Told you that I'm doing freelance right? Hmm.. Well, at the 1st stage I did 2 bands. One is Click Five, another is White Stripes.

Yup, That's my 1st job working at home. Then..Follow up by some brands and movies. Started to work last saturday till...Yesterday. Haha. Cause thursday I was super tired and I told my fren dat I wont do any work today. So tired till i slept and woke up around 11 something. Faster force myself to wake up, cause I still need to take my dog to PS and PU. Kesian me...
Well, another thing I dont wanna work on Thrusday cause my ad got
REJECTED ner. Haiz. Sat mong!!!!!!!! I did this :-

And suddenly my fren said I need to change the font to the original ones. She tot she gave me the poster, but I didnt received any of it. Then she told me to follow the mood of the poster which she's going to send to me later. Ok. Here's the poster she sent.

And I need to follow the kind of mood. Meaning hor.. That 1st visual I did, waste my time liao. Haiz... What to do? I need to do another one. So I did like this :-

Catch the feel? Hmmmm.. Then I do Transformer also.. Kinda weird. See what she say later..

That's my last job. She asked me whether I need more. Hmm.. I see 1st. Cuz I wanna take a rest. If the charges is reasonable, no matter how hard, I will try to do it. But the price is quite low ner. Somemore I do it's not because of the money also. Just wanna gain xperience on this kind of ad and try something new.
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