Urbanscapes came finally...
Should I Go??

Of cause I go ler...Kelvin, Terence was going. So, called for Forest and Devi joined together. Met them at KLPAC that saturday evening. Quite alot of things to see..check it out :)

Ppl buying the tickets of RM40 to see the live show

the stalls...muddy grass...ugh...making me hard to walk thru

stalls at the dry area...but here nothing much to see

skies was blue..damn love it lot!

and even inside of the building too

selling clothes of trends with the sign of "supporter" hangers around

fine pen grafix type (good to see...the way she got the techniques)

even, available in plush / soft toy too

with different varieties of cards


like this alot! can put tee inside of each holes

POSTCARDS! I grabbed the ones I
LOVE only

Lomography postcards - this is real pictures taken by the malay girl using her own lomo

tee of arts

Unique earings. Nice to see, but not ngam for me

Ahhh,,This shop is ...
TOTALLYdifferentfrom the others stalls
they come out with this:-

Mix and Match!!
While walking over the muddy grass, I started to get xcited and shop. Love those clothes, yet is not xpensive. Price range from RM15-RM80. So I bought one of the red dress ^^ at just RM25
(if not mistaken)And...as for the below belts..damn..I regretted that I didnt purchase both of my love ones.

The black belt with the four think blink blink and another one is the end White belt.
Both range cost roughly RM23-RM28 only. Ugh!

This white belt cost only RM23! I love it alot! How come I didn't buy it?? dengz~

bird cage acces, for dangling earings

books that Keep Guys away from Girls

but I pretty like the dog's ring more!!
Ken bought me this ring ^^

the white terrier doggie style ring
Nice...i got latest too, nice too Nice Lorr
look interesting..next time invite me k..nice picture too
haha..thanks alot ^^
I like the colourful windmill a lot!
same with me tooo...
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