Waited and waited. Been weeks I've been waited for this season to come. Even took AL for Thursday (24/12) and Monday (28/12) to have a long weekend of relaxation this Christmas.
♥ Merry Christmas Everyone ♥
I celebrate my Christmas at KL this year. Fully treated by fatty with Jogoya - Dinner buffet. Am so happie.
We parked at Times Square (damn, it's been superb huge traffic jam) and I started to snap down the Christmas deco.
Here's the blink blink tree
And their Christmas stall -
And I will ask Fatty to stand next to - everything
And, my turn ^^
the one I called as similarity
As usual, I will snap those ornaments again - shiok sendiri. But this time, with my funny funny faces!!
Next, with the snowman
Xter kissing the snowman cheek. Damn..everyone watched me to do this! So pai seh! But still, I wanna do it - cox I dont' know STRANGERS!!
there, Fatty gonna bite off the nose. Poor snowman~
Finally, together with me is the snowman, and christmas tree behind me. So happie...
And finally...
Below picture was snap by Fatty. I luv it quite much.
Later, we took monorail to go over Lot 10. And, I saw this sentence:-
Yea, Everyone Is Beautiful...
So is Fatty...
So is Me...
So is U tooo ^^
We walked to Pavillion as I wanted to insert the film to my new Lomo Camera - BlackBird, Fly. And again, since Fatty haven't had the chance to see the nicest Christmas Deco at Pavillion, I started shooting him.
and Just him
Daylight of Pavillion Christmas Tree...
Then, I saw this window display. Pretty Nice! Infact, I do love this alot!!!
We later, went to Jogoya for our Christmas Buffet dinner. This was on Fatty's treat. Damn, though is expensive, but is a one day experience.
Main entrance
Because I was served near the cold food (such as sushi, oyster, crabs)...I took those - seafood of cox. Never know, Fatty dont quite like to eat cold food. Even, he dont quite like to eat oyster too. Damn! He missed good food over there.
Here's what I took...they are totally FRESH!
This small pot was took by Fatty. He surprised me with all kinds of seafood - Clams, Chum, Lala, Chuk Tan, Crabs. Damn. I love everything there!! (Just for the sake of seafood only).
I told Fatty to look over HERE. And since his hand was moved, I told him I'm gonna have another snap of his photo.
And, this is the 2nd snap. Damn, he's angry cox I stopped him from eating. Duh~
And again, I go and hunt for my seafood.
Did u noticed that my clams was a huge wan??
Boiling inside the small pot.
While waiting, I go hunt for seafood again. This time with fatty together. And, Fatty bought me to - where is Xiong Tong LALA with XO! I dropped my silver clip at the brown basket. Going back to my table and waited for it.
Finally arrived. Taste nice with LO.V.E all around me ^^
And my clamsis ready to be-picked-up!
(see below picture...isn't that huge?)
Below - is where I am so greedy..eating my stuff!!
Slowly I bite it. I'm afriad the juice will came out from no-where. Since sitting next to my table was a date. I don't hope to embarrassed them >< target="_blank" title="ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting" href="http://img684.imageshack.us/i/67525495.jpg/">
And I already drank at least 4 coconuts! Rather than those fruit smoothies (which taste normal). And even grabbed hot choc too.
Did I ever mention that I didnt touch any of their CHINESE food? Except for the dimsums. None for the mee nor rice thingy. All I ate was seafood, satays, seafood, dimsums, and seafood again!
Just another half hour before it strikes to 9pm (where our dinner supposed to be ended), I finally got the chance to eat my Häagen-Dazs ! I got tiramisu plus chocs. 2nd round, Fatty helped me to get another 2 scoops of tiramisu again!
Ahhhh... I damn love to eat it! I didnt have any try of the New Zealand Natural. I told myself. If I ever eat New Zealand, I rather go for Häagen-Dazs.
Another 15 minutes left, and I have my desserts. Yea! Marshmallows with dipped chocs. DIY! I've been dipped and rolling and rolling my marshmallows until fatty came and stopped me T_T
He said, people behind me is waiting for their turn...Then I would like to say "1st come 1st serve baby"
Lolx! But I didnt said that. Haha...Anyway, the 2nd round, Fatty bring 5 sticks of marshmallows for me.
While he was away, I took out his christmas present where I bought last saturday when I was at 1Utama together with Kelvin, Wayne and Cat. It was from Braun Büffel mens wallet. I thought that I better buy him one good wallet since the one he always used was from pasar malam. He prefer not to have holes at the end bottom between the flipping ones. But, every wallet that I hunted, ALL also have the holes. In the chinese believers, they believe that holes will only let their money dropped off.
My goodness!!!
I dont care about all those craps. Keeping and forcing you not to buy this and that is your own problems. Is your money anyway. Am I right?
When he came back, he put down those 5sticks of marshmallows. Then only he noticed that something at the end of the table tip.
Fatty: What is this?
Xter: I'm not sure. I just saw one waitress passed by our table and putted this box at ur table there
Opening the box...
Fatty: Are you sure?
Xter: Definately...Confirmed! Besides, the waitress was quite pretty too.. What did she left for you?
Fatty: A wallet. A men's wallet ... even is branded!!
Xter: My goodness!! How come the waitress give you one?? Did she even falling for you?
Fatty: Maybe..how does the waitress look like?
Xter: Errr...the waitress was not bad looking. Quite pretty also. And her head got wearing Christmas hat too
and I faster faster put on my headband~
Yea! Meaning...the waitress was ME!! And I admitted myself that I'm pretty that day. Lolx!
Merry Christmas Fatty!!
Because of the wallet,
Because of my gaun,
Because of my lomo camera,
Because of my heels..
I was officially broke this month!!!
But this was once a year. Wallet can be use in a long term, My gaun can be wore again, My lomo camera can be used, and luckily I did bought it on spot - cause they didnt sell it anymore (1st come 1st served) and my heels, I damn love it until I couldnt just leave without having it!
Around 9.20pm, only we left Jogoya by taking some christmas deco pictures with me.
Little house with santa at the front door. Decorate around with christmas lighting and christmas tree too.
And finally, myself...
Ain't im cute wearing this headband? Was present by Teabreak - for only females!
Here's starhill christmas tree
And here's LV lighting..
Outside the KL scene...
And fatty trying to owe this big huge christmas tree for himself =.=""
Since is night and we aint rushing anywhere. We decided to have a walk from Starhill to Times Square. We passed through Sungai Wang...and this is their deco!
I love their swan as it can be moved firmly.
A short distance while walking, I snapped pictures of me and him together.
and again...I so love my cute tiny hat ^^
Came across with this Gelato Fruity
and asked fatty to pose the cute little things that I usually do!!
Hah! He looks cute wut. Lolx!
Finally...Times Square...Here I come!!
With the Merry Christmas shout out on the top of the entrance!!
Since those shops was closed - it's already 10pm. And I thought that they wont be people around... (asked fatty to act cool by sucking at his thumb)
But I was wrong... people was still around, taking pictures. Friends with Friends. Couple with couples.
Anyway, I dont give a damn. I continue to make myself happy, and snapping pictures every where. Overall the pictures I snapped was quite dim. Sorry~
This idea was actually got from - The Curve.
Noticed any funny picture?
Was noticed by fatty. so cute! The upper one will be me! Lolx. and the other one - the male chicken would be FATTY! Hahahahahaha
Overall, when you heads up the top, you will feel that it's snowing ^^
And earlier, I was like a small kid, rushing to have a snap at those snowman. But now.. hah! I dont need to rush. Since everyone gonna go back home...
Look at me! Was so tired!
But still enjoying taking pictures ^^
And here.. Fatty was pretending that it was a snowball
And gonna chew it too!!
Before we goes off...I wanted to have this final pictures taken...at the donation well. Drop a coin, and make a wish ^________^
Merry Christmas,
Signed off - snowman
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