Thursday, June 11, 2009

Not Happy Ady

Not happy arrr...


As 4 of us is under the testing in becoming JR.AD, And all of a sudden, I totally lost intrest in knowing whose going to get the position. I dont care about that position anymore. Really. And somemore, really really the fuktup.

Was very unhappy today while working. Then I chat with my exartdirector. I was quite happy chatting with her and we chatted quite long. I miss that conversation that chatting in MSN... last time I used to work like that. Chatting MSN while working. And though, I chat long time, I will also share with my AD that moment. Then we will gossip, since it's just two of us. Better do some gossiping than zipping the mouth and just let the hand + brain do all the works rite?

So, while chatting chatting via MSN, den my AD (*now) told me and give me sort of a face and say "chat chat chat".

I was ... HUH???

In my heart - Why woh? Chat also cannot ar? Izzit when working time, really need to pay and focus 100% ar?

Let me bring up another story before today's news.

I was playing FB, One of the game actually. And was playing while - I REALLY DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO EXCEPT BURN CD! This game also I intro to one of my colleague too. So, when strike after 7pm, both of us was playing the game. Then my AD got say something " games somemore". Ahem.. After 7pm woh.. I just update my game only ma. Is not that I stay at office and play till hours and hours. But me and another colleague said "it's after 7pm anyway"

So, since he doesnt quite like it, I just update my game while he's aint at his place. Well, da game is a restaurant thingy. Just keep the game update every 3hours only. But if doesnt update, also nvm de. Is just a sudden intrest over the game. And I even tell my colleague that both of us will get bored over this game in no time wan.

Ok, back to the chatting MSN. Since he said those words "chat chat chat", den I told my exartdirector and said, I need to do work adi.

So, I open a new document at adobe and started to type lettering. Since my scope of work is to create a logo or an Icon. There is NO NAME for the logo! But there is just 5 points of indications. That's all. Overall, my AD has told me to come out this three logo that he can think off. And, while I typing the lettering, da AD said "dont just type letter only. Scamp 1st!"


Really really fucking piss me off.




I was so angry inside of me. But I know, I need to control myself. So I did. I just put a silence pause in between the conversation and start to look for refrence on logo and taking out my notebook and pen.

While looking at some of the research, I started SO HARD to draw the FUCKING STUFF! Then AD came near me and say "yoo, copy ideas ar?"

I was, WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT ME TO DO NOW? You asked me to scamp, fine. I go do research and scamp for you. Then, I do research and start my 1st scamping, you bising bising"

I know he wants me to be trained well, and learn hard to scamp, and if possible, DO NOT FIND FOR REFRENCE if it's a minor job or something. But hey, Refrence is KEEPING YOU UPDATE!

You cant always take out ur scamp book and started to scamp. I AM NOT YOU!

I born differently. Not all human are born creativity. Not all human can sketch. NOT ALL HUMAN CAN DO LIKE WHAT YOU CAN DO! Then I complain to my exartdirector. She asked me izzit my AD started to dislike me or something. I told her "maybe, or maybe he reli wan me to focus more on scamp"

Well, I was started my usual design by opening adobe and doing it on computer straightly. For me, I do computer work more faster than doing some lousy scamp. Scamp really takes me hours to do, and in the end, it look like SHIT somemore.

He knows I hate scamp. How come he still force me? He's making me feel very worst that I do hope to QUIT THE JOB! I dont even know how long can I stand. I kept seeing my group going in and out of it. I myself also fedup. And now, he making me worst.

I couldnt tell anyone there, cuz everyone knows he's the perfect one. I know he's the perfect one. Infact, he's the best one too. So, I just complain at blog >.< sad sialz.

I even told exAD that "usually if we do logo, we will do at computer de ma rite? and start choosing the right fonts and start to develope and we will also find some reference de ma" and... I started complain...

Haih.. I gotta go crazy...

But anyway, I LOVE THIS WEEK! Cause Monday and Tuesday, I knock off around 7pm. And Wednesday I knock at 9pm, and Today, I knock off around 7pm also. But I know my AD doesnt quite like it. I just set my mind that, once my job has done.. and if it can be continue tomolo, why should I stay at the office???

I better knock off, and come early the next day for work.