Damn. Fucking Damn hate this freelancer! I dont even know where did my company take this freelancer to do website / interactive. His work is so SUCKS!
I remember the 1st job that was given to him, was quite impressive. He put effort in doing it and even spend his half night at Teabreak and figure out how to solve the music part. That was what I like about him - ON THE 1ST DAY IMPRESSION!
Though I tot he was okay and in another way, he's abit cheaper from the others that we out-sourced. Then, when my time to give him an interactive to do... PROBLEMS COME!
1st round, I was told to direct him
(some sort of LOOKING after him) parts by parts regarding bout the latest interactive that he should do. Whatever I briefed, he will
NEVER write it down on a piece of paper. Infact, he nodded his head - body language that he understand every single word I said. That very 1st day, I've given all the working files to him. Asking him to do intro, and some inner pages. At least there is a skeleton that I can look at after 3-4days. He said, OK.
2nd round, He came. He shown us about the intro where we need him to do the water ripple effect. Due to water effect, Kenny daren't ask me to do this Interactive. He know I will be having problems doing it. That's why he gave this interactive job to the freelancer. Within the 1/2HOUR period, this freelancer kept showing us the
INTRO - WATER RIPPLE! We rejected as it doesnt seems perfectly nice. Finally he promised to do a better ripper in our next meet up. Since intro is not confirmed, so he didnt do the inner page. But before he left, I remind him to do inner page for me before our next meet up.
3rd round. This time, the ripper still got problem. It still looks fake to me. Not only me. Even fake to Kenny and Jan. Even, me and kenny have to figure out and telling him to do it at photoshop+flash together. He kept telling us that
IT WONT LOOK NICE! And kept saying that the ripple needs to done by using After-Effect, where he can introduce his friend to do it. Fine. I know After-Effect function that can do the same. But HELLO, this is A picture and AFTER-EFFECT COULD NOT DO THAT EITHER! Is he thinking I'm 0% interest about Flash working file? GOD DAMN IT! He's totally know nothing about me!
To cut short the time, in the back I told Kenny that I will try my best to do the Interactive Water Ripple effect for him. Since Kenny agreed, and we continue to see the inner page. Since there's only 3 buttons. One is Preamble (can be viewed), Key Visual (can be viewed) and In-store POSM (NOTHING). I remind him to do the In-store POSM in our next meet up again. He promised. Even Kenny sounded him already.
3rd round. Well, he came again. He forever MUST come in 4pm. But I dont care. At least he come in and give me see something, then I wont argue over the timing. This time, he give me see the intro interactive again. I told him there's still mistakes on the pack shot (1st round, we already sounded him that - he must use our working files to proportional enlarge or reduce). But HE DIDN'T. He DID his way! Why? So that I can impress about his hard work?
FUCK LA! He making us all doing
FUCKING DOUBLE JOB! I already told him to use the working files that I gave him. If I want him to impress me, then what for I need to spend my 2-3HOURS time - to do all the Interactive working files for him? Besides, I did told him alot of time that I need to see Intro + Inner page. This time? Yea.. He did do the Inner page of the In-Store POSM. But only 3items can be viewed out of 8!! I believe it isn't that hard to link the other 5 items. But he gave 3 items only. Kenny went speechless that moment. And on the same day, I passed him my working file of Intro regarding about the water ripple for him. He opened and finally he understand what we meant. But I do think, HE KNOW WHAT WE MEANT LOR! It just that he did not want to waste his time doing such ripple for us.
Even, I need to convert all into .PNG files to him. He said it will be much more easier for him to link in flash. FUCK! Then what for I need to do all the working files for him? Each of my working files, even have the Linked files of PSD, where he can replaced and re-link everything back and I even created a JPEG artwork view for him. But he need more from me. Fucking Fine. I do that .PNG for him! Kenny was not happy, cause it's supposed to be the freelancer job to do it. But now, it's taking alot of my time - JUST TO HELP HIM DO the .PNG file!
Since I'm not sure how many ROUNDS he have come in, but all total - TODAY is the 4th week already! I can tell, last time I did my previous interactive, Kenny only gave me 3-4days to see all the skeleton work. I stayed overtime, finding tutorials to help out. Btw, even the ripple effect - I FIND TUTORIAL and learn from there! So, what is this BULLSHIT FREELANCER THAT SAY - KENOT DO DE LOR! (about the water ripple) DAMN IT DAMN IT FUCKING GOD DAMN HIM!
Duh...I even starting to dislike him for the past few days + weeks. Cause when ever on the day we met and we arranged for the next meet up, FOREVER also I call him to DOUBLE-CONFIRM whether is he coming in or what? I remember the 2nd time He need to come in. I waited till almost 5pm, and Kenny asked me "where is this freelancer?" Then only I dialed his contact. Surprisingly, he told me he at Johor and couldnt make it. But how come must I call him and not he call me? Cause this is a job for him and he must take full responsible for it. It's been repeated many times already. Everytime or before the day he should come, I called him regarding about some amendments, and before I could say a word, he snapped and said "tommorrow I wont be coming in, cause ...." I stoned. I can say, I stoned several times ever since.
Last week, we met up on wednesday. He still make mistakes and didnt do amendments as well. So, on spot again we directly ask him to change this this this, that that that once more. And said we need to see the changes on friday. But on thursday, Cindy emailed me what should further take note, so I called him on thursday and he said he couldnt come on friday, due to ALOT OF THINGS THAT NEED TO CHANGE WOH! Actually, frankly, IT'S NOT THAT MUCH LOR! It's just that he lazy or anything that he wanted to escape of. Cause I planned, if he comes in on friday, and let me see the latest files, then at least he still have weekend to work on. But since he insists doesnt want to come, FINE! I told him that he need to come in on monday. Then he said, monday also cannot. Either Tuesday or Wednesday! WAH LAU EH!
WHAT sort of FREELANCER is this one? Need to see his time somemore ar? Fine! I tolerate with him.
On Monday, Cindy came and she talked this issue with Aryl. That she need this guy to come in on tuesday. So, Aryl called him.. and he promised to come in at 4pm on tuesday. But yea, it's over 4.30pm only he come. He still never updates alot of things. And, time is short. We all need the FA by this coming thurday. On Monday, Cindy already call him and tell him to bring all his equipments that he need to do interactive as he might be staying at Teabreak to finish all the amendments.
But..somehow, this freelancer is a COW! He came in on tuesday, and he left without saying a bye to me. Cause, I sitted down together with him, looked thru the interactive and even marked down all the things he need to amend on spot. Of cause, I wont waste my time seating next to him and see his work. So I went back to my place and continue to do other work. A while later, Kenny asked me "he go home joh la?" I said..No ar.. just now I saw him ma..Then Kenny replied "dont have woh..". I got up from my place, and HELL YEA! He's disappear! I so fucktup and called him at once. I asked him whether is he went back or what? He still replied "yea!" FUCK YOU!
I told him "didnt yesterday my design manager asked you to stay back and finish the amendments?" Then he replied "I couldnt work with my laptop at there (teabreak)" I asked "why?" He replied "Screen small cox of laptop". Then I told him "but my design manager did ask u to bring all ur equipments right?" He kept silent and said "after I do, I will come today and pass it to you. Or else, I will emailed to you". I said "So, you gonna come or email to me?" He said "I email to you. But if you are leaving your office and you wan to see, then let me know. I will email to you what-ever so far I doing now". Ok that's fine. Though I dont quite like it already.
Since even, I need Kenny to look at the latest interactive that he did - he just have some minor changes and even told me to tell the freelancer to prepare himself that he might have to make himself free to come in tommorrow (wed). So I called the freelancer once kenny has some amendments. He picked up my phone and I told him there's still a slight changes. I can hear from his tone of voice that he's not much in listerning, and all of a sudden, his last word was "okay" and BANG DOWN MY PHONE!
I don't have a chance to ask him to make himself free to come in on wednesday oso lea! Since he banged my phone down, I banged TEABREAK PHONE as well. I was so ANGRY! And started to sms him. (let me think in a positive way - that his phone ran out of battery) (but in negative way, he still can call me back wut)!
sms:(my personal email account). Watever, u need 2 email the amendments to me tonite. Send me an sms once u emailed me. And pls make urself free incase i still need u 2 cum in 4 2molo. Thx.And I got no replied from him regarding "ok"!
Fine, I'm an owl. I sleep late at nite. So I can still wait ba... but now.. it's 3am already! I still have no replied from him. So I text him again just now
sms:May i know how's da allergan file? Are u going 2 email me the file now or ? Let me know how long u still need to finish it ok. If u couldnt finish everythg 2nite, u can email me now watever u have amend. Once emailed, let me know. Thx.And still no replied from him...