Saturday, June 30, 2007

Freelance Job that I Did

Told you that I'm doing freelance right? Hmm.. Well, at the 1st stage I did 2 bands. One is Click Five, another is White Stripes.

Yup, That's my 1st job working at home. Then..Follow up by some brands and movies. Started to work last saturday till...Yesterday. Haha. Cause thursday I was super tired and I told my fren dat I wont do any work today. So tired till i slept and woke up around 11 something. Faster force myself to wake up, cause I still need to take my dog to PS and PU. Kesian me...

Well, another thing I dont wanna work on Thrusday cause my ad got REJECTED ner. Haiz. Sat mong!!!!!!!! I did this :-

And suddenly my fren said I need to change the font to the original ones. She tot she gave me the poster, but I didnt received any of it. Then she told me to follow the mood of the poster which she's going to send to me later. Ok. Here's the poster she sent.

And I need to follow the kind of mood. Meaning hor.. That 1st visual I did, waste my time liao. Haiz... What to do? I need to do another one. So I did like this :-

Catch the feel? Hmmmm.. Then I do Transformer also.. Kinda weird. See what she say later..

That's my last job. She asked me whether I need more. Hmm.. I see 1st. Cuz I wanna take a rest. If the charges is reasonable, no matter how hard, I will try to do it. But the price is quite low ner. Somemore I do it's not because of the money also. Just wanna gain xperience on this kind of ad and try something new.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Day pass, New Day Come.

Recently quite busy ner. Cuz I saw my fren's MSN saying need part time designer. You know-la, I very busybody type of person de lor. So i nudge her and say "Need freelance ma?" Then she say ok ohh.. Well, Though is cheap...I mean the design fees is cheap, but I just do to let the time fly easily lor. After do 2 section liao, I do another and another. Even weekdays I do the work at home after work. Wah.... Suddenly feel very scared liao. Cause at home, I need to do alot lot of things. My Baby la, need to take fat fat out - pee and poo, and feed him up as well. Wash dishes, Cook - sometimes. Dont even have extra time to go out or dating arrr.. Luckily dou recently need do OT. Somemore many movie I still havent watch also.!!

My Alone arr. Transformer... Die Hard 4!!!!!! I want ALONEEEEEEE!!!... aRRRRrrrrgg..

Luckily July coming liao. So it's time for me to save up my savings loo. 2 months I've been suffering on financial. God helped me pretty much. If not, I dunno what I'm going to do without money. Somemore, I save up alot on my petrol. Wahahhahaah.. Cuz I dont speed for almost a mth, and dat time most of the morning, I wind down my window. That's how loon told me that is save petrol de. But still I speed up sometimes. I hate those vehicals ar, who pretend to be sports car and speed at my next. Fucker asshole. Especially those myvi ar.. who make their myvi like sports car. I dont even see.. why myvi they make as sport car lea? Is it so great ar? Some ppl thinks like that, some ppl dont huh?

Then.. I saw many Satria Neo around liao. You know? they drive 1.6 Lea! Izzit 1.6 drop liao ar? Or izzit 1.6 got the wipper, and air bag, and mp3 player, so that's why they better buy 1.6 rather than 1.3? Anyway, I still like my car. Luv my baby neo very much...

Monday, June 25, 2007

Visiting Justin @ Nirvana

Bi, How are you? Did you received my stuff??? Did you eat your KFC? I wanna buy pizza for you de. Cause got discount. RM7++. Cause serve for one people, including water also. But the cashier told me that it's eat-in. So, I went downstairs and bought KFC for you instead.

June got bought flowers for you. Nice rite? She said, you can tackle more gurls up there liao, since the flower is such a big bunch lea. Happy not?

See.. I keep my promise that will come visit you this weekend. Though I came at noon, but at least I came ya. Somemore Hahaha.. I bought lots of things for you. Oh ya, Dou bought you fruits. Actually I wanna buy the fruits for you de lor, but since hard to find parking, Dou got down and bought for me. I wanna pay back, but he dont want. So it's consider him to buy it for you. Happy not? Those stuff I bought for you is Dou an bro help me de. But design, I choose ya. No matter wut, I still aim at those money!!!!! That's why I took two packet of those folded money. And few millions for you. You know? I saw those RM1, RM10 lea. I wanna give to you also. But sked you not enough to use, so I burn those 1million - 1 piece - with few pieces also. So, You will be quite rich up there ya. Somemore, the guy told me that got passport, cheque... Wah!!!! I told him, the cheque - should I sign it? He laugh and say "No need la". Passport lea!!! So nice... Then give you lots of those papers... I dont know what is that. It's like living in a better life and faster "thau toi". Then bought clothes and sport shoe for you. I saw one coat. Wanna give you also, So you can go casino liao. But .... next time ok.

Bro said next time buy you blue film woh.. He wanna kena you liao. You better be careful. Haha. Then, If I got extra money, I buy you DVD, TV, and Playstation ya.

Ughhh.. Miss you badly..... Have a Better life ahead ok..

How I wish I really know the way to Nirvana there. So I can come find you and talk with you. That time I came and talk to you, Are you bside me? I talk alot huh??? Complain alot huh? I wanna continue talking, and you can see, bro came in and ask me pray for you outside. So i did. I will hold my colok for you, my grandma and my lil one only. That's all.

Oh ya... I gave you one mirror. I put beside to the comb there. If pantang, Tell me ok.

Miss you...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Happy Burfday Justin

Ah Bi.... HAPPY BURFDAY !!!!!! Your BIG BIG day today!!! I wished you at 12.04am Today. Guess many people got wished you also.

You know? Your mum the other day called me. Urm, let me recall. It's Monday noon. They shifted to - Kepong area liao. Opposite Carrefour. I will go and visit her after I go pay a visit for you ok. Definately will go this weekend - Sunday is the best time.

Well, she asked me whether am I married liao. I laughed. Of cause not so fast ya. New relationship just started. Maybe she don't know. Then she asked me whether I got dream about you or not. I said no more, since you gave me 2 sweet dreams last year. I wanna ask for more!!!!! You give your parents dream of you ner. Me lea?? Why dont have liao arR??? I wan dream of you also. At least once a year. Hiak Hiak. I'm so greedy huh. Okok.. Just a joke. I wont force. If you want to come inside my dream, you are already welcome. My dream door always open for you to come in de.

You know? I just know that Ting Fung will goin to start another new movie!!!! I'm so excited ner. Wah... can watch liao.

Then hor, another movie called "Alone", director from "Shutter" will be release tomolo. I still remember we both watch Shutter at Maxi. You sat behind me, look so scary. Then when you went to the loo, I already prepare and waited you outside the toilet. Then you opened the door and got frighten. Scream and start chasing me. My God!! I run. If I'm a ghost, I run also when I see you scream and somemore, YOU DARE TO CHASE GHOST AR!!! Not bad not bad!

So, when I come. What you want ar?? Cig, Beer, den?? Gurls wan ar? Korean? Japanese?? Msian? Urm.. Msian gurls for you is cheap liao. I guess you prefer overseas gurls eh? Of cause No la! I wont buy gurls for you. Foreva let you be single, who tell you go so fast then mua. Huh!
Okok, somemore.. what you want ar?? KFC??? Pizza? Urm.. Guess I buy Pizza for you. Cause Pizza got offer. Hahaha.. What's more you want? Yea..definately will fire you money. Dont worry k.

I gotta get back to work. Take Care, I miss you alot.. Real LOT!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Whole day I didn't went out. Just sleep and sit at home, That's all. Mostly is sleep, sleep and sleep. Then Mum back home. She packed back MC Nugget, Fries and one hot coffee. So delicious. Yummy. Then mum told me that today is Father's Day. I know, I said. Then I told her to call dad whether he wanna back home early and have a family father's day dinner outside or not. Then mum came inside my room and said dad will come back home early.

Yea, I'm under financial probs. But it's Father's day. So, whatever I need to pay it up also. Somemore that time Mother's Day we didnt celebrate. So at least celebrate for father ya.

In the evening, I bath Fat^Fat up. Then the newspaper guy came and said "I'm here to collect newspaper money". Ouch. I asked him how much. He said "RM42.+. Sniff. I pay it up, though mum is at home but is not nice la, to ask her to pay up the newspaper money wut. After finishing bath Fatty, I mop those tiles. Wah.. So tired but yet so happy, cuz Fat^Fat smell good and the floor is clean. Guess he will have a good sleep today.

After everything was done, I went inside the house and noticed clothes in the baldi. So I decided to hang those clothes together with the clothes hanger. Dad's back. And I'm still busy hanging those clothes. Mum said she will go and have a bath. After finishing hanging, Mum said "You dont want to bath?". "I want!" I said. Please help me Hang this clothes over the stairs, Thanks and I rush to the bathroom and get ready.

10-15minutes later, Mum outside shouted "Xter! Yous still havent finish bath ar?" I replied " I tie my hair now la!". Was quite mad actually. Cause they rush me and I've been doing alot of things to help her. So, when I got out from the bathroom, I told her "If you guys next time wanna eat, just go by your ownself. No need wait for me. Suddenly, I hate you guys so much!". It's true wut. I helped them hang clothes, Dad sitting relax and reading newspaper and Mum dress up. Me??? HANG CLOTHES OK! If I didnt hang, who will har? Izzit leave it and have the dinner, den only come back home and hang it? So dirty!

I'm ok after a few minutes later. Supposed to eat at the restorant @ Taman Kepong, but the Restorant close liao. So, we eat at another Restorant. Well, the service quite fast. We order one fish, veggie, "tin kai", white tofu, homemade sup and Lala. Lala is aim at me only. Dad cant eat lala, Mum seldom eat also. So I order to satisfied myself. So delicious. Yummy.

Then, I pay up the bills.RM83. RM100 gone liao. *sobsob*. Now I know, Money is hard to earn and save. Haha. Why I grumble so much over 100 figure huh? Last year mum's burfday I pay up her burfday dinner at almost RM400 also. Teeth also no pain, why now pain ar??? Cuz hor.... Cuz, I suddenly PK ma! Ngam ngam settle my fren's debt. So, I wanna save money starting next month liao. And will tell myself never EVER borrow money from anyone. Once is ENOUGH. Totally enough. Like taking away my life when chase from fren. Nightmare. Luckily I still got 2 godbros and Ah Dou to support - if I really drop down real dead-la. Dou wanna sponser RM100 for me, so I no need worried much, But I dont wan. Bro also told me to take RM200 from him, I dont want also.

Then, reached home - straight away went out again with dou to catch a movie - Fantastic Four.

Wah... Justin's Burfday coming sooon... I'm gonna visit him! Who wanna send regards to him? I help you guys send. Cause I'm going to pay a visit to him this weekend! What should I buy? What Should I buy?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Snake found in Jinjang.

Yesterday, Dou came and find me for a drink. Then while sitting, he told me that his working area got one snake. Around 10 feet long. Then he showed me the picture which he captured from his mobile. I got a shock! It's so big. Then he told me that he beat the snake up. He used a wood and hit it. At 1st, he tot is those ordinary snake, but when it wakes up - it's a cobra! OMG! I scolded him for getting near the snake as it might bite him up.

Then he told me, if he wasnt the one who beat the snake till die, no one will and somemore sked it will hurt someone in the factory. No one helped him also. He kept told me he was afraid, but still he need to hit the snake up. While the snake is almost goin-to-be half dead, Dou's colleage told him not to hit it anymore, cuz hitting a snake till die will bring bad luck woh. He dont care. So, he hit it till the snake unconscious and fall to dead. Here's the picture of the snake.

Then the boss wife asked him to pick up the snake and put it in the black plastic bag. He told me is so geli, cuz the skin... Ugh. Then you know what he told me? Well.. The snake actually is around 2feet long la. It looks big at the picture. But overall, is a small snake. He even told me, since I got an Iguana as a pet, he supposed to have this snake and put inside the aquarium. Then next time can take Baby Igu and his snake! My God! Those snake are dangerous. It's not fun. Scared to death when I heard him say - I hit the snake till it die.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fuckup Client

I've been really really patient for this client de. More than half the year liao. Well, today I totally shoot him. Cant stand anymore of his stupid attitude. You know when over the phone, he will talk abit then he will stop de. And there you goes - silent mode. He even accused me to email wrongly or didnt email to another client. WTF! I've already emailed to that fellow. I swear to god I really emailed to him. I even spell out the email address correctly. Then he will say "You didnt email to him la". For heaven's sake. I DID!

Then I told him to tell the other client - clear his mailbox! You know what this old man told me? He said, "Just 1-2days ago, I still can received 4MB in my mailbox". So??? Because of your fucktup 4MB blocked my way la. Stupid! Even told him that, while I email the visual to him, I even CC to the other fellow. If he really thinks I typed the email wrong, go check his own CC there in his mail fucktup Tm.Net mailbox la. Dunno this fellow really insane or just cover his ass up for being so stupid and know his wrong doings liao.

So, today raining cats and dogs right? Yea. J called up at my mobile. Well, actually he was A. Cuz mobile appear in my screen was J's name. So I tot he was J la. But instead, he's actually the fucktup A. And he told me about dispenser. I remember I OP just one thing for that client. But now, he asked TWO things. I told him I call him back in the short while and checked my Visual File. Then I called J and asked for A (I also dunno why I didnt straight up called A's mobile - duh~). N I told A that another dispenser, He didnt approved me to burn that to CD. You know what he told me? He said "Then now you can burn into CD". Shit you la! Somemore they are downstairs waiting. I told him i need at least half hour to finish this job. Then he said OK.

So, around 5pm. Quite heavy raining liao. N then J called up saying I can come down and hand the job. I told him it was raining and I dont have an umbrella. (They expect me to go under the rain ar? Fucker! I bring their things down already "Pei Min" joh. They tot what I am? Despatch Girl ar? Turun Naik and giving Things to em? Why not they come up and take their things by themself? Izzit Old people and elderly people is super L.A.Z.Y? Hell they go better-la) N somemore, I add in "You say you wan see this C size?". J said, yea.. Ok.. We wait you at downstairs.

So, I got down and...

xter: Here's the size of the gel. It's actually same with this (another product) size, just the cutting is different onli, cuz they have the diecut.
A: But it looks not the same. See.
xter: YEA, I said they have diecut, and here we dont have. But actually is the same one. Totally a rectangular shape. It doesnt matter of the diecut, cuz the diecut is just at the side, and I dont get it why it didnt fit it up.
A: cuz of the cutting. It's not the same.
xter: (almost burst out and wanna say "HEY OLD MAN, CANT YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TELLING YOU???") but instead I said If you wan me to follow this packaging size and diecut, I can do it for you. But if do liao, and you guys still cant wrap it up, it's your choice. Not mine. (True wut)
J: So, everything will still remain?
xter: No. I need to move those ingredients and those writeup abit, cuz the side is going to be curve-up.
J: ok. Once everything done, please email to xxxx this person ok.
xter: k
A: why you burn this dispenser 1 CD?
xter: Then? You need another one izzit?
A: How many times I said that Label one CD, Can one CD.
xter: (fuck you! usually James told me de lor. You neva tell me before. Somemore, suddenly I realise is my own fault alsol. Cuz I too rush to do the FA and forget everything bout divide the CD into 2 pieces) K. Then I burn another new one for you.
A: How you going to give me?
xter: I now go and burn-la. Later mai give to you-la.
A: Then I wait you at the kopitiam there.
J: She dont have umbrella la.
A: Then how?
xter: If you want me to bring to you, I'm fine with it. Just that your artwork sure kena the rain one.
A: You can take envelope to cover it up
xter: Envelope dont have liao
A: (shut up like usual)
xter: If not, I put at the letterbox and you come and get it la.
J: How long to do? 5 minutes?
xter: (was angry liao, n J still need to joke ar?) 5 minutes ar? How to do? 2 CD lea! Burn CD also need take times ok. Goin up and down the strairs also need time de lea.
J: 15minutes?
xter: still ok abit.
A: Meaning now you go and burn?
xter: Yea la. You need it now wut.
A: Where is my another label?
xter: That label, the other day a girl called up and asked for it. So I gave vincent already. You call the girl to see whether is rawang or kepong la. Else you call vincent whether he sent to where la!

After those slapping talks, I went up and Tulan. N burn that fucktup 2 Cds. Before going down, I reached my mobile incase I need to call that "lou hai". Bingo! They are not downstairs. Called J.

xter: where are you?
J: at kopitiam here. You wanna yum cha with us?
xter: (are you lost your mind? yum cha with you is still ok. But facing that ugly A, I gonna vomit) NO!
J: okok, you put the artwork to the letterbox there.
xter: ok

and I hung up his phone.

See la, luckily I got sun pin bring my phone down, Else i gila gila and wait for that fuck tup to come. Banyak celaka wan. Dare him la. Dare him tell vincent about my character la. I scared nobody, since that time I wanna resign, I oredi told Vincent I very sein to do this client's work already. Totally not in a good mood to do his job. Payment also slow. Shit la! if he dare complain, go ahead la. I give red carpet for him to come up maxiimpact! Another guy from that client I also sabar for long time adi. K his nickname. See la, if he step my tail, I sure kena him also. I work so long neva been so rude to client. Yea, some might get my shouts and feedback, But this A, he get totally ALOT of my face!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy Burfday Jun

Dedicate to Ar Jun koh. His burfday falls on Monday! Big big day for him. Tot they went to genting, but was postponed. Then tot they gone for a drink at pub or club tim, but instead they end up in one restorant at Metro Prima there. Near the SOUL there.

Well, I was sleeping de. Mei smsed me asked me whether I sleep or not. Told her I on the way sleep. Then she asked me to come over. I stunt and said I cant. If I come over, I need to reverse my dad's car den when bek home, I need to reverse and park again. Double job lea. But end up, Jun came and fetch me out. That was also 1am. Mou Yi si tim, cuz trouble burfday boy pulak. But on another side, haha.. it's oredi 1am, so his burfday is over. Muahahahha...

Reached to the restorant, ahem. They drank alot. I drank Chinese Tea Ice onli. Mei order for me b4 I reached. Good drink for me. Hiak hiak. We talked and blow wind till 3am. I kept on yawning. Han Chean kept asking me about Spidey3 and Pirates3. Quite curious why he didnt talk this show to Ar Jun or Mei. Then Finally I know that they didnt watch Spidey 3. Then he kept saying got Spidey 4 Spidey 4. Yea, folks. Watch out for Spidey 4 then.

Smoked 2 cigs onli. Mei told Jun to buy me SKL, cuz I dont smoke back recently and it gives me a little headache. But I dont want. Dont waste money la. Must survive this month. Next month is my freedom liao. Yahooo....

Oh ya.. N76. Mei they all wanna buy this model. She even wanna buy me one for my burfday. i got surprise. Cause she still havent find a job yet. How come she got so much money lea? She planned to use it with me, Jun, Han Chean, and Ah Sum. Meaning 5 of us using this mobile phone: -

But I do hope they dont waste such money to buy lor. Cuz my mok tik is listern n sms or capture pictures oredi can liao. Dont hope for more lor...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Short Holiday day

As I said earlier, about the dog who gave birth to 9 puppies right? On Thursday night, after my OT work, I got down and saw the dog. OMG! It's really em. I've been worried about them and been quite sad to know that they got caught. But now, They finally appear infront of me. Wow! I called em, but they just look at me without barking. At least, now i happy for them abit. Else they die-la. The mother dog look so sad and lonesome, losing all her cute babies. sad sad sad.

On saturday, Went to having buffet with bro at Sunway there. Supposed each person is around RM70++, but because Bee know one of the worker there, so each person is like 40% off. Isn't that good? I ate meat of cause. Easy to full my stomach. Main thing is, I dunno why bro wanna take me go. Yea, I juz wanna go is .. hehe wanna see her ex of cuz. But they are like gathering. They knew each other from Pri skool till now. Wow. Strong friendster eh?

Ching Ho is the talkative guy. Bro told me he is a good guy and rich also. He's nice. Yea. I ate his watermelon, cuz he invited me to eat ya. Somemore, I luv fruits alot. At 1st they tot that I'm bro Gf or something. They didnt think that I was his god sista. Ching Ho, Simon, Yap, they make fun of me and him. Saying from god sista, den slowly develop to lovers one. Lou got alot of god sista de lea. Yap even said, all his god sista can packed up in one bus de lea. Wah.. I laugh man. Haha.. (ahem, seems like he got alot of GF before eh? Simon even dont help him..nor me also.)

Before living, Bro wanna go genting. Then Ching Ho asked him whether he wanna join them to go either K or clubbing de. Bro told em that he need to fetch me to my BF house. Ching Ho said, wah .. another god bro ar? HAHA, I laugh my head off. Oh ya.. Saw bro ex gf. Urm. she's not bad also lea. Quite pretty, but can see she looks abit tired lor. Probably rush for jobs here and there. All of them treat me quite good lor.

Reached Dou house, we watched movie as he bought SAW I, II, and III and Hostel II. Stay till 4am, den balik rumah. N guess what? The next morning, I woke up almost 5pm! My god, I can really really sleep alot. Gosh!

Oh ya, on Friday I watched 200 pounds beauty. Before the movie start, Dou suddenly yell. Then I look at him. Then he said "why u pinch me?" I was ... stunt~! WHAT?? Then those people look at us. Esp at me, cuz they tot I pinch him n make him yell. Wah Sai. Bad boy. I very very ying wong ner. Then the movie start, It's quite funny in the opening. Dou laugh so loud. My god. I keep on close his mouth and told him to control his laughter. Overall the movie it's nice. Not bad. Quite funny also. N i luv the movie theme ost. Maria this song also not bad. Really Love this movie.

So this morning, June told me that my hardisk is quite full. So i try to delete my songs in my itunes. While deleting song song, I suddenly realise about This 200 Pounds Beauty. While deleting, i go download this whole OST. Muahaha.. So happy. Maria Ave Maria....

Monday, June 11, 2007

200 Pounds Beauty OST

Image Hosted by

김아중 - Maria
Song Available: Maria

ja chigeum shijakhae jogeumsshik tteukeop ke
u duryeowohajima
gwelchyeo nunape jeo taeyangi kileul bichwo
u jeoldae meomchujima
Maria Ave Maria
jeo hwin gureum kkeutddaji nala
Maria Ave Maria
keochin pado ttawin sanggwan eopji

ki jeokeun ireohke nae nunipe gwelcheoisseo
u jeoldae meomchujima
Maria Ave Maria
jeo hwin kureum kkeut ttaji nala
Maria Ave Maria
keochin pado ttahwin sang gwan eopsji

meomchwobeorin shimjangjeoncheka
keotjapeut su eopshi ttwieowa
Maria Ave Maria
cheo hwim kureum kkeutkkaji nala
Maria Ave Maria
keochin pado ttahwin sang gwan eopji
Maria Ave Maria
cheo hwim kureum kkeutkkaji nala
Maria Ave Maria
keochin pado ttahwin sang gwan eopji

Kim Oh in - Maria (beauty to be troublesome ost)

The now to sleep it starts and it is hot little by little
Right it is afraid the summer solstice E
It will open and that sun will draw in position close at hand to shed light,
Right absoluteness it does not stop E
Maria Ave Maria
The writing [huyn] until cloud end it flies,
Maria Ave Maria
The rough wave it picks and [win] it is not irrespective

The miracle is opening like this in inside close at hand,

Right absoluteness it does not stop E
Maria Ave Maria
The writing [huyn] until cloud end it flies,
Maria Ave Maria
The rough wave it picks and [win] it is not irrespective

It stops and the heart
whole which throws away
The possibility of holding with it runs without,
Maria Ave Maria
The writing [huyn] until cloud end it flies,
Maria Ave Maria
The rough wave it picks and [win] it is not irrespective
Maria Ave Maria
The writing [huyn] until cloud end it flies,
Maria Ave Maria
The rough wave it picks and [win] it is not irrespective

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

New Blog with New Name

Weeee...... This is my err... 2nd blog. Actually, is not the 2nd one. I've open many account in blogger previously. But I dont like my username at my html web. So, here - I create a new one with xter8367. Wahahahaahha.... so happy, fly high.

Been quite tired recently. Boss bought back one website. It's like an e-commerce stuff. (eg, ebay / lelong / And here, I used Mac.Dreamweaver + Mac.Flash to do it. ESPECIALLY Mac.Dreamweaver. It's has been many years I didnt touch any of it. (Just touched when I did the Slumberland Website - only. But it's just a pop-out window ya.) I started doing this web from Thrusday - Tuesday. Took me 4 days to do at least 8 files of dreamweaver and one flash banner for the top view. Start working late at nite started from Friday and Monday, which is 1am. Luckily yesterday I worked before midnite strike.

Oh ya, the place I'm working now - there's two stray dogs lying around. One of the female dog gave birth to 9 cute puppies. Mixed with black, brown and white. On monday, there's a heavy thunder storm, and the mother dog picked up her babies and put it at the side of the stairs which I usually climb to go to work. She fiercely barked and growl at me. Of cause I back-off, as I knew mother dog who just gave birth is super fierce as they wanna protect their babies. It's been a hard day for me to climb up and down the stairs. Was like the stairs is her territory and nobody can STEP INSIDE.

Tuesday came. I helped our aunty and one of the 2nd floor indian guy to pass through the fierce dog. It took me minutes to help them out. You know? This stray dog is very very skinny. Bet she dont have any food either, though some of the workers near-by did pack back some remainder food for the dog (cause there's some water and those containers lying around). So today (wednesday) I told June, I might go pack back some rice for this poor dog. Ya, though fierce, but she need to eat something to feed her babies and need to be strong to take care of her babies as well. June told me she wanna pack-back "Char Siew Pau". But I think it's not that fulling and somemore it's quite expensive as well. It's better to "dar bau" economy rice right?

Reached Restoran Kam Jie, I take-away one packet of rice and some meats mixed with gravy together. Hopefully she eat it with good appetite and thanks the Lord for the food. One of the workers also helped to take out those puppies and put it near the cornering so that we can easily walk up the stairs without frighten.

Back there, I saw the mother dog. Guess one of the baby passed away. God bless the pup - poor thing *sob sob*. I open the packed rice and put it near to her. She eat it. Was so happy to see her, cause she didnt bark or growl at us. I even wanna take pictures of those puppies and her mother dog together. Look like One Happy Family. Even think of slowly make friend with her also. I know she aint harm, just that she wanna protect her babies that's all. Cant wait to go home, as I can see the mothewr dog ma. But when Vincent came in, he told us that the two stray dogs plus those puppies was cleared by Bandaraya this noon. Tears flow down inside my heart. Was totally sad troughout the hours. But was glad that I actually feed her something with delicious food. Poor dog. Know if kena from Bandaraya, 1stly the mother dog will drop dead one. Cause she looks dirty, weak, skinny. Unless someone wanna claim the dog lor and pay RM100/150 for it. (last time used to claim my two dogs, so i roughly know the price).

See, now picture also dont have. Dog also gone. Haizzz..... left memory only...