A WASTE!!
Next, we walked around the shopping complex...and came with this cafe...hope to have a sip on their tea...but was definately too full joh >.<
Another decoration in another floor. Since it look nice, I shoot it ^^
Then, we went into one CD shop. To see whether is the price is cheaper compare to malaysia. But... it's just the same pricing only. In a minute, something capture my attention.. I ran towards it... sit down, and told my fren to help me capture a photo I was hugging at.
Know what was that?? It's Keror Gunso. From one of the manga by Mine Yoshizaki. I dont even know it's famous...until my FB fren gave comment at my photo that I uploaded.
But because it's too come join the others...
One of the wallpaper that stick at the wall and it's pretty creative - for me-la. It's done with illustration. And u can do ur pose over there too. This wallpaper located next to "ZEN"
To see more creative mannequins and how they promote their fashion in a unique way, do visit ZEN
Izint that mannequin poodle looks cute? U think Msia will have this kind of budget?? I dont think so lor..Msia forever say "we need low-cost, low-cost nothing but low-cost". Sein lor...
Here..2 model role... introducing u to:-
This is the out look of Centralworld. Have fun viewing it!!
This is SOOO HUGE!! Took every single angle of it.
Starbucks:- introducing standee
Baskin Robbin - much more cheaper compare to malaysia price!!
At dinner, we went to eat seafood again. Was introduced by wykie since she went there last year (maybe?) near our previously stayed at First Hotel, Phetchaburi Road.
Our drinks we order - coconut again!!
and tom yum kung too...
and with others dishes, such as green curry chicken, seafood glass noodle, omelette, veggies and fried rice. All this cost us 3,300++baht. And.. I recommend...DO NOT GO THERE! Cuz they will not give you receipe, and even they give you receipe, on spot COUNT IT. Total x 5% x 10%. See it is the total amount of ur bill or not. Coz, this restaurant try to cheat our money of 251baht! Luckily we count on spot. The food is so-so only. But the seafood glass noodle, in small portion, cost 600++baht. Though it taste "YUMMY".
Here is their fresh seafood...and it's BIG!! Wykie said, it cant be felt how big is the giant prawn looks like, unless there's a hand and can be compare at. True also hor~
At 2nd day of nite, we went to Sky Bar, located at Sirocco Tower (Lebua at State Tower). Me and Devi keep on "ban leng leng" for the night entertainment.
Introducing you..our 2nd nite hotel theme - Bang Bang (Double S) at 1150baht. Though it's pretty small and there is no wardrobe, but they provide hangers together with a stand.
Sky Bar is the 2nd tallest building at bangkok. The feel is almost the same like Luna Bar in Kuala Lumpur. But, of cuz is much more better than Luna Bar ner. It's in the 64th floor. Have lots of fun!!
There are two section. One is for a drink, another is for eating. But if you dont feel like eating, den you can have a drink and walk to the eating place. Coz the eating place is the most NICER wan! You can even feel the windy and fresh air that blow towards you...
Below this picture is the drinking section.
And here is the eating section
That's not my drink actually. Cox I oredi finish mine. Pai seh...
Looking "hiao"...
Taking a picture with Ah Bee. He looks so cham, cuz he seldom have pictures himself at bangkok.
and the night scene of bangkok city
Pictures of them...secretly dating :P
and Crystal enjoying the windy air
Next, we took some pictures at the Ground Level of the Tower before we head back to our hotel.
Sitting on her lap, is the most comfy place of all...
Photos together with Crystal
This is the model that whenever, whatever, she oso need to have a snap. And that pink purple man, he is the photographer, whenever, whatever the model ran, he have to chase after her.
We woke up early morning, check out again and put our luggage ar Ah Bee's room once more. 6.30am the driver will come pick us up and take us to Float Market! Finally... I can go there joh. Coz Float Market is located at South West Bangkok and it's 104km from our hotel. The package we bought is at the hotel and the time is from 6.30am - 2pm. Float Market opens at 6am till 10am only. Travel distance need to take about 1 1/2hour.
Waiting for our boat... and devi sitting next to each other.
And we need to stretch our leg out.
See how excited there are...
And here's our journey...
Really cant imagine if it rains heavily, what will happen to their barang and stuff...
Souvenirs for you to buy back home ^^
Arriving here is the FAMOUS FLOAT MARKET in Bangkok...
Paying money to ride the sampan..well, it's an exprience sitting on it ya. The journey to take us around is just 20-25minutes (even though they keep on saying 30minutes, 30minutes ... just dont belif them)
Am so excited...
Trying to snap their pictures
Hey everyone...and say KAWAIII...
It's pretty fun to see the market that is floating actually.
Bang...our sampan is stuck at the middle...and the next person will have to push each other to continue to keep move it.
Even selling coconuts too
and different kind of fruits
and fans...
variant designs of bags tooo...
same goes with hats
going thru the mini - underground bridge
Tada...Im ur tour to introduce u to here!!!
If you need to take this photos, you have to pay 20baht. This is how they earn money huh. Luckily I snap it while I was inside the sampan.
Devi bought lychee from one of them. Well, it taste abit of sour. Not so sweet actually.
Heading back looo...
One more shot, before we end up standing and goes off. Hahaha...
Testing on those hats that they are selling to tourist.
Devi reli match in what she's putting on.
Next, we went to Elephant Ride. 600baht to have a 30minutes ride (this is true!) So me and devi decided to have fun..though is quite sunny >.<
Waiting for our turn...
The overall feel is like dat -
Devi and me enjoying the ride together
That's our elephant rider
Look at here and say "CHEESE"
Passing thru their houses...
The 1st house is our rider's house. That what he told us-la.
This fellow got so many barang...Looks like "Kedai Runcit"
and ONE MORE THING... PLS PLS PLS...DO NOT STEP AT THE ELEPHANT!!! We oredi sit at the elephant, and it suffer alot joh.. so pls, try avoid stepping their body ok. Put ur leg, like what we did as - below:-
Passing thru of the monkey show time :)
Finally, the rider help us take some photos...
Passing thru one's da most exciting part...
Can you see the fury?? Imagine I was sitting at his body...
Next, we got off at the cobra show. But we didnt see any of that show, since is abit too common for us. Instead, we take pictures around.
Below - is the final craved - not for sale!
Kissing one elephant lifting up one leg too...hahaha..too syiok liao..
Nice thailand background culture
Full length mirror decroate with sea-shell
Arrived at hotel, almost 3pm. I decided to rush to go to Tesco which located at On-Nut Road. Is the end of the BTS Skyline Train. Coz I reli do hope to do research joh...
Here are some of the launching/campaigns they did in Bangkok...
TeaBreak - there's where Im working now...whahahaha
And we decided to drop at KFC to have our lunchie... See what's special that Bangkok KFC have. We've ordered:-as below
Damn.. Taste delicious.. Definately the best compare too Malaysia!!
Here's their cinema time viewing...
MAC - Promoting...and it's VERY NICE OUTLOOK!!!
Even if you wanna buy and test your lingerie.. do go to Siam Paragon shopping mall. Inside the changing room, there got lingerie of sexy mannequins displays
I've been testing mine..and been going out and going in...and the feel, is just soooo for women only :P
We are pretending to be one of the fake mannequin:-
Back to our hotel, and since is the last nite...we shoot our things that we bought for the past 3days including this TODAY also...
I bought two bags:-
Two tees
And...6dresses is the same colour - black, white grey..even it comes with polkadots too.
2 other dresses in different colour - finally, phew~
As for this spaghetti dress, i bought for Fatty's brother's GF. Since she owe a sexy body :P Hope she likes it alot. For the pink pants, too bad.. I couldnt wear it. So I might be giving to "someone" else.
And below is two shorts for Fatty and His Brother. Each one for each!! So no need to fight.
Here I bought two SUPER-Push-Up Bras at Siam Paragon. Cost me 1,083baht (somemore is after discount, since I'm tourist...they giving me 5% less)
My earings... each for 10baht only. Aint that cheap rite?
And two belts that I bought at the Wholesale Shopping Center
5ive pair of socks that cost me only 100baht at chatuchak!
I bought this when I was in Tesco. But couldnt bring in back to malaysia, Cuz I put at my handcarry bag. Very da sad....Cuz I hope to show my colleague that - there's TEA BREAK too!!!
Something for me and for the TeaBreakers :D
And some accesories for people as well :) The ring is MINE, Bracelet is for Fatty
s Brother GF, The two lil thingy is for me and fatty :)
My doggie...esp for me only...
and..Not to forget Fat^Fat, my doggie... I bought him snacks.. 1 Packet cost only 40baht. Cheap rite? In jusco, U can find it selling RM10++ in a plastic container.
Souveniers for my colleagues... that I bought at Float Market.
my last nite of the theme - Pub, 800baht per nite. The room size is the same like those with 1300baht. It just that the light is abit too dim only. But if you just need a place to sleep, so PLEASE DONT COMPLAIN ya!!
Starting to pack my things, and very da gancheong...cuz kenot exceed 15kg.
and there's TV for you to hear MTV ^^ so you wont get bored ya
MY LAST DAY ADI!!! *sob sob*
Anyway, this is the package we bought from the airport..They came and pick us up at 7.30am. But we need to wake up much early coz today is our last day...
In the morning, we took our pictures...
And arrived at Chao Phraya River...
Who would u pick if you wanna have a ride on the bike?
Waiting for our boat
This is the terminal Station
Crystal and me
Tour Guide, Devi and Me. The tour Guide is from advertising firm too...but she changed adi, due to stress and no-freedom at all. But she's an AE of ATL and BTL. She's good in doing she will intro us many places that we by-passed. Very very good of her!! **clap-clap**
Introducing...MOMO...the adorable dog...he can mix with strangers well...and luvs taking photos too.
Off we go in the boat...
Here are some places we are passing by...
And...if you feed this Giant Cat Fish, they will bring you lucks too. That is their culture. They wont catch nor eat this fish. You can even buy the bread from the boat at 20baht to feed this fishes.
One of the Biggest buddha...
And making coffins too...
Below is some of the statue I captured.
Me and Ah Bee at the mini fountain
We acting as we are appreciating Thailand's Culture
Imagine, Devi go up there...
and me too...
and others...
Here's...can u notice anything unique between the two elephant??
Nice place to seat at...somemore is quite unique come missing one leg de???
and dat's devi sexy panty 0-0
Going back to our destination...
There's float market too coming to us and hoping someone will buy their stuff...
Off we go to our destination... >.<
Next stop, is the gems that Thailand has. But I more delightly to see their children's statue more than their gems.
Aint this golden piggie look cute?? So ... chubby!!!
And the granny owes lots of golden cute...
After a long way of travelling, we all fall asleep. Crystal and Devi, both of them kept talking about food...and when I woke up, I saw this two famous artist, still...sleeping. They have been doing hardwork by taking alot of pictures :P
Love this elephant alot.. see the front view.. it's leg is lifting up...
Before heading to the bangkok airport, we had our fast-food. Drop off at MC. I ate my Pork burger set. Luv it lots too. Our flight is 5.45pm. And we better leave from our hotel early as possible...coz we dont even know whether are we going to stuck at their traffic jam or not. Better early than late huh...
Arriving at the airport, I find out their public phone is kinda's touch screen and pictures as below:-
Got up the airplane... since it's evening, Ah Bee asked for my camera and start shooting some beautiful pictures...
Devi is very pretty intrested with this air steward too...She cant sleep and she kept thinking about her dream-man~Gud luck DEVI!!
Overall... the next day I have to go back to work. No rest for me at all, but bless me.. I aint opening OT for the past two days. Previously trip and this time trip, reli makes me see alot of things. Might be going again after few more years late ...
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