Tuesday, May 4, 2010

R.I.P Petty, the KTM dog

There's an urge for me to browse about Petty, the KTM dog today. I was browsing about his news like 2days once ever since I got the news that he was actually abused by the KTM workers. And, today - I got this news regarding about Petty, that he passed away in his sleep on 2nd May 2010 (Sunday).

RIP Petty...may you rest in peace and you are one of the GOD's love. The time you passed away is because GOD doesn't wants you to suffer the pain you have. He prefer to give you his love and care up in the heaven. You are one of the dog I happened to know, and feed you every week even after I have my Overtime in a very late night or early morning. As I also cared about you and I even know that people might chase you away as your looks is not that good. But, do you know that you have a good heart? I Love You, yet I will keep you in my memory as long as I live.

I called my mum to read from one of the blog I was reading at. It was a sad case that actually my mum tried very hard to call the blogger and the others, just to have a glance of Petty that he is actually REAL SAFE. Promises has been made from some people that they promised her that they will bring my mum to see Petty on weekends. Day after day, and even passed weeks, she got no answers but seating at home waiting for them to call and give her a good news about where is the exact location of Petty is.

I even understand that they need to protect this dog from those strangers (cause some of them might kidnap this dog and put him to sleep so that the case will be turned off. And yes, this dog is still on case!!) as, most of the people wanted to sue this KTM, Kepong Sentral for harshly abusing the dog, Yet, sticking down a stick down his throat and tied him up tightly.

To view for my previous blog: click, Petty, the KTM dog

Am very fucking unhappy to hear that Petty just passed away. It was a sudden news to me. And even, I am very angry that the blogger wrote:-

But we are still not able to understand why someone who cared so much for him allowed him to be continuously abused by the KTM workers.

Well, to the blogger:-

How many people will go and feed one stray dog with full of skin diseases and even go and feed him even it's passed 12am?? I repeat. 12A.M ok?

And yes, I am the one who will drive my mum to the KTM and let my mum feed the dog. My mum has been scolded many times by the KTM workers when they saw her feeding the dog. And yet, they curse my mum too.

So, should I look happy seeing those KTM workers cursing my mum in front of so many passenger walked passed just because my mum wanted to feed the poor dog? And because she does not want to have any quarrel with them, so I will just fetch and accompany her at night and watch over her to see her feed the poor dog.

If my mum is not one of the caring dog type person, I bet, the dog have a very hard life to survive.

And, single storey house can only have one dog in the compound. And yes, I have this dog with us. And he's a stray dog as well. I bet, my dog is much more happy that he have a shelter even it's rain or shine, rather than becoming a stray dog wondering around the road.

So, to the blogger. Please, do not think that asking my mum to keep KTM dog where else we do have one dog with us. Know the rules! One single storey house can only keep one dog. Am I right?

Peeps: For those who wonder, what's the blogger wrote, click Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

And for all I know, I do hope that the action can take against KTM, Kepong Sentral. Shit them for being NO MORAL VALUE at all! They do not know what is the word KASIH SAYANG and yet, they know how to MENDERA BINATANG. Is this their ALLAH teached them while they pray every friday? No right? So, how come malays hate dogs so much? Dogs is also the animal that ALLAH created.

**sorry for my muslim friends. Not that I wanted to talk bad about those malays. Is just that, some minded malays have so call tiny thought that they don't use the brain and yet, afraid of dogs. I do not know, how come they afraid of dogs either. Dogs don't bite if you dont whack or tease or disturb them. Dogs is just human. A living life, and they have their age too. Just like a HUMAN!!!


JLean said...

I feel so sad for this dog petty. Haiz, If I know who's the fella in the KTM station that torture petty, I would torture them as what they torture petty. Sigh.

Xter said...

yah. I will also torture them gau gau!! I will tie their neck and take the long stick and stuck inside their throat, to let them know what is PAIN that the dog has been struggling at. Useless KTM workers!!

jfook said...

This is what I hate about KTM. Stupid KTM!

Anonymous said...

RIP Petty. I came across your blog by the way of the rescuer's blog who had Petty. I saw a post about the abuse to him on Facebook a month or 2 ago. I was sad and shocked. I didn't hear about him again until yesterday. I am thankful he was picked up by rescue and knew comfort before leaving this cruel world. I also read the comments by others and I believe you and your mom did as much as you thought you could. At least he had food and a few friends. So thank you for caring about the stray dogs.

Just a random girl... said...

don't be sad, he's in better place now... GBU... :)