1st thing 1st, the one I met was Mei Ling and Ah Tuck.. Then we sat down and chatted abit and took some pictures too...
My dress..nice not nice not?? Hmph...if you think not nice, dont voice out..Cox I superb luv this dress alot ^^
Mei Ling and Tuck acting cute...
Sooner or later, others came...Bess also bought her husband and her son too...Benjamin. He's so handsome lea!!!! Everyone carried him, but I didn't. I was afraid that I will make him cry and everyone will look at me. Will definately pai-seh by then.
While talking and chatting around, like same old question.."Hey..I Miss You, How are you?"...and bla bla bla...and they announced that the bride and groom is coming in...
Here's Samantha ^^. Ain't she's such a beauty queen? Am really really happie for her marriage!!!
Samantha and her hubby - Ian.
And continue to take some pictures again V(o.o)V
Me with Tuck and KK. Btw, KK was rushing back to sunway to perform his show at one of the cafe there. So, dont ever be surprise to meet him. He's talented in both designs and singing. Same goes with Tuck as well.
Acting cute... blerkkk..Oh ya.. and dat wine was bought from aust too. I just took a sip and tasted it differently from the local ones. No wonder fatty said it's a good quality wine-la!! Somemore, he's been ordering it and not-to-miss VSOP!!!
Gurls part taking photos ^^
Never miss together with Yuen Mei and her cuttie baby - Benjamin.
Me with Angie. I Love her dress too. Esp the BIG RIBBON. Not only me..One of my fren also praise her dress as well.
Showing off - Neh, Neh, Neh...Fatty lor!!!
taking photo with Liew too ^^
The group of gurls...again..
From Left to Right: Jamie, Mama, Bess (Yuen Mei), Foo Chan, Angie
Top: Me and Mei Ling
This is the wedding cup cake. Ain't dat beautiful? I luv the cream colour. It got a smooth tone.
1st Pattern of the Cup Cake
2nd Pattern of the Cup Cake. I like this more...
ps: ahem...tuck has been playing with the camera since dar ge bought it...What to do? Tuck is also one of the pro photographer.
Lastly, everyone wanna take away the cup cake back home. So Tuck asked one of the waiter to give us boxes to put our cupcakes onside. Instead, he gave us at least 10 containers. I take away one, and Fatty ate his on spot.
Where else, Tuck put his and close the container...until...the cupcake was being pressed down.
From the Left, was Tuck's take-away cupcake. His TAKE-AWAY cupcakes was DIFFERENT from ours! BRAVO!!
Now...I'm wondering..whose up-coming NEXT???
cox I would love to attend their wedding ^^
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