On 5th December 2009.
Woke up at 5.45am, and started to get dress. I wore pink dress that very morning as I dont have time to hunt for a new dress *sucks*. After dressed everything, I went to fetch wykie. Both of us promised to be her chee mui. I dont even know what theme they are wearing nor how many chee mui she have. ^
When reached their place, it was 7.15am. Justin mum asked us to have our breakfast and kept telling us to eat alot. Then only I noticed beside me and wykie...there's another two more girls. One of the girl who set and makeup for the bride. Another one will be taking photos. So only I noticed that we are the only chee mui. All thanks to Wykie who accompany me to go today. Without her, I don't know what should I do as this is my FIRST time to become someone's chee mui. Totally unprepared.
Since Wykie already become chee mui for her friends wedding x4times in a month, and she got experience how is she gonna play the groom before letting him to kiss his bride.
Inside the room, I started to take pictures. *sorry, all photos might not turn out good.
Here's Justin's big brother and his elder sister's two cute little boys. The one Justin sayang the most is the right side. He was still a very small boy when Justin passed away. He didnt manage to met the other younger brother.
And me...taking photo with the pretty bride plus his mum too.
Strike around 8am, and finally the groom came. His hand holding a small bunch of flowers - which is quite pretty. He looks gentleman. Those kind of guy who will not flirt nor go clubbing or smoke. When we were at the kitchen thinking how-to-play out the groom and his brothers, the groom was too GENTLEMAN and sat at the chair outside. He did not bang the gate nor shout to come inside the house. He sat quietly though and waiting patiently.
This is what we did. *nah..i just stand aside. Wykie kept giving them suggestion, but the things or the food - dont have ahhhh.... >< style="font-style: italic;">Sweet, Sour, Bitter, ChillieHot. In canto - is called as Tim, Shuen, Fu, Lat.
While asking them to go through this 2task, me and wykie was placed inside the room with the bride. We are then gonna open the door for the groom to come inside - only when he sang the most loving song for his wife - and it must be his wife's favourite song too. This was a suggestion from Sheirly herself. She wanted to hear her husband sing a song for her, where he never sing for her - not even once. So yeah. This is the chance to grab the opportunity. Infact, I almost cried to hear the song eh! Very touching!! After singing the song, Wykie asked the groom to say LOVE in different languages. The groom said in Canto, Mandarin, Hakka, Xiu Chao, Malay, English, Hokkien, Korean, Japanese, etc. Whoah! And finally he said -
Me, Howen Yuo Choon How L.O.V.E Sheirly Tham Kuan Tee
After sliding the angpow...we opened the door and let the groom get his bride. Here's what they must do when meeting each other.
and finally~
I capture this photo - where Wykie showed me.
Yea! Chicken Little. It was the very day where Justin wanted to buy this Chicken Little for his lil boy from MCD. And Wykie also bought one for herself. Never know, the waiter already put one Chicken Little at one of the tray - where I already took it upstairs. So, when Wykie + Justin came later... there is 3 CHICKEN LITTLE! And of cox, I took the 3rd Chicken Little!
Looking closely, will be this photo frame.
There- Justin and his family when he was around teenager age. (*sob sob*)
From Left: His Father, Mother, Justin, Elder Sister (wedding dress), 3rd Elder Sister (Sheirly) and 2nd Elder brother.
Continue the wedding day. I'm sure Justin also happie for his sister's marriage ^^
They even need to pray for the GOD too (izzit?)
And only starting to pour tea for everyone...including her mother father, brother sister, grandma grandpa, aunties uncles.
This is where her mother gave her. Necklace and Ring
Her elder sister
Her elder brother
Together with Mother and Father
Wykie holding the pretty flowers
Family shot
Chee Mui Shot (part 1)
Chee Mui Shot (part 2) - the one wearing purple standing next to me is the groom's sister. But the right end wearing pink - I dont know who is she. Standing next to the pink dress is the gurl who helped the bride to makeup and set the hair and everything. The other gurl next to wykie is the one who hold the camera the most.
Around 9.30am, we went to the groom's house. He just live opposite of the bride. SO NEAR!!!
Not to leave the car empty, so we didnt walk. We sat at one of the brother's car and round one circle and only go to the apartment - which is just opposite.
Ain't this little boy looks cute? lolx.
We went up to the groom's house. Quite coxy.
Again, they prayed and thanks to their god.
And again, pouring tea for the groom's family...until taking the family pictures of the groom.
Groom's Family
I'm not sure who are they. But I noticed the guy at the right corner...he's the only one facing at my camera.
And I'm think he's cute too. The left and right corner - they are twins. That was when Wykie told me.
I think he's cute cause he's the only 1st guy that drag my eye contact. His face was charming (please dont judge his hair color ok) and he got the BODY that I like too. *blink blink* (too bad....if I am still single, I think Im gonna grab him - if only if he's single-also-la)
Okok..stop all the imagination. Fatty told me that he dreamt about me and him going to Melaka (where I hate to go!) We were happily together and met Jordan Chan (OMGoodness) and Fatty rushed to him and asked him to have an autograph signed (Ok, that was totally awkward). Then, I saw one pretty dress and wore it immediately. And going to a club where only me and Fatty. Suddenly, we have a big argument and I went away with another guy and dance with him (totally so not me - cause I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DANCE!) In sense of - the guy was actually - this guy I was talking about (the guy that wore white standing on the right, I was talking about). Fatty even said that I let him hug me, dance with me and I lean my head at his shoulder. OMFG! And he told me, he was very sad seeing those scene.
He might be thinking too much and that's why he got this beautiful PLUS nightmare! Lolx.
And chee mui's picture again~
Then, we went inside the groom's bedroom. Hahaha.
The kids
Wedding Bed
Ouch. I look sooooo hunchback ><
The wedding album ^^ from Picasso (near Sunway)
We left for a light lunch at Justin's place and then only I fetch Wykie to work. Straight go home and felt asleep zzzZzZZzzz...
Woke up in the evening, and started to get dress for the wedding dinner.
The stage backdrop deco
This is where I sat. At the front corner.
Having a snap with his mother as well. Ain't she's pretty? She even set her hair-eh!!
Finally, me with the bride and groom together. ^^
And...slot in with Fatty too.
Tada..my hair!! Blerkk..
Everyone was busy taking pictures and I was busy eating...I stopped eating when the prince and princess is into the wedding cake and wine. And get busy getting their pictures ^^
Pouring wine from the top to the bottom
Together cutting the wedding cake
Wedding Cake
and so they yummm~
Family photos
Last but not least...I prepared this package for only Justin. Hoping he will be around enjoy himself too...
Red Prosperity
Inside is the mini bun ^^
And tong shui for Justin too. Totally left for him only.
Here's for you - Justin ^^
When we left, me and fatty took our last pictures together.
Awww... I miss Justin!!!! I still remember that scary CNY sms..the day he left us to heaven. He will always be in my heart. My mom sometimes will ask abt him too..Hope his family doing good now! :)
yea..I neva knew that he left us at the CNY day itself..I damn miss him too ... T_T
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