Well, my son bought this specs - which is very amazing in many ways. You have no doubt who you are turning into. Just a specs, can totally change your outlook. Check it out-
Production Team:
This is my son - Terence. He's the one who owe himself this specs. Simply special and I admit what ever he wore, he still have his looks - LOOKING GREAT!
Sze Mun: Even have her hair trimmed, and matched what she's wearing that moment.
Ken: Look like a japanese model - Modeling for a watch adv. I wonder how much he got the pay?
Juvena: Siao..she look like aunty ... lolx
Marketing Team:
Creative Team:
Kenny: Really really look like Old Uncle lorrrrr.. Thumbs UP !!
Forest: People say he looks like a taxi driver...hahahaha
Wayne: Nobita from Doreamon's character. He just have his NEW hairstyle somemore!!
Kelvin: Very chubby guy that will never grow old, but still acting childish..hahaha
Chen Yee: With the most BEST RESULTS compare to anyone of us. That's why she need to use this specs!!
Cat: Looks like the sexiest teacher ever
Joey: school girl
This is me.. I wasn't dare to wear at the beginning..but turns out..I TRIED it on !! So, how am I looking??
a pornstar?
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