Why? hehe~
I was online as usual when I 1st woke up. Then I kept on thinking to book online reservation for the latest Terminator movie. Couldnt book. Even GSC website was sooo down! In no others way, I try up TGV 1utama and Kepong. Both also giving me lettering D or E..which is 4th or 5th roll from the front. It's quite near to the bigscreen somehow. I tried again to book at Brem Mall. Lagi worst. Couldnt get thru also.
Somehow after an hour later, my stomach starting screaming. I know I gotta have food straight away. So I went to my mum's room and asked her whether she wanna go eat sushi or not. She's okay with that idea, and I drove to the nearest Jusco, Kepong.
Of cuz I got some intention going there la. To buy tomorrow's Terminator show. Am I clever? Hahaha~ Proud to be ME! I have the tickets in my hand. 7th row from the front and altogether will be 9rows. Funny, she gave me a small cinema. Wondering why?
Dont bother. At least I gotta watch Terminator ^.^ TOMOLO.... HOOORAY!!!
Later on, we went to Sushi King. I order myself Alacarte and my clam soup. Yummy. Then I pay for the lunch (intention, to c'brate belated mother's day). Next, we went to Jusco, and as usual I will try on some of the sandals. A glance, I couldnt find any that I liked. But my mum did find hers. While waiting for the Girl to take a new pair for my mum, I've been moving around to see some accesories. When I got back, mum got herself a sandals and suddenly.. I picked up one sandal. I try it on...
It's quite comfy. And it's pretty nice. Is not the sense of normal nice.. but this looks abit different from others. Somemore, HELL yea, is 50% !!!
I asked for my size, and I tried it on. walk around and decided that I reli need to own it myself. Mum was beside me and said, "once you buy this sandal, you have to throw at least one of your old sandal". OMG!! No... I couldnt do that! I told mum that they are still wearable. Mum kept saying that I got alot and it's pilling up. >.<
Where got alot????
And... then I told mum that Im going to buy her likeable sandal that she have just choose. She looks quite happy.But in another way, she's unhappy becox her sandal dun have any discount. Well... it's c'bration of belated Mother's Day...So pls dont care about the price with me.. ^^
Above picture is my mum's new sandal...she said quite comfy while wearing it.
And this is my new sandal. Is not in grey colour actually. When u look closer, into details, they have been mixed up by a slightly of C,M,Y colours too...
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