From left, is RM129, where else the red dress is RM119. I pretty like the bronze color. Somemore the material is satin, kinda soft. But I do hope to try it on whether it fits right with me or not. As for the reddish dress...well FORGET ABOUT IT! Even I luv that red dress too..but..I dont have the FRONT PART MY OWN!!! Ughhh >.< Sad sialz....
Btw, I like this too..Cost RM79.90...Preferable to go on the grey.. but I know..I know I got lots of black, white grey colour.. so maybe, I will go for the blue instead.
Anyway, I've been hunting for a dress cox my collage fren is getting married! So I wanna look pretty when attending the hotel! Lolz...
Oh.. btw, all this dress is from "mydressroom" at bangsar, one of the boutique which i sincerely like about. Somemore, while reading one of the blogger's blog (hell yea, I love reading ppl's blog...) she's bought the brand Lollipops, Paris!!! I'm not sure where she bought it. Maybe at Sunway or Bangsar there...and she bought this with 70% discount!!!
Below is the purse she bought:-
My heart jump when I heard Lollipops have 70%. I hope to find the purse I wanted, as in bangkok, I lost the chance in buying the purse! Somemore, I kept dreaming about owning the purse myself...
HOPING TO SHOP THIS WEEKEND!!!!!! and YEA YEA YEA... I know is not worth shopping at boutique, and YEA YEA YEA ... I even know boutique price is xpensive than the one with branding on it. But...I do love to shop at boutiques...cox got alot of VARITIES ^^
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