Am proud to attend her wedding. Was being invited to Concorde Hotel, located at Ampang area. The most happier one was - I can wear the dress I bought from Sunway. 2ndly, I can meet back my collage mate. Though some didn't manage to come, but...I'm still happieeee afterall.
1st thing 1st, the one I met was Mei Ling and Ah Tuck.. Then we sat down and chatted abit and took some pictures too...
My dress..nice not nice not?? Hmph...if you think not nice, dont voice out..Cox I superb luv this dress alot ^^
Mei Ling and Tuck acting cute...
Sooner or later, others came...Bess also bought her husband and her son too...Benjamin. He's so handsome lea!!!! Everyone carried him, but I didn't. I was afraid that I will make him cry and everyone will look at me. Will definately pai-seh by then.
While talking and chatting around, like same old question.."Hey..I Miss You, How are you?"...and bla bla bla...and they announced that the bride and groom is coming in...
Here's Samantha ^^. Ain't she's such a beauty queen? Am really really happie for her marriage!!!
Samantha and her hubby - Ian.
And continue to take some pictures again V(o.o)V
Me with Tuck and KK. Btw, KK was rushing back to sunway to perform his show at one of the cafe there. So, dont ever be surprise to meet him. He's talented in both designs and singing. Same goes with Tuck as well.
Acting cute... blerkkk..Oh ya.. and dat wine was bought from aust too. I just took a sip and tasted it differently from the local ones. No wonder fatty said it's a good quality wine-la!! Somemore, he's been ordering it and not-to-miss VSOP!!!
Gurls part taking photos ^^
Never miss together with Yuen Mei and her cuttie baby - Benjamin.
Me with Angie. I Love her dress too. Esp the BIG RIBBON. Not only me..One of my fren also praise her dress as well.
Showing off - Neh, Neh, Neh...Fatty lor!!!
taking photo with Liew too ^^
The group of gurls...again..
From Left to Right: Jamie, Mama, Bess (Yuen Mei), Foo Chan, Angie
Top: Me and Mei Ling
This is the wedding cup cake. Ain't dat beautiful? I luv the cream colour. It got a smooth tone.
1st Pattern of the Cup Cake
2nd Pattern of the Cup Cake. I like this more...
ps: ahem...tuck has been playing with the camera since dar ge bought it...What to do? Tuck is also one of the pro photographer.
Lastly, everyone wanna take away the cup cake back home. So Tuck asked one of the waiter to give us boxes to put our cupcakes onside. Instead, he gave us at least 10 containers. I take away one, and Fatty ate his on spot.
Where else, Tuck put his and close the container...until...the cupcake was being pressed down.
From the Left, was Tuck's take-away cupcake. His TAKE-AWAY cupcakes was DIFFERENT from ours! BRAVO!!
Now...I'm wondering..whose up-coming NEXT???
cox I would love to attend their wedding ^^
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Brainless Freelancer
Damn. Fucking Damn hate this freelancer! I dont even know where did my company take this freelancer to do website / interactive. His work is so SUCKS!
I remember the 1st job that was given to him, was quite impressive. He put effort in doing it and even spend his half night at Teabreak and figure out how to solve the music part. That was what I like about him - ON THE 1ST DAY IMPRESSION!
Though I tot he was okay and in another way, he's abit cheaper from the others that we out-sourced. Then, when my time to give him an interactive to do... PROBLEMS COME!
1st round, I was told to direct him (some sort of LOOKING after him) parts by parts regarding bout the latest interactive that he should do. Whatever I briefed, he will NEVER write it down on a piece of paper. Infact, he nodded his head - body language that he understand every single word I said. That very 1st day, I've given all the working files to him. Asking him to do intro, and some inner pages. At least there is a skeleton that I can look at after 3-4days. He said, OK.
2nd round, He came. He shown us about the intro where we need him to do the water ripple effect. Due to water effect, Kenny daren't ask me to do this Interactive. He know I will be having problems doing it. That's why he gave this interactive job to the freelancer. Within the 1/2HOUR period, this freelancer kept showing us the INTRO - WATER RIPPLE! We rejected as it doesnt seems perfectly nice. Finally he promised to do a better ripper in our next meet up. Since intro is not confirmed, so he didnt do the inner page. But before he left, I remind him to do inner page for me before our next meet up.
3rd round. This time, the ripper still got problem. It still looks fake to me. Not only me. Even fake to Kenny and Jan. Even, me and kenny have to figure out and telling him to do it at photoshop+flash together. He kept telling us that IT WONT LOOK NICE! And kept saying that the ripple needs to done by using After-Effect, where he can introduce his friend to do it. Fine. I know After-Effect function that can do the same. But HELLO, this is A picture and AFTER-EFFECT COULD NOT DO THAT EITHER! Is he thinking I'm 0% interest about Flash working file? GOD DAMN IT! He's totally know nothing about me!
To cut short the time, in the back I told Kenny that I will try my best to do the Interactive Water Ripple effect for him. Since Kenny agreed, and we continue to see the inner page. Since there's only 3 buttons. One is Preamble (can be viewed), Key Visual (can be viewed) and In-store POSM (NOTHING). I remind him to do the In-store POSM in our next meet up again. He promised. Even Kenny sounded him already.
3rd round. Well, he came again. He forever MUST come in 4pm. But I dont care. At least he come in and give me see something, then I wont argue over the timing. This time, he give me see the intro interactive again. I told him there's still mistakes on the pack shot (1st round, we already sounded him that - he must use our working files to proportional enlarge or reduce). But HE DIDN'T. He DID his way! Why? So that I can impress about his hard work? FUCK LA! He making us all doing FUCKING DOUBLE JOB! I already told him to use the working files that I gave him. If I want him to impress me, then what for I need to spend my 2-3HOURS time - to do all the Interactive working files for him? Besides, I did told him alot of time that I need to see Intro + Inner page. This time? Yea.. He did do the Inner page of the In-Store POSM. But only 3items can be viewed out of 8!! I believe it isn't that hard to link the other 5 items. But he gave 3 items only. Kenny went speechless that moment. And on the same day, I passed him my working file of Intro regarding about the water ripple for him. He opened and finally he understand what we meant. But I do think, HE KNOW WHAT WE MEANT LOR! It just that he did not want to waste his time doing such ripple for us.
Even, I need to convert all into .PNG files to him. He said it will be much more easier for him to link in flash. FUCK! Then what for I need to do all the working files for him? Each of my working files, even have the Linked files of PSD, where he can replaced and re-link everything back and I even created a JPEG artwork view for him. But he need more from me. Fucking Fine. I do that .PNG for him! Kenny was not happy, cause it's supposed to be the freelancer job to do it. But now, it's taking alot of my time - JUST TO HELP HIM DO the .PNG file!
Since I'm not sure how many ROUNDS he have come in, but all total - TODAY is the 4th week already! I can tell, last time I did my previous interactive, Kenny only gave me 3-4days to see all the skeleton work. I stayed overtime, finding tutorials to help out. Btw, even the ripple effect - I FIND TUTORIAL and learn from there! So, what is this BULLSHIT FREELANCER THAT SAY - KENOT DO DE LOR! (about the water ripple) DAMN IT DAMN IT FUCKING GOD DAMN HIM!
Duh...I even starting to dislike him for the past few days + weeks. Cause when ever on the day we met and we arranged for the next meet up, FOREVER also I call him to DOUBLE-CONFIRM whether is he coming in or what? I remember the 2nd time He need to come in. I waited till almost 5pm, and Kenny asked me "where is this freelancer?" Then only I dialed his contact. Surprisingly, he told me he at Johor and couldnt make it. But how come must I call him and not he call me? Cause this is a job for him and he must take full responsible for it. It's been repeated many times already. Everytime or before the day he should come, I called him regarding about some amendments, and before I could say a word, he snapped and said "tommorrow I wont be coming in, cause ...." I stoned. I can say, I stoned several times ever since.
Last week, we met up on wednesday. He still make mistakes and didnt do amendments as well. So, on spot again we directly ask him to change this this this, that that that once more. And said we need to see the changes on friday. But on thursday, Cindy emailed me what should further take note, so I called him on thursday and he said he couldnt come on friday, due to ALOT OF THINGS THAT NEED TO CHANGE WOH! Actually, frankly, IT'S NOT THAT MUCH LOR! It's just that he lazy or anything that he wanted to escape of. Cause I planned, if he comes in on friday, and let me see the latest files, then at least he still have weekend to work on. But since he insists doesnt want to come, FINE! I told him that he need to come in on monday. Then he said, monday also cannot. Either Tuesday or Wednesday! WAH LAU EH!
WHAT sort of FREELANCER is this one? Need to see his time somemore ar? Fine! I tolerate with him.
On Monday, Cindy came and she talked this issue with Aryl. That she need this guy to come in on tuesday. So, Aryl called him.. and he promised to come in at 4pm on tuesday. But yea, it's over 4.30pm only he come. He still never updates alot of things. And, time is short. We all need the FA by this coming thurday. On Monday, Cindy already call him and tell him to bring all his equipments that he need to do interactive as he might be staying at Teabreak to finish all the amendments.
But..somehow, this freelancer is a COW! He came in on tuesday, and he left without saying a bye to me. Cause, I sitted down together with him, looked thru the interactive and even marked down all the things he need to amend on spot. Of cause, I wont waste my time seating next to him and see his work. So I went back to my place and continue to do other work. A while later, Kenny asked me "he go home joh la?" I said..No ar.. just now I saw him ma..Then Kenny replied "dont have woh..". I got up from my place, and HELL YEA! He's disappear! I so fucktup and called him at once. I asked him whether is he went back or what? He still replied "yea!" FUCK YOU!
I told him "didnt yesterday my design manager asked you to stay back and finish the amendments?" Then he replied "I couldnt work with my laptop at there (teabreak)" I asked "why?" He replied "Screen small cox of laptop". Then I told him "but my design manager did ask u to bring all ur equipments right?" He kept silent and said "after I do, I will come today and pass it to you. Or else, I will emailed to you". I said "So, you gonna come or email to me?" He said "I email to you. But if you are leaving your office and you wan to see, then let me know. I will email to you what-ever so far I doing now". Ok that's fine. Though I dont quite like it already.
Since even, I need Kenny to look at the latest interactive that he did - he just have some minor changes and even told me to tell the freelancer to prepare himself that he might have to make himself free to come in tommorrow (wed). So I called the freelancer once kenny has some amendments. He picked up my phone and I told him there's still a slight changes. I can hear from his tone of voice that he's not much in listerning, and all of a sudden, his last word was "okay" and BANG DOWN MY PHONE!
I don't have a chance to ask him to make himself free to come in on wednesday oso lea! Since he banged my phone down, I banged TEABREAK PHONE as well. I was so ANGRY! And started to sms him. (let me think in a positive way - that his phone ran out of battery) (but in negative way, he still can call me back wut)!
(my personal email account). Watever, u need 2 email the amendments to me tonite. Send me an sms once u emailed me. And pls make urself free incase i still need u 2 cum in 4 2molo. Thx.
And I got no replied from him regarding "ok"!
Fine, I'm an owl. I sleep late at nite. So I can still wait ba... but now.. it's 3am already! I still have no replied from him. So I text him again just now
May i know how's da allergan file? Are u going 2 email me the file now or ? Let me know how long u still need to finish it ok. If u couldnt finish everythg 2nite, u can email me now watever u have amend. Once emailed, let me know. Thx.
And still no replied from him...
I remember the 1st job that was given to him, was quite impressive. He put effort in doing it and even spend his half night at Teabreak and figure out how to solve the music part. That was what I like about him - ON THE 1ST DAY IMPRESSION!
Though I tot he was okay and in another way, he's abit cheaper from the others that we out-sourced. Then, when my time to give him an interactive to do... PROBLEMS COME!
1st round, I was told to direct him (some sort of LOOKING after him) parts by parts regarding bout the latest interactive that he should do. Whatever I briefed, he will NEVER write it down on a piece of paper. Infact, he nodded his head - body language that he understand every single word I said. That very 1st day, I've given all the working files to him. Asking him to do intro, and some inner pages. At least there is a skeleton that I can look at after 3-4days. He said, OK.
2nd round, He came. He shown us about the intro where we need him to do the water ripple effect. Due to water effect, Kenny daren't ask me to do this Interactive. He know I will be having problems doing it. That's why he gave this interactive job to the freelancer. Within the 1/2HOUR period, this freelancer kept showing us the INTRO - WATER RIPPLE! We rejected as it doesnt seems perfectly nice. Finally he promised to do a better ripper in our next meet up. Since intro is not confirmed, so he didnt do the inner page. But before he left, I remind him to do inner page for me before our next meet up.
3rd round. This time, the ripper still got problem. It still looks fake to me. Not only me. Even fake to Kenny and Jan. Even, me and kenny have to figure out and telling him to do it at photoshop+flash together. He kept telling us that IT WONT LOOK NICE! And kept saying that the ripple needs to done by using After-Effect, where he can introduce his friend to do it. Fine. I know After-Effect function that can do the same. But HELLO, this is A picture and AFTER-EFFECT COULD NOT DO THAT EITHER! Is he thinking I'm 0% interest about Flash working file? GOD DAMN IT! He's totally know nothing about me!
To cut short the time, in the back I told Kenny that I will try my best to do the Interactive Water Ripple effect for him. Since Kenny agreed, and we continue to see the inner page. Since there's only 3 buttons. One is Preamble (can be viewed), Key Visual (can be viewed) and In-store POSM (NOTHING). I remind him to do the In-store POSM in our next meet up again. He promised. Even Kenny sounded him already.
3rd round. Well, he came again. He forever MUST come in 4pm. But I dont care. At least he come in and give me see something, then I wont argue over the timing. This time, he give me see the intro interactive again. I told him there's still mistakes on the pack shot (1st round, we already sounded him that - he must use our working files to proportional enlarge or reduce). But HE DIDN'T. He DID his way! Why? So that I can impress about his hard work? FUCK LA! He making us all doing FUCKING DOUBLE JOB! I already told him to use the working files that I gave him. If I want him to impress me, then what for I need to spend my 2-3HOURS time - to do all the Interactive working files for him? Besides, I did told him alot of time that I need to see Intro + Inner page. This time? Yea.. He did do the Inner page of the In-Store POSM. But only 3items can be viewed out of 8!! I believe it isn't that hard to link the other 5 items. But he gave 3 items only. Kenny went speechless that moment. And on the same day, I passed him my working file of Intro regarding about the water ripple for him. He opened and finally he understand what we meant. But I do think, HE KNOW WHAT WE MEANT LOR! It just that he did not want to waste his time doing such ripple for us.
Even, I need to convert all into .PNG files to him. He said it will be much more easier for him to link in flash. FUCK! Then what for I need to do all the working files for him? Each of my working files, even have the Linked files of PSD, where he can replaced and re-link everything back and I even created a JPEG artwork view for him. But he need more from me. Fucking Fine. I do that .PNG for him! Kenny was not happy, cause it's supposed to be the freelancer job to do it. But now, it's taking alot of my time - JUST TO HELP HIM DO the .PNG file!
Since I'm not sure how many ROUNDS he have come in, but all total - TODAY is the 4th week already! I can tell, last time I did my previous interactive, Kenny only gave me 3-4days to see all the skeleton work. I stayed overtime, finding tutorials to help out. Btw, even the ripple effect - I FIND TUTORIAL and learn from there! So, what is this BULLSHIT FREELANCER THAT SAY - KENOT DO DE LOR! (about the water ripple) DAMN IT DAMN IT FUCKING GOD DAMN HIM!
Duh...I even starting to dislike him for the past few days + weeks. Cause when ever on the day we met and we arranged for the next meet up, FOREVER also I call him to DOUBLE-CONFIRM whether is he coming in or what? I remember the 2nd time He need to come in. I waited till almost 5pm, and Kenny asked me "where is this freelancer?" Then only I dialed his contact. Surprisingly, he told me he at Johor and couldnt make it. But how come must I call him and not he call me? Cause this is a job for him and he must take full responsible for it. It's been repeated many times already. Everytime or before the day he should come, I called him regarding about some amendments, and before I could say a word, he snapped and said "tommorrow I wont be coming in, cause ...." I stoned. I can say, I stoned several times ever since.
Last week, we met up on wednesday. He still make mistakes and didnt do amendments as well. So, on spot again we directly ask him to change this this this, that that that once more. And said we need to see the changes on friday. But on thursday, Cindy emailed me what should further take note, so I called him on thursday and he said he couldnt come on friday, due to ALOT OF THINGS THAT NEED TO CHANGE WOH! Actually, frankly, IT'S NOT THAT MUCH LOR! It's just that he lazy or anything that he wanted to escape of. Cause I planned, if he comes in on friday, and let me see the latest files, then at least he still have weekend to work on. But since he insists doesnt want to come, FINE! I told him that he need to come in on monday. Then he said, monday also cannot. Either Tuesday or Wednesday! WAH LAU EH!
WHAT sort of FREELANCER is this one? Need to see his time somemore ar? Fine! I tolerate with him.
On Monday, Cindy came and she talked this issue with Aryl. That she need this guy to come in on tuesday. So, Aryl called him.. and he promised to come in at 4pm on tuesday. But yea, it's over 4.30pm only he come. He still never updates alot of things. And, time is short. We all need the FA by this coming thurday. On Monday, Cindy already call him and tell him to bring all his equipments that he need to do interactive as he might be staying at Teabreak to finish all the amendments.
But..somehow, this freelancer is a COW! He came in on tuesday, and he left without saying a bye to me. Cause, I sitted down together with him, looked thru the interactive and even marked down all the things he need to amend on spot. Of cause, I wont waste my time seating next to him and see his work. So I went back to my place and continue to do other work. A while later, Kenny asked me "he go home joh la?" I said..No ar.. just now I saw him ma..Then Kenny replied "dont have woh..". I got up from my place, and HELL YEA! He's disappear! I so fucktup and called him at once. I asked him whether is he went back or what? He still replied "yea!" FUCK YOU!
I told him "didnt yesterday my design manager asked you to stay back and finish the amendments?" Then he replied "I couldnt work with my laptop at there (teabreak)" I asked "why?" He replied "Screen small cox of laptop". Then I told him "but my design manager did ask u to bring all ur equipments right?" He kept silent and said "after I do, I will come today and pass it to you. Or else, I will emailed to you". I said "So, you gonna come or email to me?" He said "I email to you. But if you are leaving your office and you wan to see, then let me know. I will email to you what-ever so far I doing now". Ok that's fine. Though I dont quite like it already.
Since even, I need Kenny to look at the latest interactive that he did - he just have some minor changes and even told me to tell the freelancer to prepare himself that he might have to make himself free to come in tommorrow (wed). So I called the freelancer once kenny has some amendments. He picked up my phone and I told him there's still a slight changes. I can hear from his tone of voice that he's not much in listerning, and all of a sudden, his last word was "okay" and BANG DOWN MY PHONE!
I don't have a chance to ask him to make himself free to come in on wednesday oso lea! Since he banged my phone down, I banged TEABREAK PHONE as well. I was so ANGRY! And started to sms him. (let me think in a positive way - that his phone ran out of battery) (but in negative way, he still can call me back wut)!
(my personal email account). Watever, u need 2 email the amendments to me tonite. Send me an sms once u emailed me. And pls make urself free incase i still need u 2 cum in 4 2molo. Thx.
And I got no replied from him regarding "ok"!
Fine, I'm an owl. I sleep late at nite. So I can still wait ba... but now.. it's 3am already! I still have no replied from him. So I text him again just now
May i know how's da allergan file? Are u going 2 email me the file now or ? Let me know how long u still need to finish it ok. If u couldnt finish everythg 2nite, u can email me now watever u have amend. Once emailed, let me know. Thx.
And still no replied from him...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Though I'm tired in the morning but in the end, I do love what it takes to make my day happy and loveable. I never knew it turns out to be a good side lea. Usually we will went shopping, gossip, watching movie at cinema. But today, it's so different.
Early morning Devi come fetch me, and as usual - I was still stuck in bed. So pai seh.
Then, she bring me go to Sunway Piramid. First thing first, we bought our movie ticket "The Ugly Truth" for 2.45pm. So that we can still eat our breaky and shop a little while.
Guess what we ate?
It's Sakae Sushi. This time I manage to eat the baby octopus. ^___^ We order the same dishes as I reckon her that the teriyaki chicken was nice. Anyway, she enjoy her breaky too.
Later we went to one fashion store and I bought one dress from there. It's Lence. I never heard of it before, but anyway... I do love their clothing and fashion style. So this name will gonna be one of my FASHION/BOUTIQUE LIST joh. At 1st, I kept struggling whether should or shouldn't I buy it. But devi said, better buy...since I dont have any this kind of style, and it suits me alright.
Then, we window shop around the new area of Sunway..until 2.45pm we went to watch our movie. I almost slept lea. It's not bout the movie that bored me. It was because I slept late yesterday night and was tired also. Anyway, the movie was nice. The story is about to get same like the others love story. One sample: Made Of Honor.
Later we went for a drink a starbucks. We sat and chatted alot of stuff. We were like sitting there for hours. Nah..Maybe 1-2hours nia. After having our legs rested...we continue to shop again :P
This time, I bought myself a pressie...from GUESS. I looked at it quite some time..den I walked out from that shop. The one I aimed is the New Arrival purse. I longing to buy one, since...quite a long time. Though I know..I got one more..but that purse is long, more much more expensive. So I darent use it...unless THAT DAY is very important.
I walked away and went to Esprit instead. Instead of me who looking for purse, Devi looked at one of the sling bag. Well, da sling bag was pretty nice. Infact...I luv it too..especially the BALL!! I hope to have the BALL only.. :P
I can see Devi pretty much wanted that bag. In another side, I kept braining wash at her. Telling her to buy. I dont want her to regret like last time we went to Bangkok and didn't buy our LOLLIPOPS, PARIS. Even today, In sunway..LOLLIPOPS, PARIS purse and bag is aint that nice. Anyhow...after a few trips to others...we finally came back to our pressie. Devi finally bought her sling bag and I bought my purse. This colour of purse also I got 2wins out of 3. So, OK ner, I bought this purple purse. Black is normal. Coklat is jialat. So, purple is the perfect one.
Ouch...this is not the purse I aimed at the 1st place. The one I aimed is...DEVI BANNED T_T hehehe.. She told me to get the purple one, cause the purple's quality is much more better than the new arrival one. And that's make me listern to her - the whole session.
After buying the purse...I told devi that we NEED to go home joh. I know, if we continue to shop... my per day expenses will be higher ><
In the end, we drop by at Jalan Ipoh where Devi promised me to bring. To eat CURRY MEE. Wow... da taste damn nice. Too bad, no more Chow Kiew Tiew. He said need to wait for 1/2hour and my stomach is yelling at me joh. But Curry Mee IS GOOD!!! Esp the KERANG!!!!
Though I'm tired in the morning but in the end, I do love what it takes to make my day happy and loveable. I never knew it turns out to be a good side lea. Usually we will went shopping, gossip, watching movie at cinema. But today, it's so different.
Early morning Devi come fetch me, and as usual - I was still stuck in bed. So pai seh.
Then, she bring me go to Sunway Piramid. First thing first, we bought our movie ticket "The Ugly Truth" for 2.45pm. So that we can still eat our breaky and shop a little while.
Guess what we ate?
It's Sakae Sushi. This time I manage to eat the baby octopus. ^___^ We order the same dishes as I reckon her that the teriyaki chicken was nice. Anyway, she enjoy her breaky too.
Later we went to one fashion store and I bought one dress from there. It's Lence. I never heard of it before, but anyway... I do love their clothing and fashion style. So this name will gonna be one of my FASHION/BOUTIQUE LIST joh. At 1st, I kept struggling whether should or shouldn't I buy it. But devi said, better buy...since I dont have any this kind of style, and it suits me alright.
Then, we window shop around the new area of Sunway..until 2.45pm we went to watch our movie. I almost slept lea. It's not bout the movie that bored me. It was because I slept late yesterday night and was tired also. Anyway, the movie was nice. The story is about to get same like the others love story. One sample: Made Of Honor.
Later we went for a drink a starbucks. We sat and chatted alot of stuff. We were like sitting there for hours. Nah..Maybe 1-2hours nia. After having our legs rested...we continue to shop again :P
This time, I bought myself a pressie...from GUESS. I looked at it quite some time..den I walked out from that shop. The one I aimed is the New Arrival purse. I longing to buy one, since...quite a long time. Though I know..I got one more..but that purse is long, more much more expensive. So I darent use it...unless THAT DAY is very important.
I walked away and went to Esprit instead. Instead of me who looking for purse, Devi looked at one of the sling bag. Well, da sling bag was pretty nice. Infact...I luv it too..especially the BALL!! I hope to have the BALL only.. :P
I can see Devi pretty much wanted that bag. In another side, I kept braining wash at her. Telling her to buy. I dont want her to regret like last time we went to Bangkok and didn't buy our LOLLIPOPS, PARIS. Even today, In sunway..LOLLIPOPS, PARIS purse and bag is aint that nice. Anyhow...after a few trips to others...we finally came back to our pressie. Devi finally bought her sling bag and I bought my purse. This colour of purse also I got 2wins out of 3. So, OK ner, I bought this purple purse. Black is normal. Coklat is jialat. So, purple is the perfect one.
Ouch...this is not the purse I aimed at the 1st place. The one I aimed is...DEVI BANNED T_T hehehe.. She told me to get the purple one, cause the purple's quality is much more better than the new arrival one. And that's make me listern to her - the whole session.
After buying the purse...I told devi that we NEED to go home joh. I know, if we continue to shop... my per day expenses will be higher ><
In the end, we drop by at Jalan Ipoh where Devi promised me to bring. To eat CURRY MEE. Wow... da taste damn nice. Too bad, no more Chow Kiew Tiew. He said need to wait for 1/2hour and my stomach is yelling at me joh. But Curry Mee IS GOOD!!! Esp the KERANG!!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Princess Hour
While viewing the photos uploaded by Kelvin (trip to Bukit Cahaya), all of a sudden..
I wanna listern to Princess Hour OST!!
Neh.. da 1st version of Goong. Damn.. da movie was good (though is old joh la). So good that I left office at chun chun 6pm, to catch the drama series at 8TV which starts at 8.30pm. That moment, I dont hope to miss out any of the series.
Ouch.. da guy was soooOooo LENG CHAI!!! I mean, both guys. But of cox I prefer + in-luv with the younger prince. Ugh...I wish to buy it and watch again!
And... though, few years back I've thanked June cox she present me this OST for me. There is no special dates nor, my burfday or anything. She just bought and present it to me as a gift and she knew I luv dat movie alot. Cox each time when I reached work, I will start talking about this cute guy to her. Until, she go and buy to watch it. Then the next day, we kept talking about the stories. Ugh.. i miss her and THOUSAND THANKS from the bottom of my heart.
I wanna listern to Princess Hour OST!!
Neh.. da 1st version of Goong. Damn.. da movie was good (though is old joh la). So good that I left office at chun chun 6pm, to catch the drama series at 8TV which starts at 8.30pm. That moment, I dont hope to miss out any of the series.
Ouch.. da guy was soooOooo LENG CHAI!!! I mean, both guys. But of cox I prefer + in-luv with the younger prince. Ugh...I wish to buy it and watch again!
And... though, few years back I've thanked June cox she present me this OST for me. There is no special dates nor, my burfday or anything. She just bought and present it to me as a gift and she knew I luv dat movie alot. Cox each time when I reached work, I will start talking about this cute guy to her. Until, she go and buy to watch it. Then the next day, we kept talking about the stories. Ugh.. i miss her and THOUSAND THANKS from the bottom of my heart.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
September Baby
Especially for Selangor area...!!wooohooooo...Already have 5days off (deduct one of my leave in Hari Raya!) And besides, my fren is getting married too. That's another bonus in September! I'm so happy for her!!!
But I've just counted. Her wedding day is on 19th. Which means, I ady took an off on the 18th. And I've just COUNTED!! I tot of planning to go Penang trip on my Raya holiday and find Anis ... more joh. Anyway, attending a wedding also is a good thing. I can have gathering with my collage fren. Even hoping Loon will turn up that day. Though I know he have lots of Bomb this month. But still I wish, I could see him that day. Pray Pray Pray HARD!!
YAHOOOOO!!! Fucking michael just called me! Just now.. Just moment when I was typing here. He asked me where I'm going this coming Raya. I've just told him about my plan that Friday I'm officially FREE but not for Saturday. And Mon + Tues, I'M TOTALLY FREE!!! Then he ask me to join him for BBQ at PD. Hell yea! I'm going of cause. Else I will be freaking out staying at home and continue to watch my DVD's. (My goodness, I've ady bought 23pcs of DVDs and dont even know which one I should start watching. Some of the movie, I bought for my sista which she asked me to buy for her. And yea, she gip me money too ^^). Michael, I love you!! You come out all of a sudden and planning a schedule for me this coming holiday. But I hope this trip work. So I dont wanna be so happy 1st. Later CANCEL joh, I will be moody liaw =.=
Another sad case is, Nam is not going to Japan anymore. He quit his job and do another job. Damn. He's been changing job after job for the last two years. When can he stable ar? I do hope he go back Japan. So I could have MORE FREEDOM! Yea, I even told him that today. And today also I met with him...after a mth of arguing our problems and that's make me DO NOT WANT TO MEET HIM. But anyway, since he's helping his family business out, den he told me dat I still can have my own freedom such as going out with frenz and have mountain climbing and so on. Then ok lor.
Sincerely I do not wish he join me to go anyway when I'm hanging out with my frenz. I know he will be bored, so I choose not to let him go. I'm not bad ok. If he knew my frenz, then is another matter. Nah..nvm...
Just yesterday, my colleague and I have a trip to Bukit Cahaya (taman pertanian) @ Shah Alam. Previously on friday, I reached home at 4am (due to work overtime). I do not wish to sleep. So I trim my front hair, and online FB to play FB games. Then my mum force me to sleep ><. She just scared that I've lack of sleep and couldnt drive. So Ok lor.. I slept after 4am. And wake up at 5.45am and get prepared to drive out and fetch my frenz. But when reached Teabreak. NON OF THEM arrived! Shitty... hahaha. First thing first, I called Kelvin. Actually we supposed to wait at Teabreak sharp sharp 7am. But Kelvin just styling his hair =.= Then I call Dexter. He didnt pick up my phone, and I faster call Joey to ask her to call dexter. Mahai..awhile later, I call dexter again, and only he pick up my phone and say he's preparing to go out now. Deng~ It's already 7.30am and he live at Cheras lea. Na beh.
Well.. I'm not sure what time we reached Taman pertanian. But luckily we still own our bikes. Poor Terrence (my new colleague), he really doesnt know anything about bicycle. I told him to return back to the person and join us by having a walk or a jog then. Quite impress bout him, cause he didnt nag or complain. Infact, I see - he's like njoying himself. I like him alot. He can mix with us very fast. Not like others. Pretending sialz.
Here's some of the photos.
So romantic eh... buddy wan sun bathing, girl girl wan sun-tanning
Aint he sat like a froggie?? Trademark.. I luv it lotx
Paddy Field
Tada.. my picture with devi ^^
Tell wayne to be serious, he go and play play
**missed out Joey photo.. ><
*will be updating new ones once I get the photos from my pro photographer - KC.
In the end, we all end up taking bus joh. Dont have energy to continue riding a bike eh.. No more energy liao. Actually not all the places we got go.
Lunch looo... we seperated. We drove two cars. One go to Dataran Mentari and I go to FullHouse. Interior and deco is nice. But, dont have the mood to shoot any photos. I'm so exhausted yet sleepy too. All I want is to eat, fetch them home, play FB awhile and go to sleep asap. That's my plan.
So after eating and having a chit-chat, we went back TB. Then I fetch Devi and Terrence back home. When I reached home, 1st thing 1st. I open my Restaurant City, Barn Buddy, X-Dogs, Fish-A-Fish, Parking Wars, Kung-Fu Pets and Friends-For Sale. Ok. This is my daily games which I need to play - hopefully everyday. (Restaurant City and Barn Buddy is already confirmed - EVERYDAY). Then I took a shower, and seat down relaxing infront of my com.
Then only, Ryan pop up an MSN message. We chatted a while and he really wanna go yum cha. He said weather is Hot. He dont wanna stay at home. Then I asked him, what time he need to yum cha. He said, 8pm like dat. I was like -HARRR!! I just slept 1hour and hoping to sleep again after the trip. But I ady chat with Ryan till 6pm...Devi already in bed. Then I told Ryan, okok..unless he let me sleep now, then I will go yum cha with them. Since he come and fetch me. 1st time eh! hahaha. And I'm kept praising him "no wonder today you look so leng zai la"...since he cum and fetch me ma. Must praise abit. ^^
6pm I sleep. 7.50pm, I wake up. 8.15pm only Ryan gip me a wake up call and said he's coming at 9pm. So, I continue to play FB games again. Well, devi got attend too.. and Wykie as well. I sun pin ate my dinner near jinjang. Never know.. when we reached there. Is already 9.30pm. While eating and chatting, already 1.30am @_@"
And that's the night I couldnt sleep joh. We gossip and telling stories...hours drag hours. it was so fun. Esp when I have seafood to eat. All of a sudden, DOOM! Rain falls. Totally no warning at all. Not even drizzling!! All of us got shocked and ran to the shelter. By then, we dismiss. I bet if there is no rain, we will continue to talk..till dunno what time. Cox the restaurant open till 4am.
In the end, when reached home...I still play FB and den..only I slept at 3.30am....duh.. that's my pin-tai day.
**today I went to nam house. I met his mum. His mum laugh when she saw me. Then, I told him that I hate his son. Then only she told me that she tried to call me but I didnt pick up. Hoping to tell me to hate his son for 3months as a punishment. Deng! I tot nam was using his mum phone to call me. That's why I darent answer...If I knew is his mum, I will answer it and have another 3months of freedom. So I told his mum, next time sms me..I will pick up wan. ^^
Especially for Selangor area...!!wooohooooo...Already have 5days off (deduct one of my leave in Hari Raya!) And besides, my fren is getting married too. That's another bonus in September! I'm so happy for her!!!
But I've just counted. Her wedding day is on 19th. Which means, I ady took an off on the 18th. And I've just COUNTED!! I tot of planning to go Penang trip on my Raya holiday and find Anis ... more joh. Anyway, attending a wedding also is a good thing. I can have gathering with my collage fren. Even hoping Loon will turn up that day. Though I know he have lots of Bomb this month. But still I wish, I could see him that day. Pray Pray Pray HARD!!
YAHOOOOO!!! Fucking michael just called me! Just now.. Just moment when I was typing here. He asked me where I'm going this coming Raya. I've just told him about my plan that Friday I'm officially FREE but not for Saturday. And Mon + Tues, I'M TOTALLY FREE!!! Then he ask me to join him for BBQ at PD. Hell yea! I'm going of cause. Else I will be freaking out staying at home and continue to watch my DVD's. (My goodness, I've ady bought 23pcs of DVDs and dont even know which one I should start watching. Some of the movie, I bought for my sista which she asked me to buy for her. And yea, she gip me money too ^^). Michael, I love you!! You come out all of a sudden and planning a schedule for me this coming holiday. But I hope this trip work. So I dont wanna be so happy 1st. Later CANCEL joh, I will be moody liaw =.=
Another sad case is, Nam is not going to Japan anymore. He quit his job and do another job. Damn. He's been changing job after job for the last two years. When can he stable ar? I do hope he go back Japan. So I could have MORE FREEDOM! Yea, I even told him that today. And today also I met with him...after a mth of arguing our problems and that's make me DO NOT WANT TO MEET HIM. But anyway, since he's helping his family business out, den he told me dat I still can have my own freedom such as going out with frenz and have mountain climbing and so on. Then ok lor.
Sincerely I do not wish he join me to go anyway when I'm hanging out with my frenz. I know he will be bored, so I choose not to let him go. I'm not bad ok. If he knew my frenz, then is another matter. Nah..nvm...
Just yesterday, my colleague and I have a trip to Bukit Cahaya (taman pertanian) @ Shah Alam. Previously on friday, I reached home at 4am (due to work overtime). I do not wish to sleep. So I trim my front hair, and online FB to play FB games. Then my mum force me to sleep ><. She just scared that I've lack of sleep and couldnt drive. So Ok lor.. I slept after 4am. And wake up at 5.45am and get prepared to drive out and fetch my frenz. But when reached Teabreak. NON OF THEM arrived! Shitty... hahaha. First thing first, I called Kelvin. Actually we supposed to wait at Teabreak sharp sharp 7am. But Kelvin just styling his hair =.= Then I call Dexter. He didnt pick up my phone, and I faster call Joey to ask her to call dexter. Mahai..awhile later, I call dexter again, and only he pick up my phone and say he's preparing to go out now. Deng~ It's already 7.30am and he live at Cheras lea. Na beh.
Well.. I'm not sure what time we reached Taman pertanian. But luckily we still own our bikes. Poor Terrence (my new colleague), he really doesnt know anything about bicycle. I told him to return back to the person and join us by having a walk or a jog then. Quite impress bout him, cause he didnt nag or complain. Infact, I see - he's like njoying himself. I like him alot. He can mix with us very fast. Not like others. Pretending sialz.
Here's some of the photos.
So romantic eh... buddy wan sun bathing, girl girl wan sun-tanning
Aint he sat like a froggie?? Trademark.. I luv it lotx
Paddy Field
Tada.. my picture with devi ^^
Tell wayne to be serious, he go and play play
**missed out Joey photo.. ><
*will be updating new ones once I get the photos from my pro photographer - KC.
In the end, we all end up taking bus joh. Dont have energy to continue riding a bike eh.. No more energy liao. Actually not all the places we got go.
Lunch looo... we seperated. We drove two cars. One go to Dataran Mentari and I go to FullHouse. Interior and deco is nice. But, dont have the mood to shoot any photos. I'm so exhausted yet sleepy too. All I want is to eat, fetch them home, play FB awhile and go to sleep asap. That's my plan.
So after eating and having a chit-chat, we went back TB. Then I fetch Devi and Terrence back home. When I reached home, 1st thing 1st. I open my Restaurant City, Barn Buddy, X-Dogs, Fish-A-Fish, Parking Wars, Kung-Fu Pets and Friends-For Sale. Ok. This is my daily games which I need to play - hopefully everyday. (Restaurant City and Barn Buddy is already confirmed - EVERYDAY). Then I took a shower, and seat down relaxing infront of my com.
Then only, Ryan pop up an MSN message. We chatted a while and he really wanna go yum cha. He said weather is Hot. He dont wanna stay at home. Then I asked him, what time he need to yum cha. He said, 8pm like dat. I was like -HARRR!! I just slept 1hour and hoping to sleep again after the trip. But I ady chat with Ryan till 6pm...Devi already in bed. Then I told Ryan, okok..unless he let me sleep now, then I will go yum cha with them. Since he come and fetch me. 1st time eh! hahaha. And I'm kept praising him "no wonder today you look so leng zai la"...since he cum and fetch me ma. Must praise abit. ^^
6pm I sleep. 7.50pm, I wake up. 8.15pm only Ryan gip me a wake up call and said he's coming at 9pm. So, I continue to play FB games again. Well, devi got attend too.. and Wykie as well. I sun pin ate my dinner near jinjang. Never know.. when we reached there. Is already 9.30pm. While eating and chatting, already 1.30am @_@"
And that's the night I couldnt sleep joh. We gossip and telling stories...hours drag hours. it was so fun. Esp when I have seafood to eat. All of a sudden, DOOM! Rain falls. Totally no warning at all. Not even drizzling!! All of us got shocked and ran to the shelter. By then, we dismiss. I bet if there is no rain, we will continue to talk..till dunno what time. Cox the restaurant open till 4am.
In the end, when reached home...I still play FB and den..only I slept at 3.30am....duh.. that's my pin-tai day.
**today I went to nam house. I met his mum. His mum laugh when she saw me. Then, I told him that I hate his son. Then only she told me that she tried to call me but I didnt pick up. Hoping to tell me to hate his son for 3months as a punishment. Deng! I tot nam was using his mum phone to call me. That's why I darent answer...If I knew is his mum, I will answer it and have another 3months of freedom. So I told his mum, next time sms me..I will pick up wan. ^^
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