Well, I was sleeping de. Mei smsed me asked me whether I sleep or not. Told her I on the way sleep. Then she asked me to come over. I stunt and said I cant. If I come over, I need to reverse my dad's car den when bek home, I need to reverse and park again. Double job lea. But end up, Jun came and fetch me out. That was also 1am. Mou Yi si tim, cuz trouble burfday boy pulak. But on another side, haha.. it's oredi 1am, so his burfday is over. Muahahahha...
Reached to the restorant, ahem. They drank alot. I drank Chinese Tea Ice onli. Mei order for me b4 I reached. Good drink for me. Hiak hiak. We talked and blow wind till 3am. I kept on yawning. Han Chean kept asking me about Spidey3 and Pirates3. Quite curious why he didnt talk this show to Ar Jun or Mei. Then Finally I know that they didnt watch Spidey 3. Then he kept saying got Spidey 4 Spidey 4. Yea, folks. Watch out for Spidey 4 then.
Smoked 2 cigs onli. Mei told Jun to buy me SKL, cuz I dont smoke back recently and it gives me a little headache. But I dont want. Dont waste money la. Must survive this month. Next month is my freedom liao. Yahooo....
Oh ya.. N76. Mei they all wanna buy this model. She even wanna buy me one for my burfday. i got surprise. Cause she still havent find a job yet. How come she got so much money lea? She planned to use it with me, Jun, Han Chean, and Ah Sum. Meaning 5 of us using this mobile phone: -

But I do hope they dont waste such money to buy lor. Cuz my mok tik is listern n sms or capture pictures oredi can liao. Dont hope for more lor...
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